Fair Registration Practices Code – Qualifications for registration

Regulatory bodies must make information publicly available using required registration documents and qualification are to be assessed fairly.

Qualifications for registration

Regulatory bodies must clearly list, in full, the documents required for registration, particularly those used in qualifying an applicant. Where possible, it may be helpful to define the purpose of the document and set out where and how it will be used.

Some questions regulatory bodies should consider when requesting documents are:

  • To what extent is the documentation being asked for a clear indicator that a requirement or certification is met?
  • Are there any alternative methods or proof that may be just as effective?
  • Can the requirement be satisfied via another method – which may be just as effective for the regulatory body?

In addition, regulatory bodies are encouraged to periodically review their registration practices and assessment processes (in whole or in part) to see if the current requirements are still necessary or if there are ways to streamline the process.

Alternative documents

There may be circumstances where an applicant may not be able to provide regulatory bodies certain documents for reasons beyond their control, such as:

  • in the case of refugees
  • an institution is no longer operating or is unable to comply with the regulatory body’s request to disclose

For refugee applicants, regulatory bodies can refer to:

There may be other times or circumstances that warrant the regulatory body to adjust parts of their registration practices in order to accommodate an unusual situation. This event may give rise to the regulatory body reconsidering or re-examining their current processes.

Accommodations for alternative documentation should be available for applicants who are able to establish good reasons.

Regulatory bodies may want to explore other alternatives when evaluating applications, such as competency-based assessments, or prior learning assessments and recognition practices:

Third party assessors

Regulatory bodies sometimes rely on a third-party organization to carry out some parts of their assessment process, such as academic credentials or testing.

The regulatory body should be able to report how the third-party assessor adheres to the general duty for registration practices to be transparent, objective, impartial and procedurally fair when asked. This can be done by:

  • becoming informed about the practices of the third-party organization
  • engaging in proactive communication with the third-party organization on potential adjustments
  • entering into formal agreements with the third-party organization that exhibit the principles of transparency, objectivity, impartiality, and procedural fairness.

How the law applies

Part 1, section 5 of the Fair Registration Practices Act outlines information on qualifications for registration that must be made publicly available, including alternative proof of an applicant’s qualification that may be accepted by the regulatory body.

Section 5 further requires regulatory bodies to ensure that their assessment practices, and assessment practices of any third party, is done in a way that is transparent, objective, impartial and procedurally fair.


In the event of any discrepancy between the information on this page and the Fair Registration Practices Act, the legislation will always prevail.


Connect with the Fairness for Newcomers Office:

Phone: 780-422-6777
Email: [email protected]