Building new apprentice-style programs
We are taking the next step towards expanding the apprenticeship model of learning by encouraging post-secondary institutions to collaborate with industry to propose new certificate and diploma programs.
Approved program proposals will qualify for grant funding to support program design and implementation.
These new programs would provide a majority of education through paid, on-the-job mentorship for students.
This initiative is a key part of the Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs strategy and responds to the recommendations of the Skills for Jobs Task Force.
Next steps
- Program proposals submitted to government by October 31, 2021.
- New programs open for students to access by end of 2022.
Key goals
Empowering students
Expanding apprenticeship-style programs provides more opportunities for students to learn hands-on from experts in their field and apply their learning in real-world settings.
Students will have access to these expanded opportunities by the end of 2022.
Stimulating job creation
By aligning new programs and work placements with key partner industries, this initiative supports Alberta's economic recovery, stimulates job creation, and provides employers more opportunities to grow and develop talent.
Building partnerships
Post-secondary institutions, industry and employers are encouraged to work together to find opportunities for emerging and high-demand occupations that could benefit from an apprenticeship model of learning.
Post-secondary institutions are leading program design, and will collaborate with industry partners to explore new partnerships that benefit students, employers, and our economy.
If you are an employer and would like to mentor a student, please contact your local post-secondary institution.
Key partner industries
New programs will be targeted towards key partner industries:
- Energy
- Agriculture and forestry
- Tourism and hospitality
- Culture
- Technology
- Aviation
- Aerospace and logistics
- Finance and financial technology (fintech)
- Alberta 2030: Expanding apprenticeship education (June 24, 2021)