What we heard

Energy efficiency engagement sessions gave Albertans and technical experts an opportunity to provide their ideas to the Panel.

  • What we heard

The Government of Alberta recently introduced Bill 22: Red Tape Reduction Implementation Act, 2020 that, if passed would move Alberta from two provincially funded emissions-reduction agencies to one – Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA).

The Energy Efficiency Advisory Panel was established to help launch energy efficiency and small-scale renewables programs in the province.

The panel’s mandate included speaking with Albertans, Indigenous communities, local governments, and stakeholders to determine the types of programs that a new provincial agency, Energy Efficiency Alberta, can deliver in the short- and medium-terms. The focus was on programs and opportunities for consumers, businesses and communities.

The panel’s engagement process is now complete. The panel's final report was released in January 2017 and Energy Efficiency Alberta is gearing up to launch initial programs in early 2017.

Getting it Right: A More Energy Efficient Alberta - Complete Report and Appendices

Getting it Right: A More Energy Efficient Alberta - Final Report

Getting it Right: A More Energy Efficient Alberta - List of Appendices

Panel engagement

The panel sought input from stakeholders, Indigenous communities and interested Albertans on how to promote energy efficiency and community energy systems across Alberta, including:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Indigenous communities
  • Agricultural
  • Small and medium enterprise
  • Small industrial
  • Non-profit and voluntary sector/lower income
  • Programs for micro-generation
  • Programs for small-scale alternative and renewable energy generation

Discussion document

A discussion document was developed to help guide the conversation. It outlines key areas and issues the panel wanted to hear Albertans' opinions on, including:

  • Which sectors or areas would you like to see support directed to?
  • What types of programs and technologies would best promote energy efficiency and community energy systems, based on cost-effectiveness and greatest impact of greenhouse gas reductions?
  • Understanding program funding starts from $45 million per year, what level of funding or other support should be offered to different programs?
  • Are there other ways, aside from financial incentives, to help promote energy efficiency and community energy systems?

Energy Efficiency and Community Energy in Alberta: Discussion Document

Participation in the energy efficiency conversation

Almost 700 Albertans attended a series of open houses and technical sessions on energy efficiency, and over 300 online submissions were received.

Public open houses were attended by more than 300 Albertans.

  • Calgary
  • Edmonton
  • Lethbridge
  • Grande Prairie
  • Medicine Hat

Open House Comments

Indigenous community technical sessions involving 29 First Nations and five Métis communities were held in Calgary, Grande Prairie, Lac La Biche, Edmonton, and Fort McMurray.

Indigenous Discussion Summaries

Indigenous Discussion Summary - Calgary

Indigenous Discussion Summary - Edmonton

Indigenous Discussion Summary - Ft McMurray

Indigenous Discussion Summary - Métis Settlements General Council

Indigenous Discussion Summary - Grande Prairie

Indigenous Discussion Summary - Lac La Biche

Indigenous community open house

  • Maskwacis

Non-profit and voluntary sector working group

  • A Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Working Group met with three panel members three times to discuss challenges and opportunities on the impacts on the sectors.
  • Several non-profit and voluntary sector organizations submitted their own views to the Panel directly, highlighting what they see as opportunities related to climate.
  • Online submissions were also considered by the panel.

Stakeholder technical sessions were held on the following topics:

  • Buildings
  • Program Delivery and Implementation
  • Community Energy Systems
  • Municipalities
  • Links Between Energy Efficiency, Schools and K-12 Education in Alberta

Technical sessions

During the technical engagement sessions, sector experts provided ideas to the Panel on the development and delivery of energy efficiency and community energy programming.

July 12 - Buildings - Edmonton

Topics discussed included:

  • Short, medium and long-term vision for Energy Efficiency Alberta, the new crown agency that will deliver programs.
  • Barriers and performance measures for new programs.
  • Metrics for evaluating programming tools and technologies.

Buildings Workshop Summary Report (July 12)

Buildings Workshop Raw Notes (July 12)

July 14 - Program Delivery and Implementation - Edmonton

Topics discussed included:

  • Short, medium and long-term vision for Energy Efficiency Alberta, the new crown agency that will deliver programs.
  • Short-term programs
  • Long-term programs (2018 and beyond)
  • Program criteria Considerations

Program Delivery and Implementation Workshop Summary Report (July 14)

Program Delivery and Implementation Workshop Raw Notes (July 14)

August 23 - Community Energy Systems - Edmonton

Topics discussed included:

  • Enablers of community energy systems in Alberta (for example: micro- and small-scale generation)
  • Effectiveness of enablers
  • Potential timelines and responsibilities regarding enablers

Community Energy Systems Summary Report (August 23)

September 14–15 - Municipalities - Edmonton

Topics discussed included:

  • Types of energy efficiency programming and opportunities that could be developed for municipalities.
  • Possible criteria for how programs and opportunities could be prioritized.
  • Potential roles for the Alberta Energy Efficiency agency, municipalities, and others in these energy efficiency programs and opportunities.
  • Ideas about how to enable uptake and support, including overcoming potential barriers, for new programs and opportunities both throughout communities/among citizens, and within municipal organizations.

Municipalities Workshop Summary Report (September 15)

Municipalities Workshop Raw Notes (September 15)

September 16 – Youth and Education – Edmonton

Topics discussed included:

  • Understanding ways in which K-12 education is an essential strategy to support energy efficiency, climate leadership and Albertans’ work to create a low carbon future.
  • Best practices by students and teachers - what students have accomplished at both elementary and secondary levels – and what needs to change to help this go ‘mainstream’.
  • Best practices by school boards - what school boards have done to deliver on desired outcomes - and what needs to change to help this go ‘mainstream’.
  • Other best practices by stakeholders that strengthen the links between K-12 education and energy efficiency – and what needs to change to help this go ‘mainstream’.

Youth and Education Workshop Summary Report (September 16)

Youth and Education Workshop Raw Notes (September 16)

Submission library

Albertans were also offered the opportunity to submit documents and comments online.

  • Document submissions (~253)
  • Comments (~61)

Submission library

Note: Submissions were reviewed for appropriateness before posting to the library.