Employer responsibilities

Alberta laws require employers to protect employee health, safety and welfare in the workplace.

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Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation requires employers do everything they reasonably can to protect the health and safety of their employees.

This means:

  • ensuring your workers have the skills and training needed to do their jobs in a healthy and safe manner
  • providing competent supervisors
  • preventing violence and harassment in the workplace
  • informing your workers of all the health and safety hazards at the job site
  • setting up safe work practices and ensuring these practices are followed
  • providing safety equipment and training
  • properly labelling and storing dangerous chemicals
  • investigating serious injuries and incidents
  • investigating potentially serious incidents (PSI)
  • working with the health and safety committee or representative
  • meeting  OHS and Employment Standards Code requirements

Employing youth

Know that they are:

  • more likely to get hurt at work
  • less likely to ask questions because they want to make a good impression

To help ensure the safety of young workers, employers and supervisors should:

  • spend ample time training and supervising young and new workers
  • provide emergency procedure and job-specific safety training before any work is assigned
  • pair young workers with experienced, safety-conscious workers
  • regularly check to ensure that everyone follows the health and safety rules
  • instruct them on how to report dangerous work or health concerns, and explain why immediate reporting of hazards or incidents is important
  • encourage young workers to ask questions and talk with their supervisors
  • lead by example – wear protective equipment and demonstrate safe work habits

Employment Standards

Alberta’s Employment Standards laws spell out the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers for:

  • payment of earnings
  • hours of work and overtime
  • vacations and general holidays
  • maternity and parental leaves
  • termination of employment

The rules apply to employees of all ages with some restrictions for young workers for their protection.



Connect with OHS:

Phone: 780-415-8690 (Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-866-415-8690 
TTY: 780-427-9999 (Edmonton)
TTY: 1-800-232-7215

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