Certificate of High School Achievement requirements (English)

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The requirements indicated in this chart are the minimum requirements for a student to attain a Certificate of High School Achievement. The requirements for entry into post-secondary institutions and workplaces may require additional and/or specific courses.

1 To qualify for a Certificate of High School Achievement, students must successfully complete a minimum of one academic Knowledge and Employability course or be identified as a Knowledge and Employability student (710 code) within the 12 months previous to the awarding of the Certificate.
2 See information on exemption from the physical education requirement.
3 See information on exemption from the CALM requirement.
4 Courses that are identified using a post-secondary institution (PSI) course code may be used to meet the certificate requirement of “5 credits in Advanced level (3000 series) in Career and Technology Studies courses.”
5 Students may earn a maximum of 30 credits in Work Experience, but only 15 credits may be used to meet the 80-credit requirement for the Certificate of High School Achievement. Refer to the Off-campus Education Handbook for additional information.
6 See additional Green Certificate information.
7 Refer to the Off-campus Education Handbook for additional information.

80 credits1including the following:

English Language Arts 20-2 or 30-4

Mathematics 10-3 or 20-4

Science 14 or 20-4

Social Studies 10-2 or 20-4

Physical Education 10 (3 credits)2

Career and Life Management (3 credits)3

5 credits in:

  • 30-level Knowledge and Employability occupational course, or
  • Advanced level (3000 series) in Career and Technology Studies courses,4 or
  • 30-level locally developed course with an occupational focus


5 credits in:

  • 30-level Knowledge and Employability Workplace Practicum course, or
  • 30-level Work Experience course,5 or
  • 30-level Green Certificate course,6 or
  • Special Projects 30


5 credits in:

  • 30-level Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) course7
  • Only 5 high school credits for external learning may be used to meet the 80-credit requirement for the Certificate of High School Achievement.
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