Economic corridors

Economic corridors link markets in and out of Alberta, supporting economic, social and environmental activity.


Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors is working to advance economic corridors within Alberta, and looking to the future to build a network that will support the next generation of Albertans and businesses. To achieve our goals, we must take a truly nation-building approach to economic corridors, looking beyond Alberta’s borders to opportunities across the province, the country and the world.

We define economic corridors as trade corridors that provide vital links to markets in and out of Alberta, supporting economic, social, and environmental activity. These trade corridors may include varying types of linear infrastructure. Corridors can involve a broad range of infrastructure including transportation, energy, power, telecommunications and other utilities. In addition to physical infrastructure, corridors include service markets and the coordination of regulations and policies across multiple jurisdictions and sectors.

Highway with vehicles and mountain range in the distance

Economic corridor development

Information on the corridors that run throughout Alberta and connect to other jurisdictions through nation-building infrastructure.

Read about the corridors

Photo of truck on highway


Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors is working to advance economic corridors within Alberta, and also those economic corridors that extend outside the provinces.

See the actions being taken


We want your input, questions and comments about economic corridors, including corridors inside and outside Alberta that should be prioritized, along with current challenges that should be addressed.

Submit your feedback