Early childhood education

Early Childhood Services (ECS) includes Kindergarten and educational programming for children as young as 2 years 8 months of age.

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French-language content for this topic on Alberta.ca is currently being developed. Information will remain available on the Alberta Education website until this is complete.

La page correspondante en français est en cours de préparation sur le site Web Alberta.ca. Pendant cette période de transition, l'information qu'elle contient demeure disponible sur le site Web du ministère de l'Éducation.


Early Childhood Services (ECS) refers to educational programming for children before they enter Grade 1.

ECS includes both Pre-Kindergarten programming dedicated to children who require additional supports and Kindergarten.

Alberta is the only province in Canada that funds education supports for children as young as 2 years 8 months.


Pre-Kindergarten is for children who require additional supports to prepare them for Kindergarten and Grade 1. Children eligible include those:

  • learning English as a second language
  • requiring Francophone programming
  • gifted and talented
  • diagnosed with a mild, moderate, severe disability, or a language delay that is moderate or severe

Children with a severe disability or a language delay that is moderate or severe may start pre-Kindergarten at age 2 years 8 months as of August 31. All other children may begin at age 3 years 8 months as of August 31.

Contact your local school board or independent ECS operator for more information about available programming and registering your child.


Kindergarten is the year prior to entry into Grade 1. Children may start Kindergarten at age 4 years 8 months as of August 31. 

Contact your local school board or independent ECS operator for more information about available programming and enrolling your child.


How to establish an Early Childhood Services (ECS) program

To request an application for an independent (private) ECS, submit requests to edc.privateschools@gov.ab.ca.

New independent (private) ECS applications are received throughout the year.

The deadline for submission to begin operating in September of any given calendar year is October 31 of the previous year and will be noted on the application form. Application process and requirements are further described in the Fact Sheet: Establishing a private ECS.


Connect with Alberta Education for more information about private schools:

Phone: 780-427-6272
Toll free: dial 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: edc.privateschools@gov.ab.ca