Driving suspensions

Understanding the different types of driver’s licence suspensions.

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It is illegal to drive with a licence that has been suspended or disqualified and doing so could result in additional driving suspensions, a vehicle seizure, and fines.

Legal judgment

We have the authority under section 102(1) of the Traffic Safety Act to suspend your driver’s licence and motor vehicle registration because of a judgment passed by an Alberta provincial court for damages you caused during a motor vehicle collision.

Medically-at-risk suspension

Your driver’s licence can be suspended if:

  • you have a physical and/or medical condition(s) which adversely affects your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle
  • you have failed to comply with a request for medical information

We will review your medical documentation and determine if your driver’s licence should be reinstated.

Your driver's licence may be reinstated with:

  • one or more conditions
  • one or more restrictions
  • a reduced driver's licence term

Law enforcement may also issue a 24-hour suspension if you are suspected of driving unsafely due to a medical or physical condition(s).

Administrative driving suspensions

You can receive an administrative suspension if you:

  • are suspended in another Canadian jurisdiction
  • fail to comply with special licensing conditions for example, conditions imposed through Service Alberta’s Special Investigations Unit
  • are under the age of 18 and your parent/guardian withdraws consent for driver’s licensing

Your driver’s licence will be reinstated when you have met the specified reinstatement conditions. Check your Notice of Suspension for your reinstatement conditions.

Once you receive your Notice of Reinstatement, contact any Alberta registry agent to complete reinstatement conditions and obtain a new or replacement driver’s licence.

Notice of Suspension

The Notice of Suspension includes these details of your driving suspension:

  • eligible reinstatement date to get your driver’s licence back
  • required reinstatement conditions

The Notice of Suspension is sent by registered mail to your last address.

If convicted in court where a driving prohibition has been ordered by the judge, you will receive a Confirmation of Suspension by mail and a driving prohibition order.

Under provincial legislation, a Notice of Suspension is considered sufficiently served if it is sent by registered mail to the driver’s last address shown in the Registrar records.

Your driver’s licence suspension will be considered in effect on the fifth business day after the Notice of Suspension is mailed.

Lost notices

Since the Notice of Suspension is system-generated, Driver Fitness and Monitoring is unable to send additional copies. If you have questions regarding delivery and signing authorization, contact Canada Post.

If you lost or did not receive your Notice of Suspension, you can purchase a Suspension Verification Form at any Alberta registry agent. This form provides details of your driver’s licence suspension, including your eligible reinstatement date and any reinstatement conditions included in the Notice of Suspension.

You can also get a copy of your driver abstract at any Alberta registry agent. The abstract is a printed summary of your driving record within a specified period of 3, 5 or 10 years and includes merit and demerit points, convictions, suspensions and any outstanding reinstatement conditions.


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