DRES provides funding for supports and services that help Albertans overcome disability related barriers to employment or education.
To start the application process, visit or contact your nearest Alberta Supports Centre.
Types of supports
- Job search supports can help address barriers for those seeking employment, attending job interviews or taking part in employment programs.
- Workplace supports provide short term supports to help transition into the workplace or to keep current employment and fully participate in the workforce.
- Education supports can assist individuals in pursuing education or training as part of their journey to employment.
Examples of supports and services that may be funded through DRES include:
- assistive devices, equipment and technology such as specialized software, magnifiers and assistive listening devices
- American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting and captioning services
- assistive services for education or training such as an academic aide or note taker
- communication and hearing devices related to work
- workplace access and modification
- vehicle modifications for work related purpose
Items not funded through DRES:
- medical treatments and therapies
- items for daily living
- employment services (for example, job matching, employment and skills training, or wage subsidies)
To apply for DRES funding you must be:
- an Alberta resident and legally entitled to work or train in Canada
- 16 years of age or older
- a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident, or Convention Refugee under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
- employed or employment destined
You may be eligible for funding if you have a disability that is:
- documented
- permanent or long-term and
- creating a barrier to education, training and/or employment
DRES education and training supports are not available to individuals who are attending
- an Alberta Education (kindergarten – grade 12) funded program or
- a publicly funded post-secondary institution in Alberta
If you or your dependant child are attending one of these programs, connect with the school or institution to discuss how to access supports or services to accommodate students with disabilities. More information can be found below.
Connect with the Alberta Supports Contact Centre for more information about the DRES program or how to apply:
Phone: 780-644-9992 or 1-877-644-9992 (Toll free in Alberta)
TTY: 1-800-232-7215 (Toll free in Alberta) and ask to speak to Alberta Supports
If you need in-person services, call or visit your nearest Alberta Supports Centre to request an appointment.