Digital integrated dispositions

Digital Integrated Dispositions (DIDs) is a sharable digital mapping program that keeps track of activities on Alberta’s public land.


The Digital Integrated Dispositions (DID) mapping program started in 2005. This integrated mapping framework helps the Operations Division manage industrial, commercial and agricultural public land dispositions. It reduces duplicate mapping and allows easy access to electronic activity maps of the province’s public land. The system also makes the approval process for new mapping applications more efficient.

Before DIDs

As of April 1, 2009, there were approximately 244,000 public land activities in Alberta. Every year, the number of applications increases.

Prior to 2005, every one of these activities was recorded on maps made of sheets of clear plastic, known as township mylars. As new activities were recorded over time for each township, the hard-copy maps became almost impossible to read.

To view a sample of the mylar maps see:

After DIDs

The DIDs mapping program replaces hard-to-read township mylar maps with clear, digital images of integrated dispositions.

To view a sample of the images in the DIDs mapping program see:

Cost for mapping

As of August 1, 2005, when you apply for a public land disposition, these additional fees are required for the DIDs mapping of each plan:

  • $125 per new application plan
  • $50 per amendment or renewal plan



Connect with support for DIDs:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Email: [email protected]

Connect with the Alberta Energy Regulator:

Toll free: 1-855-297-8311