DBTWG – Apply for Class 1 training grant

Eligibility and how to apply for funding to the Driving Back to Work Grant.

  • Apply for Class 1 training grant

The Driving Back to Work (DBTW) program has reached its maximum participant capacity for this fiscal year.

Application status: Closed


Applicants must submit an application form, supporting documentation, and participate in an interview to be considered for the grant.

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Meet all requirements to get a Class 1 driver’s licence, excluding training and testing requirements the grant will support, namely:
    • Hold an Alberta non-probationary driver’s licence. This means be at least 18 years of age, have exited from the Graduated Driver Licensing Program, can apply for a commercial driver’s licence, have passed a vision screening, and be a resident of Alberta.
    • Have a satisfactory Alberta driver’s medical examination report.
  • Be unemployed or under-employed (receiving Employment Insurance or working 29 hours or fewer per week on average) and able to financially support oneself for the duration of training.
  • Meet Canadian citizenship requirements (Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or convention refugee) and legally entitled to work and train in Canada. Refugees under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act must have:
    • convention refugee status
    • a notice of decision issued
    • a valid work permit
    • applied for and received a study permit
  • Have a clean 3-year driver’s abstract with no demerits, licence cancellations, or suspensions.
  • Be ready, willing, and able to participate in training (assessed in an interview).
  • Planning to seek full-time employment in the commercial transportation industry (assessed in an interview).
  • Have sufficient English language skills to succeed in driver training and testing as commercial licensing is only available in English (assessed in an interview).

How to apply

The Driving Back to Work (DBTW) program has reached its maximum participant capacity for this fiscal year. 

Application status: Closed

If you meet the eligibility requirements above, follow these steps to apply:

  1. Read the Driving Back to Work Grant Program Applicant Guide.
  2. Fill out the Driving Back to Work Grant Program Application Form.
  3. Submit the completed application form and attachments to Ballad Group at db2w@balladgroup.ca
  4. Follow directions from Ballad Group to complete the application process.

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.


For questions related to applications, eligibility, and the status of your grant application, contact:

Ballad Group
Phone: 1-855-295-7180 (Ext 1)
Email: db2w@balladgroup.ca
Website: Driving Back to Work Grant Program – Ballad Group

950, 10104 103 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta Canada  T5J 0H8