Post-secondary system – Data collection and research

Find out how data and research are used to improve higher education in Alberta.


Data collection and reporting keeps the post-secondary system accountable to:

  • learners
  • taxpayers
  • government

This information helps:

  • students make informed decisions about their learning options
  • institutions continuously improve their programs and services
  • ensure system accountability
  • government make informed decisions

Financial data and accountability

Government collects data about:

Government collects data about:

  • institutional financial operations
  • program costs
  • tuition and fees

Publicly funded institutions also provide planning and reporting documents to government, including:

Comprehensive 3-year institutional plans include:

  • business goals and objectives
  • access plan to create opportunities for learners to take part in post-secondary learning
  • research plan for ongoing improvement
  • financial projections for 3 years

Integrating these plans into one document provides a more complete look at the institution’s planned direction. You can find these plans on your post-secondary institution’s website.

Annual reports share an institution’s progress towards meeting the goals identified in their comprehensive institutional plan. These reports provide updates on several types of goals, such as:

  • strategic
  • program
  • financial

Annual reports are submitted to the Minister of Advanced Education, as required by the Post-Secondary Learning Act. These reports also include the institution’s audited financial statements, and any other information required by the Minister.

Government also reviews accountability reports for Independent Academic Institutions.

Publicly funded post-secondary institution annual reports

Publicly funded institutions must post annual reports on their website:

Government uses this data to get a better understanding of institutions’ operations and oversee accountability and coordination within the system.

Student information

What we collect

Government collects data about:

  • enrolment
  • applications
  • graduate and labour market outcomes
  • graduate satisfaction with their post-secondary experience

What we do with it

Reports created to share information with institutions and Albertans include:

Apprenticeship surveys and statistics

Research about industry needs is used to help apprenticeship programs stay relevant.

Overview of Alberta's public post-secondary system

This information helps us understand how many people are likely or planning to attend post-secondary, how many are currently enrolled in the system and projected future enrolment:

Graduate outcomes surveys

These surveys provide valuable information about post-secondary graduate outcomes by credential type and program of study, read the latest graduate outcomes survey results or past surveys.

Post-secondary labour force and industry information

Student aid surveys and statistics

  • Alberta Student Aid: Statistical Profiles contains statistics on Alberta Student Aid programming, including:
    • number of students funded
    • dollar amounts provided for loans, grants, scholarships and awards
    • funded student demographic profiles
    • debt and income of Alberta public-post secondary students


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