The Daily Physical Activity initiative is based on the following beliefs:
- healthy students learn better
- students’ physical activity levels need to increase
- teachers, schools and school authorities can support students in developing positive habits for a healthy, active lifestyle
School authorities will ensure all students in grades 1 to 9 are physically active for at least 30 minutes each day through activities organized by the school.
Daily physical activities should:
- vary in form and intensity
- take into account each student's ability
- consider resources available within the school and community
- allow for student choice
School authorities can offer daily physical activity:
- through instructional hours, non-instructional hours, or a combination of both
- during the day in a 30-minute period or blocks of time that add up to 30 minutes a day
- within physical education classes or other subject areas
- Guide to Education
- Daily Physical Activity Survey Report
- Daily Physical Activity Handbook
- Objective Measures of Physical Activity Levels of Alberta Children and Youth
- Daily Physical Activity for Children and Youth: Literature Review
- Ever Active Schools
- Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia