Daily Physical Activity initiative

Policy, principles and procedures for schools to help students get active each day and develop positive habits for healthy lifestyles.


The Daily Physical Activity initiative is based on the following beliefs:

  • healthy students learn better
  • students’ physical activity levels need to increase
  • teachers, schools and school authorities can support students in developing positive habits for a healthy, active lifestyle


School authorities will ensure all students in grades 1 to 9 are physically active for at least 30 minutes each day through activities organized by the school.


Daily physical activities should:

  • vary in form and intensity
  • take into account each student's ability
  • consider resources available within the school and community
  • allow for student choice


School authorities can offer daily physical activity:

  • through instructional hours, non-instructional hours, or a combination of both
  • during the day in a 30-minute period or blocks of time that add up to 30 minutes a day
  • within physical education classes or other subject areas
