Transportation prepares and approves the closure of road plans, statutory road allowances and unregistered public roads (such as, forestry roads) by Ministerial Order.
Alberta Crown land includes:
- land titled to Alberta and non-patent land within Alberta
- provincial parks
- most of the beds and shores of naturally occurring lakes, rivers, streams (Section 3, Public Lands Act)
- most of the beds and shores of wetlands if they are permanent and naturally occurring bodies of water (Section 3, Public Lands Act)
Exceptions to Alberta Crown land include:
- federal Crown lands – National Parks, Military Reserves, Indigenous lands, surrendered Indigenous lands
- grant or title specifically including bed and shore
- court-defined rights – rights to the bed and shore defined by a court of law
Closure requests
We accept road closure requests from:
- Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors
- Alberta government ministries
- Government of Canada
Submit the request to:
Executive Director
Technical Standards Branch
2nd Floor Twin Atria Building
4999 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3
Submit all other requests for road closure affecting Crown land by email to Environment and Protected Areas.
Environment and Protected Areas review the request, provide referral comments and request closure by Transportation and Economic Corridors.
Required technical documents
The following documents must be submitted to Transportation with the closure request:
- relevant background information (related agreements)
- referral or response from affected municipality
- sketches that show road closures clearly marked in red – requirement of Environment and Protected Areas
- legal descriptions for the road closures requested, including the description of the hectares and acres per quarter section, as well as for any intersections
Send questions or electronic submissions to [email protected].
Highways Development and Protection Act:
- Section 38 for road plan closures
- Section 38.1 for all other road types
- Section 3
District offices
Contact the Development and Planning Technologist with your District Office using the Map of Transportation Region and District Offices.
Use the Transportation District Office Contact List to find an office closest to your community.