Annual returns for corporations, cooperatives, and organizations

Keep your corporation, cooperative, or non-profit organization active and in good standing by filing your annual return.

Virtual meetings

Organizations can provide meeting notices, conduct meetings and hold votes using digital technology, if their bylaws do not prohibit it.

If organizations want to meet and vote in person, or if their bylaws already allow for online meeting and voting, no changes are required.

If organizations want to meet and vote electronically, but their bylaws prohibit such actions, the bylaws need to be adjusted.


Service providers will charge a government fee and a service fee for filing annual returns for Alberta and out-of-province corporations.

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Alberta corporation

You must submit an annual return to an authorized Corporate Registry service provider. A reminder will be sent to your corporation’s registered office one month before the anniversary of incorporation.

If you do not file the annual return, your corporation may be dissolved.

Step 1. Gather shareholder information

You will need to collect the following information for your top 5 shareholders:

  • names
  • addresses
  • percentages of issued voting shares

Step 2. Fill out the form

Step 3. Take your information to a service provider

You need to take your form to an authorized Alberta service provider. You will need to take:

  • your annual return
  • valid ID
  • fee payment

If your information meets requirements, the service provider will enter it into the Corporate Registry computer system.

Out-of-province corporation

If your corporation's home province is British Columbia, Manitoba or Saskatchewan, you do not have to file an annual return in Alberta.

If your corporation is from another province or country, you will have to file annual returns in Alberta. You will follow the same process as Alberta corporations, shown above.

Alberta cooperative

You must submit an annual return to Corporate Registry. A reminder will be sent to your cooperative shortly after the fiscal year end.

If you do not file the annual return, your cooperative may be dissolved.

There is no fee to file the annual return.

Step 1. Gather information

Prepare a list of officers and directors effective as of the annual meeting date. Include the following information:

  • names
  • title
  • addresses
  • Canadian residency status

You must also gather the following information:

  • annual meeting date
  • fiscal year end
  • number of members
  • cooperative’s email address

Step 2. Fill out the form

Step 3. Send the form to Corporate Registry

Corporate Registry
Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Box 1007 Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 4W6

Out-of-province cooperative

If your cooperative is incorporated in British Columbia, Manitoba, or Saskatchewan, you do not have to file an annual return in Alberta.

If your cooperative is from another province or country, you must submit an annual return to Alberta Corporate Registry. A reminder will be sent to the agent for service in Alberta close to the anniversary date of registration.

If you do not file the annual return, your cooperative’s Alberta registration may be cancelled.

There is no fee to file the annual return.

Step 1. Gather information

Prepare a current list of officers and directors. Include the following information:

  • names
  • title
  • addresses

You will also need to provide an email address for the Alberta agent for service for the cooperative.

Step 2. Fill out the form

Step 3. Send the form to Alberta Corporate Registry

Corporate Registry
Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Box 1007 Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 4W6


Connect with Corporate Registry

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-7013
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

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