After charges are laid, an employer, supervisor, worker, supplier, service provider, owner, contracting employer, prime contractor, or temporary staffing agency can:
- be acquitted
- be found guilty
- have their charges withdrawn or stayed
If found guilty
When the Court decides a work site party (defendant) is guilty, the convicted party may be sentenced with:
- a fine
- imprisonment
- corporate probation
- creative sentence
Or a combination of one or more of the above.
Fines for a first offence under the OHS Act Section 48(1) can be up to $500,000 and/or up to 6 months in prison per violation. If the convicted party(s) continues the first offence, they can also get an extra fine of up to $30,000 per day.
Fines for a second or subsequent offence can be up to $1 million and/or up to 12 months in prison per violation. If the convicted party(s) continues the offence, they may also be subject to an extra fine of up to $60,000 for each day which the offence continues.
All fines are subject to a 20% victim surcharge.
Corporate probation
In certain circumstances, in addition to a fine, the court may order probation for a corporation. Conditions for probation may include safety training, public acknowledgment of the offense, third party audit of policies/procedures or any other condition the Court feels appropriate. Terms of probation are usually 6 months to 3 years.
Creative sentences
The OHS Act Section 49 provides additional powers of the Court to make directions. This type of sentencing diverts funds that would otherwise be paid as fines to third party recipients that promote occupational health and safety. These sentences are often referred to as creative or alternative sentences.
Examples of projects that promote occupational health and safety include:
- training or educational programs
- research programs
- scholarships for educational institutions offering studies in OHS and related disciplines
- non-profit organizations for worker health and safety initiatives
- any other purpose the Court considers appropriate to achieve healthy and safe work sites
Convicted is: Emcon Services Inc.
Date of conviction: March 10, 2025
Location of Offence: Acheson
Date of Offence: August 15, 2022
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was cleaning up debris on a highway when they were struck by a vehicle. The worker was seriously injured.
Conviction: Emcon Services Inc., being an employer, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker who was struck by a motor vehicle while performing debris clearance work on a highway. They were fined $180,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Eastern Irrigation District
Date of conviction: February 19, 2025
Location of Offence: Brooks
Date of Offence: October 19, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: A diver was engaged to assess, inspect and/or complete work at the Rolling Hills Reservoir and Lake Newell reservoir gates. During the dive, the diver suffered fatal injuries.
Conviction: Eastern Irrigation District pleaded guilty to contravention of section 437 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for failure to ensure the flow through the intake of a pipe, tunnel, duct or similar installation in the vicinity of a dive, was stopped and the intake mechanism was locked out before the dive began. They were ordered, under OHS Act section 49, to pay $300,000 in favour of Central Alberta Rescue Diving Society (o/a Underwater Search Team) for equipment and training. They were also ordered, under the same section, to pay $65,000 in favour of Alberta Underwater Council for a safety campaign directed towards divers and employers.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Graham Construction and Engineering Inc.
Date of conviction: January 31, 2025
Location of Offence: Calgary
Date of Offence: December 10, 2021
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was completing roof work, removed plywood covering an opening, intending on accessing a work area concealed by the covering. As the cover was removed, the worker fell through the opening, falling a distance of 4.5 metres. The worker was seriously injured.
Conviction: Graham Construction and Engineering Inc., being an employer, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 314(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for failure to ensure a temporary cover used to protect an opening or hole, had a warning or marking clearly indicating the nature of the hazard posted near or fixed to the cover. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act section 49, to pay $109,000 in favour of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) to subsidize education and professional studies courses that address key aspects in the construction industry:
- Construction Safety
- Project Risk Methods and Practices
- Communicating Effectively
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Supervisory Skills
- Conflict Management
- Mental Health for Trades Professionals
All other charges were withdrawn against Graham Construction and Engineering Inc. et al.
Convicted is: Excel Projects Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 27, 2025
Location of Offence: Edson
Date of Offence: March 5, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: An equipment operator was preparing a CAT D4H pipelayer sideboom for transport. While the operator was on top of the tracks at the entry to the open cab, the pipelayer drive mechanism became engaged. The operator was pulled between the moving track and side boom lower support arm, resulting in fatal injuries.
Conviction: Excel Projects Ltd., being an employer, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 368 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for failure to ensure an operational control, a parking brake lever, on equipment, a sideboom pipelayer, was designed, located or protected to prevent unintentional activation, and was suitably identified to indicate the nature or function of the control. They were fined $5,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge. Additionally, they were ordered, under OHS Act section 49, to pay $225,000 in favour of Olds College for the establishment of the Gerry Kennard Safety Award Scholarship for students enrolled in the Heavy Equipment Operator (HEO) program and to pay $120,000 to Portage College for the establishment of the Gerry Kennard Safety Award Scholarship for students enrolled in the HEO program.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Ihawk Construction Ltd. and Utopia Construction Inc.
Date of conviction: January 16, 2025
Location of Offence: Calgary
Date of Offence: January 2, 2023
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was using a portable ladder placed next to an uncovered opening in the floor. The portable ladder slipped and toppled over, with the worker, through the uncovered opening into the basement. The worker was seriously injured.
Conviction: Ihawk Construction Ltd., being an employer, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health, safety and welfare of workers engaged in the work of that employer, workers not engaged in the work of that employer but present at the work site at which that work was being carried out, and other persons at or in the vicinity of the work site who could be affected by hazards originating from the work site. Ihawk was fined $168,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge.
All other charges against Ihawk Construction Ltd. were withdrawn.
Utopia Construction Inc., being a prime contractor, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 10(7)(a) of the OHS Act, for failure to establish a system or process that would ensure compliance with the Act, the regulations and the OHS Code in respect of the work site, including a system or process to ensure cooperation between the employer and workers in respect to health and safety. Utopia Construction Inc. was fined $168,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge.
All other charges against Utopia Construction Inc. were withdrawn.
All charges against Rajwinder Kaur and Rajwinder Singh were withdrawn.
Convicted is: West Coast Scaffolding Inc.
Date of conviction: November 4, 2024
Location of Offence: Peace River
Date of Offence: June 11, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: A scaffolder was dismantling a section of scaffold at a pulp mill when they fell. The worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: West Coast Scaffolding Inc., being an employer, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health, safety and welfare of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. West Coast Scaffolding Inc. was ordered, under OHS Act section 49, to pay $350,000 in favour of Athabasca County and the Caslan Volunteer Fire Department to support training and the purchase of new rescue equipment.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Global Sport Resources Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 31, 2024
Location of Offence: Tofield
Date of Offence: March 31, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was conducting rink demolition/reclamation duties when a support beam broke free and struck the worker who then fell approximately 1.5 m from a step ladder.
Conviction: Global Sport Resources Ltd., being an employer, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 189 of the OHS Code, failure to ensure, where a worker may be injured if equipment or material was dislodged or moved, a beam on a structure known as a Lift Gate, did fail to take all reasonable steps to ensure that it was contained, restrained or protected to eliminate the potential danger. They were fined $25,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge and placed on enhanced regulatory supervision for two years. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act section 49, to pay $100,000 in favour of Alberta Municipal Health & Safety Association (AMHSA) to develop and implement a Line of Fire Awareness Campaign for Arena (or greater Recreation Centre) construction and renovation hazards as well as a Line of Fire e-course. Under the same section, they were ordered to pay $75,000 to STARS Air Ambulance for operation costs in Alberta.
All other charges were withdrawn against Global Sport Resources Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against Reward Construction Ltd.
Convicted is: Glenmore Fabricators Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 15, 2024
Location of Offence: Calgary
Date of Offence: August 16, 2021
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was moving a steel beam using an overhead crane when it released from the rigging, striking and pinning the worker. The worker sustained fatal injuries.
Conviction: Glenmore Fabricators Ltd. pleaded guilty to section 13(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, where this code required anything to be done in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and they were not available or did not exist, failed to develop and comply with procedures that were certified by a professional engineer as designed to ensure that a thing was done in a safe manner or had the equipment certified as safe to operate by a professional engineer at least every 12 calendar months.
They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge and placed on two years of enhanced regulatory supervision. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act section 49 to pay $174,000 in favour of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology for the purchase of equipment to support the electrical and welding apprenticeship programs and $25,000 in favour of Manufacturers’ Health and Safety Association to enhance the rigging resource centre website.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: O'Reilly Oilfield Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 7, 2024
Location of Offence: Valleyview
Date of Offence: July 7, 2021
Type: Serious incident
Description: A work crew was discontinuing a well site using a portable flare stack to burn off excess gas. A disruption in the line sent fluid into the line and caused a fire. A worker positioned near the flare stack sustained serious burn injuries.
Conviction: O’Reilly Oilfield Services Ltd, being a supervisor, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 4(1)(a)(ii) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, for failure to take all precautions, by adequately controlling use of a portable flare knock-out and associated equipment, necessary to protect the health and safety of every worker under the supervisor’s supervision. They were fined $90,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn against O’Reilly Oilfield Services Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against Canadian Natural Resources Limited.
Convicted is: HTK Iron Works Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 2, 2024
Location of Offence: Burdett
Date of Offence: February 1, 2023
Type: Fatality
Description: A labourer was fatally injured when a windbreak panel fell on the worker as the panel was being pushed out of the manufacturing facility with a forklift.
Conviction: HTK Iron Works Ltd. pleaded guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. They were fined $360,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Jeffrey Ryan Gross
Date of conviction: September 24, 2024
Location of Offence: Calgary
Date of Offence: December 10, 2021
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was completing roof work and removed plywood covering an opening, intending on accessing a work area concealed by the covering. As the cover was removed, the worker fell through the opening, falling a distance of 4.5 metres. The worker was seriously injured.
Conviction: Jeffrey Ryan Gross, being a work site superintendent, pleaded guilty to contravention of section 4(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to take all precautions necessary to protect the health and safety of the worker by failing to ensure that a temporary cover used to protect an opening or hole, had a warning or marking clearly indicating the nature of the hazard posted near or fixed to the cover, in accordance with section 314(3) of the OHS Code, contrary to section 4(a)(i) of the OHS Act. He was fined $30,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn against Jeffrey Ryan Gross.
Convicted is: Sonic Coating Solutions Inc.
Date of conviction: May 22, 2024
Location of Offence: Leduc
Date of Offence: October 30, 2021
Type: Fatality
Description: Four workers were transferring pipe from the abrasive blasting building to the paint shop for painting. One of the workers was struck by the section of pipe being moved and fatally injured.
Conviction: Sonic Coating Solutions Inc., being an employer, pled guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure, by preventing a worker from standing in proximity to or under a suspended load, the safety of their workers, other workers and other persons in the vicinity of the work site who could be affected by hazards originating in the work site. They were fined $350,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Isolation Equipment Services Inc.
Date of conviction: April 24, 2024
Location of Offence: Red Deer
Date of Offence: January 13, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: An overhead crane operator was positioning a valve bonnet when the equipment released from rigging, striking and pinning a worker. The worker sustained fatal injuries.
Conviction: Isolation Equipment Services Inc. pleaded guilty to contravention of section 189 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, for failure to take all reasonable steps to ensure, where a worker could be injured if equipment or material was dislodged or moved, that the equipment or material was contained, restrained or protected to eliminate the potential danger. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge. In addition, they were ordered , under the Occupational Health and Safety Act section 49, to pay a creative sentence of $359,000 to Energy Safety Canada to develop supervisor and competency programs targeting those who work with new, young and inexperienced workers.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Westpower Equipment Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 22, 2024
Location of Offence: Calgary
Date of Offence: March 3, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker operating an overhead crane was installing a pump cover when the cover released from rigging, struck, and pinned the worker. The worker sustained fatal injury.
Conviction: Westpower Equipment Ltd. pleaded guilty to section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, for failure to ensure the health, safety and welfare of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. They were fined $330,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Boucher Bros. Lumber Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 15, 2024
Location of Offence: Nampa
Date of Offence: September 28, 2022
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was seriously injured when they came into contact with the blades of a planer.
Conviction: Boucher Bros. Lumber Ltd. pleaded guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failing to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer who was seriously injured when removing debris from equipment known as a planer when it was unsafe to do so.
They were ordered, under OHS Act section 49, to pay $102,000 in favour of Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA) for a Mill Safety Education Campaign that includes the development of a series of educational videos aimed at the lumber industry.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 4, 2024
Location of Offence: Fort McKay
Date of Offence: June 6, 2021
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was operating an excavator to build a berm when the bank slumped into the fresh water. The cab of the excavator was fully submerged, and the worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: Syncrude Canada Ltd. pled guilty to section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer by permitting the worker to operate a John Deere excavator on a ramp with an over-steepened slope. Syncrude Canada Ltd. was ordered, under OHS Act section 49, to pay $390,000 in favour of the David and Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management (ESRM), the UAlberta Geotechnical Centre and Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association (AMHSA). The funds will be used for the development of an employer best practice guide and field-ready mobile app for trenching, excavation and adjacent work. This will give real-time training, work planning and decision support to enhance safe work practices for this work. All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Brooks Asphalt and Aggregate Ltd.
Date of conviction: March 6, 2024
Location of Offence: Brooks
Date of Offence: July 23, 2021
Type: Fatality
Description: A loader operator was cleaning out a gravel bin with a running conveyor and was asphyxiated in the gravel.
Conviction: Brooks Asphalt and Aggregate Ltd., being an employer, pled guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the safety of workers engaged in the work of that employer, by means of ensuring that no worker clear, clean, or work in proximity to any device including a conveyor which was capable of movement. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay a creative sentence of $50,000 to Brooks Fire Department for the purchase of new equipment (Jaws of Life) and $244,000 to Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) for:
1. 3D incident recreation video
2. series of micro learning videos
3. toolbox talk resource guide
4. safety session hosted by ACSA open to all industries.All other charges against were withdrawn.
All charges against Smith Group Holdings Ltd. were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Marathon Underground Constructors Corporation
Date of conviction: March 1, 2024
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: March 7, 2022
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was directed to get a piece of plywood to cover a piling hole at a construction site. The worker found a piece of plywood on the ground. When the worker lifted the plywood and took a step, they fell into a hole and sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: Marathon Underground Constructors Corporation pled guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker, by failing to ensure the worker was unable to remove a cover from an open hole in the ground without mechanical assistance. Marathon Underground Constructors Corporation were ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay a creative sentence of $144,000 to Alberta Construction Safety Association in support of the development of a series of micro learning videos and a toolbox talk resource document.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Xtreme Oilfield Group Inc.
Date of conviction: January 15, 2024
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: November 22, 2021
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was testing pipe that was under pressure when a check valve broke and contacted the worker, causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Xtreme Oifield Group Inc pled guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer, who was fatally injured when removing a check valve from a test head. They were fined $350,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine.
All charges were withdrawn against Nexar Sicim Pipeline Ltd. and Xtreme Oilfield Technology Ltd.
Convicted is: Great Northern Plumbing Inc.
Date of conviction: January 10, 2024
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: August 10, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was seriously injured when crushed by a load of steel pipe that fell off a rack that collapsed under the excessive load placed upon it.
Conviction: Great Northern Plumbing Inc. pled guilty to contravention of section 12(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code for failure to ensure the rated capacity or other limitations on the operation of the equipment, or any part of it, as described in the manufacturer’s specifications or specifications certified by a professional engineer, were not exceeded.
They were fined $102,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
SA Energy Group, a Partnership
Date of conviction: November 23, 2023
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: October 27, 2020
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was fatally injured while a trench box was being disassembled in relation to pipeline activities.
Conviction: SA Energy Group, a Partnership, being an employer, pled guilty to contravention of 7(1)(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation for failure to ensure, where the Occupational Health and Safety Act, a regulation or an adopted code requires work to be done in accordance with a manufacturer’s specifications or specifications certified by a professional engineer, that the manufacturer’s specifications were readily available to the workers responsible for the work, dismantling a trench box. SA Energy Group, a Partnership was fined $196,800 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.La Crete Sawmills Ltd.
Date of conviction: November 7, 2023
Location of offence: La Crete
Date of offence: March 31, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker attempted to unjam a planer when it was unsafe to do so.
Conviction: La Crete Sawmills Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer; the worker was fatally injured when unjamming equipment known as a Planer when it was unsafe to do so. La Crete Sawmills Ltd. were ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay a creative sentence of $295,000 in favour of the Fort Vermilion School Division. The school will use the funds to implement instructor-led courses for their students in Grades 10-12 regarding work place safety systems, work place safety practices, Foundations in Industry Workplace Safety 35 and first aid. The school will also provide online safety courses for high school students in:
- Lockout/Tagout
- Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS)
- Elevated work Platform
- Workplace Violence and Harassment
- Confined Spaces
- Crane Safety
- Forklift Safety
- Skid-steer Safety
- Ground Disturbance
- H2S Alive
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods
All other charges were withdrawn.
Inland Machining Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 26, 2023
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: August 16, 2019
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was operating a manual lathe to polish a work piece when the worker was drawn into the rotating work piece and entangled on it. The worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: On October 26, 2023, Inland Machining Services Ltd., being an employer, was found guilty and convicted on 13 counts of which 8 were conditionally stayed. They were fined a global penalty based on the remaining 5 counts for contravention of:
- Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer by failing to ensure the worker was protected from being injured while operating a European Lion lathe machine.
- Section 12(d) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure equipment, a European Lion lathe machine, was operated, handled, serviced, tested, adjusted, maintained or repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications set out in the service manual for the lathe.
- Section 310(2)(a) of the OHS Code, failure to provide safeguards if a worker could accidentally, or through the work process, come into contact with moving parts of machinery or equipment, a Modern lathe machine.
- Section 310(2)(a) of the OHS Code, failure to provide safeguards if a worker could accidentally, or through the work process, come into contact with moving parts of machinery or equipment, a Poreba lathe machine.
- Section 310(2)(a) of the OHS Code, failure to provide safeguards if a worker could accidentally, or through the work process, come into contact with moving parts of machinery or equipment, a Nardini lathe machine.
The total fine amount was $420,000 inclusive of the 20 per cent victim fine surcharge. One charge was dismissed and all other charges were withdrawn.
On November 17, 2023, Inland Machining Services Ltd. filed an appeal on the conviction and sentencing with the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta.
On November 13, 2024, the Court dismissed the appeal in its entirety. The stay of sentence was lifted.
Convicted is: Emcon Services Inc.
Date of conviction: June 12, 2023
Location of offence: Vegreville
Date of offence: October 6, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Two Emcon operators were conducting machine service duties. One worker became lodged into a slow-moving conveyor, resulting in a serious injury.
Conviction: Emcon Services Inc. was convicted of contravening section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker by permitting the worker to work near moving parts of a sand mixing machine when it was unsafe to do so. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge and placed on two years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay $89,000 Vegreville Fire Services to purchase PPE and equipment for firefighting and emergency response.
All other charges were conditionally stayed or dismissed.
Convicted is: Spilak Tank Truck Service Ltd.
Date of conviction: July 12, 2023
Location of offence: Slave Lake
Date of offence: January 11, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was off loading produced water from a tanker truck and became entangled in the power take-off causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Spilak Tank Truck Service Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of section 12(b)(i)& of the Occupational Health and Safety Code for failure to ensure equipment, a shaft extension coupler assembly, was maintained in a condition that would not compromise the health or safety of a worker using it. They were fined $275,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge.
The remaining charge was withdrawn.
Finning International Inc.
Date of conviction: September 15, 2023
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: March 31, 2021
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers, employed by Finning International Inc, were attempting to remove a counterweight from an excavator for maintenance work. While removing the last of six bolts, the counterweight fell onto the workers resulting in a fatality and a serious injury.
Conviction: Finning International Inc. pled guilty to contravention of section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure equipment, a counterweight, was serviced, tested, adjusted, calibrated, maintained, repaired and dismantled in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications or the specifications certified by a professional engineer. They were fined $1000, inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay $414,000 in favour of Energy Safety Canada for the development of training materials for the management of critical hazards during maintenance and service operations for heavy mobile equipment.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Emcon Services Inc.
Date of conviction: June 12, 2023
Location of offence: Vegreville
Date of offence: October 6, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Two Emcon operators were conducting machine service duties. One worker became lodged into a slow-moving conveyor, resulting in a serious injury.
Conviction: Emcon Services Inc. was convicted of contravening section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker by permitting the worker to work near moving parts of a sand mixing machine when it was unsafe to do so. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge and placed on two years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay $89,000 Vegreville Fire Services to purchase PPE and equipment for firefighting and emergency response.
All other charges were conditionally stayed or dismissed.
Convicted is: Spilak Tank Truck Service Ltd.
Date of conviction: July 12, 2023
Location of offence: Slave Lake
Date of offence: January 11, 2022
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was off loading produced water from a tanker truck and became entangled in the power take-off causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Spilak Tank Truck Service Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of section 12(b)(i)& of the Occupational Health and Safety Code for failure to ensure equipment, a shaft extension coupler assembly, was maintained in a condition that would not compromise the health or safety of a worker using it. They were fined $275,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge.
The remaining charge was withdrawn.
Convicted is: Calgary Pallet Inc.
Date of conviction: July 6, 2023
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: November 4, 2021
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was removing cut pieces of lumber from an operating pallet notcher when they got their hand caught in one of the cutting heads on the unit. The worker was seriously injured.
Conviction: Calgary Pallet Inc. pled guilty to all three of the counts they were charged with for contravening:
- Section 3(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure that a worker was adequately trained in all matters necessary to protect their health and safety before they began performing a work activity.
- Section 13(1) of OHS Regulation, where work was to be done that could endanger a worker, did fail to ensure that the work was done by a worker who was competent to do the work or working under the direct supervision of a worker who was competent to do the work.
- Section 13(2) of OHS Regulation, being an employer who developed a procedure or other measure respecting the work at a work site, failed to ensure that a worker affected by the procedure or measure was familiar with it before the work was begun.
They were ordered, under Section 49 of the OHS Act, to pay $37,500 in favour of the Manufacturers’ Health and Safety Association (MHSA) to fund a sponsorship program open to women, and persons who identify as women, in the manufacturing industry to enhance their careers by achieving Manufacturing Safety Officer (MSO) or Manufacturing Safety Administrator (MSA) designations. Under the same legislation, they were also ordered to pay $37,500 in favour of the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) to fund a sponsorship program open to women, and persons who identify as women, in the construction industry to enhance their careers by achieving National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) or National Health and Safety Administrator (NHSA) designations. In addition, they were placed on two years of enhanced regulatory supervision.
Convicted is: Brewster Inc.
Date of conviction: May 1, 2023
Location of offence: Jasper
Date of offence: July 18, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A bus rolled over on an off-road tour at the Columbia Icefield that resulted in the bus driver being seriously injured and causing deaths and injuries to passengers.
Conviction: Brewster Inc. pled guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker by failing to mandate seat belt usage. They also pled guilty to the contravention of section 3(1)(a)(iii), for failing to ensure the health and safety of a passenger at or in the vicinity of the work site who could be affected by hazards originating from the work site of that employer, by failing to control the hazard of the grade of the slope of the lateral moraine. Brewster Inc. was fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge. Additionally, under section 49 of OHS Act, they were ordered to pay $365,000 in favour of the University of Alberta to fund research regarding safe operation of off-road multi-passenger vehicles. Under the same legislation, Brewster Inc. was also ordered to pay $109,000 to STARS for operational costs.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Emcon Services Inc.
Date of conviction: April 18, 2023
Location of offence: Mannville
Date of offence: December 16, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Three workers were struck by a vehicle when conducting pot hole repairs on Highway 16.
Conviction: Emcon Services Inc. pled guilty to contravention of section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of their workers who were struck by a car when working on a highway. Emcon Services Inc. was fined $142,000 inclusive of the 20% victim fine surcharge
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Christina River Construction Ltd.; Suncor Energy Service Inc.
Date of conviction: April 14, 2023
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: January 13, 2021
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was fatally injured when the bulldozer the worker was operating broke through the ice on a tailings pond.
Conviction: Christina River Construction Ltd. pled guilty, as a contractor, to violation of section 9(1) of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the work site and every work process under their control did not create a risk of health and safety to any person. They were fined $50,000 inclusive of a 20% victim fine surcharge (VFS). In addition, they were ordered to pay a Creative Sentence, under Section 49 of OHS Act, of $275,000 in favour of Keyano College with $200,000 to be used to fund a Memorial Scholarship and a Memorial Safety Award, both in the worker’s name, and $75,000 of the Funds to be used to subsidize safety courses for: a) Forklift Safety; b) Skid Steer; c) Telehandler/Variable Reach Forklift/Zoom Boom; and d) Wheeled Loader/Front End Loader.
Suncor Energy Service Inc., as prime contractor, pled guilty to violation of section 10(5)(b) of OHS Act, for failure to coordinate, organize and oversee the performance of all work at the work site to ensure that no person was exposed to hazards arising from activities at the work site, by permitting John Deere Dozer operation on an area of a tailings pond known as Drill Site GL 084, Pond 8B when available ice measurements showed that the minimum ice thickness was not 17 inches, as required by Suncor’s “Pond 8B Drill site Construction Safe Work Plan”. They were fined $50,000 inclusive of a 20% VFS. In addition, they were ordered to pay a Creative Sentence, under Section 49 of OHS Act, of $370,000 in favour of Lynch School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management for a research project to improve industry and regulatory practices for recognizing and managing hazards in oilsands mining operations, to protect worker safety.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Vincent Roberts
Date of conviction: January 16, 2023
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: August 21, 2020
Type: Fatality
Description: A roofer was working on a residential roof when they fell off, resulting in fatal injuries.
Conviction: Vincent Roberts pled guilty to Section 139(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for failure to ensure workers were protected from falling at a temporary work area where the workers could fall a vertical distance of 3 metres or more. Mr. Roberts was fined $40,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn against Vincent Roberts.
All charges were withdrawn against Roberts Roofing 2017 Inc.
Convicted is: Vanoco Supervision Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 9, 2023
Location of offence: Municipal District of Greenview
Date of offence: March 10, 2019
Type: Fatality
Description: A floor hand was assisting the rig manager and the wellsite supervisor to move a skid mounted pump house. The floor hand, standing between the bulldozer and the pump house, was hooking a tow chain from the skid of the pump house to the ripper tooth on the bulldozer. The wellsite supervisor, operating the bulldozer, inadvertently backed into the floor hand and pinned the floor hand between the dozer and the pump house causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Vanoco Supervision Ltd. pled guilty to Section 12(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, failure to ensure that all equipment used at a work site, a chain, was of adequate strength for its purpose. They were fined $275,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn against Vanoco Supervision Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against Precision Drilling Corporation et al, Vanoco Consulting Ltd., Codeco-Vanoco Engineering Inc. and Whitecap Resources Inc.
Convicted is: Cross Borders Consulting Ltd.
Date of conviction: November 7, 2022
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: January 19, 2020
Type: Fatality
Description: A derrick hand was removing a pipe from the carousel of a sonic drilling rig when the pipe jammed. The derrick hand reached in to unjam the pipe and inadvertently activated the retract level, pinning the derrick hand between the carousel and pipe arm and causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Cross Borders Consulting Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the safety of workers engaged in the work of that employer by preventing work using a broken, dysfunctional, or malfunctioning machine (or part of a machine). They were fined $324,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on two years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Polytubes 2009 Inc.
Date of conviction: November 4, 2022
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: October 6, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was operating a radial saw that resulted in a hand being seriously injured and an admission to hospital.
Conviction: Polytubes 2009 Inc. pled guilty to contravention of Section 12D of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for for failing to ensure equipment, a radial arm saw, was installed, assembled, operated, handled, adjusted or maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications or the specifications certified by a professional engineer. They were ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay $100,000 in favour of Manufacturers’ Health and Safety Association (MHSA) to develop and deliver e-course learning on Power Tool Safety.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: McCann’s Building Movers Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 31, 2022
Location of offence: Cochrane
Date of offence: October 9, 2020
Type: Fatality
Description: A crew of workers were in the process of moving a portable classroom into place with a flatbed truck. A worker was underneath the portable classroom as the unit was moving into place when the worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: McCann’s Building Movers Ltd. pled guilty to Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. They were fined $320,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Kikino Metis Settlement
Date of conviction: September 22, 2022
Location of offence: Kikino
Date of offence: March 10, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was assisting in the removal of ice damming and the relocation of rig mats. When a rig mat was pushed towards the worker, it struck the worker and caused serious injuries.
Conviction: Kikino Metis Settlement pled guilty to contravention of Section 7(1) of the OHS Code for failure to assess a work site and identify existing and potential hazards before work began.
They were ordered, under Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 49, to pay $8,500 in favour of the Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association to be used to conduct a gap analysis of Kikino’s health and safety management system and create an action plan for improvement. In addition, they were placed on 18 months of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Town of Picture Butte
Date of conviction: September 6, 2022
Location of offence: Picture Butte
Date of offence: July 16, 2020
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A junior lifeguard on their first day at work sustained serious injuries after falling a distance of 3 metres into the deep end of the empty pool basin at the Cor Van Raay Community and Recreation Centre in the Town of Picture Butte.
Conviction: Town of Picture Butte pled guilty to Section 139(1)(a) of the OHS Code for failing to ensure that a worker was protected from falling at a temporary or permanent work area where the worker could fall a vertical distance of 3 metres or more. The town was ordered, under OHS Act Section 49, to pay $30,000 in favour of Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association (AMHSA) for an aquatic safety awareness campaign aimed at municipalities, and to pay $57,000 to Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service (STARS) air ambulance.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Trendwood Limited
Date of conviction: August 26, 2022
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: January 10, 2020
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was fatally injured when run over by a rail car the worker was moving.
Conviction: Trendwood Limited pled guilty to contravention of Section 139(1)(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code for failing to ensure that a worker was protected from falling, if a worker could fall at a temporary or permanent work area, a vertical distance of less than three metres if there was an unusual possibility of injury. They were fined $150,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 18 months of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Joseph Ogden
Date of conviction: August 8, 2022
Location of offence: Leduc
Date of offence: March 4, 2019
Type: Fatality
Description: Workers were conducting balcony repair duties on a fourth floor balcony when a worker fell into an unsecured railing. The worker fell off the balcony and sustained fatal injuries.
Conviction: Joseph Ogden as an employer, pled guilty to Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer by failing to ensure that their worker was protected from the hazard of falling. He was fined $80,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on three years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn against Joseph Ogden.
All charges were withdrawn against Homefront Property Maintenance Ltd.
Convicted is: Amyotte's Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Date of conviction: May 13, 2022
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: September 20, 2019
Type: Fatality
Description: While servicing a parkade vacuum truck, a mechanic elevated the rear of the truck using a bottle jack and jack stands. After completing the work, the mechanic tried to lower the rear of the truck back down. While doing so, the mechanic became lodged between the floor and bumper of the truck and was fatally injured.
Conviction: Amyotte’s Plumbing & Heating Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of Section 261 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure that if elevated parts of powered mobile equipment were being maintained or repaired by workers, the parts and the powered mobile equipment were securely blocked in place and could not move accidently.
They were fined $170,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Emcon Services Inc.
Date of conviction: April 25, 2022
Location of offence: Camrose
Date of offence: June 12, 2019
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was tasked with assisting in the lowering of equipment ramps on a tandem trailer when the ramps released, striking the worker causing serious injury.
Conviction: Emcon Services Inc. pled guilty to contravention of Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act for failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker, worker 1, by failing to adequately manage, supervise or direct workers 1, 2 and 3 in the safe performance of their work while using a defective trailer. Emcon Services Inc. was fined $86,250 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Insituform Technologies Limited
Date of conviction: April 1, 2022
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: March 21, 2019
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was rolling tubing into the back of a tractor trailer with hydraulic rollers in order to push the tubing to the back when the worker’s arm got caught in the rollers. The worker suffered serious injuries to their arm.
Conviction: Insituform Technologies Limited pled guilty to Count 2, contravention of Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of worker 1, by failing to adequately supervise, audit the work and discipline the workers. They were fined $100,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Precision Trenching Inc.
Date of conviction: February 16, 2022
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: October 30, 2018
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was inside a trench greater than 3 metres (m) deep by 6 m wide to level it out when the south bank gave way, covering the worker to their neck. Other workers in the area, with the use of an excavator, removed the worker from the trench and initiated cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The worker was transported to hospital in serious condition, later succumbing to their injuries.
Conviction: Precision Trenching Inc. pled guilty to contravention of Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to ensure their worker’s safety by failing to ensure that the walls of an excavation were sufficiently or adequately cut back. They were fined $275,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge. All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Northern Services (1978) (High Level) Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 9, 2021
Location of offence: High Level
Date of offence: September 1, 2020
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was in an excavation installing the bottom section on a septic tank when a portion of the excavation released and struck the worker. The worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: Northern Services (1978) (High Level) Ltd. pled guilty to Section 443(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure as an employer to stabilize the soil in an excavation by shoring or cutting back. They were ordered under Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 49 to pay $360,000 in favour of Northern Lakes College to fund Industrial Safety Training.
All other charges against Northern Services (1978) (High Level) Ltd. were withdrawn.
All charges against Thomas Gramson were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Grove RV and Leisure Inc.
Date of conviction: November 9, 2021
Location of offence: Spruce Grove
Date of offence: March 11, 2019
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was fatally injured while towing a tri-axle 5th wheel RV unit with a John Deere tractor. The worker was found, pinned between the RV and tractor in a jack-knife position, by another worker.
Conviction: Grove RV and Leisure Inc. pled guilty, to Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker by failing to ensure that excessive loads were not towed by the tractor. They were ordered, under OHS Act Section 75, to pay $185,000 in favour of Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP) for the development of an e-course and toolkit aimed at the RV Industry. They were also placed on two years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Millennium Cryogenic Technologies Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 13, 2021
Location of offence: Leduc
Date of offence: November 15, 2018
Type: Fatalities
Description: Three workers were fatally injured when they entered an oxygen-depleted confined space that lacked required safety features.
Conviction: Millennium Cryogenic Technologies Ltd. pled guilty, as an employer, to three counts:
- Section 3(1)(a) of the OHS Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of workers engaged in the work of that employer by means of safe design of its processes and equipment.
- Section 3(1)(d) of the OHS Act, failure to ensure, by means of training or employment of a competent supervisor, their workers were supervised by someone competent and familiar with this Act, Regulations and OHS Code that applied to the work performed at work site.
- Section 45(a) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure that where a worker would enter a confined or restricted space to work, that a competent person was appointed by the employer to identify and assess the hazards the worker was likely to be exposed to while in the confined or restricted space.
They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on three years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $499,000 in favour of Energy Services Canada to create a train-the-manager program for confined spaces. A 3D animated incident recreation will be developed.
All other charges were withdrawn against Millennium Cryogenic Technologies Inc.
All charges were withdrawn against John McKay.
Convicted is: Hank’s Feedmill Service Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 29, 2021
Location of offence: Picture Butte
Date of offence: March 15, 2019
Type: Fatality
Description: A delivery driver employed by Transport Madric (inter-provincial trucking company) was dropping off materials. A Hank’s Feedmill Service Ltd. forklift operator was unloading the materials when a pipe rolled off the trailer and fatally injured the delivery driver.
Conviction: Hank’s Feedmill Service Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of Section 3(1)(a)(ii) of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker not engaged in work of employer but present at work site. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay:
- $25,000 for Crossroads Counselling Centre to provide free counselling services in Southern Alberta to those impacted by serious or fatal workplace incidents who would not otherwise qualify for services or resources by WCB, insurance etc.
- $50,000 for Picture Butte Emergency Services to support required staff training and essential rescue equipment for 20 volunteer firefighters, 8 volunteer fire officers and 14 paid-on-call EMS members.
- $99,000 for Alberta Workforce Essential Skills Society (AWES) and Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) for development of new course that will bridge an existing language barrier for English as a Second Language (ESL) workers by developing language and essential skills supports contextualized in the trucking industry to help participants understand and apply technical and safety content.
All other charges against Hank’s Feedmill Service Ltd. were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Troy Gouchey
Date of conviction: September 13, 2021
Location of offence: Entwistle
Date of offence: October 22, 2018
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was retrieving equipment from a trench when the northwest wall of the trench collapsed on top of them. The worker was extricated from the trench and transported to the hospital where they were admitted.
Conviction: Troy Gouchey pled guilty to Section 4(a)(ii) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, being a supervisor, for failure to protect the health and safety of a worker, by failing to ensure that the worker was suitably trained and competent to safely perform work in and around an excavation. Mr. Gouchey was fined $24,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1.5 years of probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against Troy Gouchey, and all charges were withdrawn against HR Investments Ltd.
Convicted is: 9819746 Canada Incorporated operating as RENOCON
Date of conviction: August 18, 2021
Location of offence: Airdrie
Date of offence: September 28, 2018
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Two workers were using gas-powered concrete saws to cut flooring in a retail space for the installation of plumbing systems when they were exposed to elevated levels of carbon monoxide and had to be taken to hospital for treatment.
Conviction: 9819746 Canada Incorporated, operating as RENOCON, pled guilty to contravention of two counts under Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, for failure to ensure the health and safety of two of their workers, by failing to ensure that they were protected from the hazard of carbon monoxide exposure. 9819746 Canada Incorporated, operating as RENOCON, was fined $120,000 ($60,000 per count) inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges against 9819746 Canada Incorporated, operating as RENOCON, were withdrawn.
All charges were withdrawn against 9819746 Canada Incorporated and Abdul Sheikh.
Convicted is: Crystal Services Inc.
Date of conviction: August 10, 2021
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: October 9, 2018
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Workers were tasked with moving a rink chiller from a mechanical room to a temporary storage area located outside. During transportation the unit became unstable; it tipped and fell onto a worker causing serious injury.
Conviction: Crystal Services Inc. pled guilty to contravention of Section 258(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code; they failed to ensure where the movement of a load or the cab, counterweight or any other part of powered mobile equipment created a danger to their worker, that they did not permit their worker to remain within range of a load or a part, and the operator did not move the load or the equipment if a worker was exposed to danger. They were fined $95,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 908732 Alberta Ltd. operating as Forest Lawn Parts Depot
Date of conviction: July 5, 2021
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: June 18, 2018
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was in the process of removing a rear bumper from a partially dismantled vehicle for recycling. While the worker was under the vehicle, the vehicle moved and fell on the worker. The worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: 908732 Alberta Ltd. operating as Forest Lawn Parts Depot pled guilty to contravention of Section 7(2) of the OHS Code, failure to prepare a report of the results of a hazard assessment and the methods used to control or eliminate the hazards identified. They were fined $185,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on two years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
Convicted is: Ja-Co Welding & Consulting Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 24, 2021
Location of offence: Nisku
Date of offence: December 27, 2018
Type: Fatality
Description: Workers were fabricating a metal skid when acetylene gas ignited causing an explosion. One worker suffered fatal injuries, one sustained life altering injuries and other workers were also injured.
Conviction: Ja-Co Welding & Consulting Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of 2 counts:
- Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failing to ensure the health and safety of their worker, worker 1
- Section 3(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of their workers by failing to use a leak detection system in the acetylene shack.
Ja-Co Welding & Consulting Ltd. was ordered, under OHS Act Section 75, to pay $300,000 in favour of Safety in Schools to collaborate with the Manufacturers Health and Safety Association to fund the expansion of online OHS education focussed on manufacturing and fabrication (welding hot work). They were also placed on 2 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Dale Campbell
Date of conviction: February 16, 2021
Location of offence: Grimshaw
Date of offence: October 16, 2017
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers were using a compact track loader to add dirt to level postholes while constructing a perimeter fence. The worker on the ground was struck by the bucket and sustained fatal injuries.
Conviction: Dale Campbell pled guilty to Section 2(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to protect the safety of another worker by failing to ensure that, while operating a loader in the proximity of the other worker, that the other worker was not injured by the loader. Dale Campbell was fined $70,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on two years of probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against Dale Campbell, 1020610 Alberta Ltd. and 1020610 Alberta Ltd. operating as PGA Crop Inputs.
Convicted is: Candesto Enterprises Corp.
Date of conviction: December 2, 2020
Location of offence: Airdrie
Date of offence: September 12, 2017
Type: Fatality
Description: A track hoe operator was positioning concrete road barriers with two workers assisting on a trailer deck. The workers were in the process of removing a road barrier from the trailer when the load was struck by a passing vehicle. The load reversed direction striking one of the workers, causing fatal injury.
Conviction: Candesto Enterprises Corp. pled guilty to contravention of Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. They failed to ensure the health and safety of their worker(s) by failing to adequately train employees. They were fined $1150 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on up to 2 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act Section 75, to pay $170,850 in favour of Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA) for the development of a safety course aimed at those who work around traffic.
All other charges were withdrawn against Candesto Enterprises Corp.
All charges were withdrawn against Candesto Enterprises Inc., Candesto North Inc. and Safe Roads Alberta Ltd.
Convicted is: JBS Food Canada ULC
Date of conviction: November 24, 2020
Location of offence: Brooks
Date of offence: May 14, 2018
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A maintenance mechanic was demonstrating the operation of a hide wringer to two other workers when the mechanic’s arm was caught and drawn into the unguarded hide wringer. The mechanic sustained significant life-altering injuries as a result.
Conviction: JBS Food Canada ULC pled guilty to contravention of two counts: Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act for failing to protect the health and safety of a worker; they failed to ensure a DEC hide wringer was fitted with a safeguard to its in-feed side to prevent injury to the worker and Section 12(1)(d) of the Alberta Regulation for failing to ensure equipment used at a work site, an MSI hide wringer, was free from an obvious defect, the absence of a safeguard on its in-feed side. They were fined $500 per count inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered, under OHS Act Section 75, to pay $131,000 in favour of Alberta Food Processors Association (AFPA). AFPA will create, over the course of a year, an online, one-hour, 3D simulation safety training program for workers in the food processing industry in equipment training and demonstration.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Lafarge Canada Inc.
Date of conviction: November 20, 2020
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: November 25, 2017
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers were using a gantry crane to move precast concrete slabs in the storage yard. After being placed on racks and unhooked from the crane, one slab tipped over and pinned one of the workers against a second slab, causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Lafarge Canada Inc. pled guilty to contravention of Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to protect the health and safety of their worker; they failed to ensure that storage racks used to hold concrete panels were free of snow and/or ice. They were ordered, under Section 75 of the OHS Act, to pay $320,000 in favour of the Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA), in partnership with the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) and the Manufacturers Health and Safety Association (MHSA), to fund the development of a training course and educational resources focused on material handling and load securement.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Triple M Housing Ltd
Date of conviction: November 6, 2020
Location of offence: Lethbridge
Date of offence: May 15, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was struck by a falling steel roof truss stand from the mezzanine area above. The worker was admitted to hospital because of the injuries sustained in the incident.
Conviction: Triple M Housing Ltd. pled guilty to contravention of Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act for failure to protect the health and safety of a worker; they failed to provide instruction on where stands should have been placed. They were ordered, under OHS Act Section 75, to pay $135,000 in favour of the Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Weatherford Canada Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 15, 2020
Location of alleged offence: Lloydminster
Date of offence: August 4, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Workers were conducting pressure testing when the equipment being worked on began spinning out of control. Two workers were injured by the equipment.
Conviction: Weatherford Canada Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, 2 counts for failure to protect the health and safety of their workers by permitting a machine or equipment to operate without an operator at the controls.
They were fined $115,000 for count 9 and $46,000 for count 10, inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 336239 Alberta Ltd. operating as (o/a) Dave’s Diesel Repair
Date of conviction: August 19, 2020
Location of alleged offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: December 19, 2017
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was overcome by carbon monoxide gas while in the upstairs change/lunch rooms. A suspected mechanical fault of the boiler exhaust system in the mechanical room leading to carbon monoxide being introduced into the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
Conviction: 336239 Alberta Ltd. o/a Dave’s Diesel Repair pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker by failing to ensure that the worker was protected from exposure to carbon monoxide poisoning caused by a leak from a gas-fired boiler system.
They were fined $150,000 inclusive of the Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on two years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn against 336239 Alberta Ltd. o/a Dave’s Diesel Repair.
All charges were withdrawn against 336239 Alberta Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against Dave’s Diesel Repair.
Convicted is: Vesta Energy Corp.
Date of conviction: July 28, 2020
Location of offence: Rural Municipality of Lacombe County
Date of offence: November 2, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A waterline was pressurized by a compressor to move a pig in the hose in order to remove an ice blockage that had formed. The pig came out at the open end of a coupling with force causing the hose to swing violently. A worker onsite sustained serious injuries when struck by the hose.
Conviction: Vesta Energy Corp. pled guilty to 215.5(2) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure there were no workers at the end of the pipe or in the immediate vicinity of the pigcatcher if the pipe or pigcatcher were under pressure during the operation. They were fined $75,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against Vesta Energy Corp.
All charges were withdrawn against Vesta Energy Ltd.
Convicted is: Aecon Transportation West Ltd.
Date of conviction: July 14, 2020
Location of offence: Duchess
Date of offence: August 21, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was tasked with removing a rock lodged between a roller and conveyor belt of a power screen unit when the worker’s left hand became entangled causing serious injury.
Conviction: Aecon Transportation West Ltd. pled guilty to Section 310(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code for failing to provide a safeguard if a worker could accidentally, or through the work process, come into contact with moving parts of machinery or equipment. They were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $80,000 in favour of the Southern Alberta Medicair Society (HALO Air Ambulance); and $30,000 to the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service Foundation (STARS Air Ambulance).
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Jasper Auto Parts (1965) Ltd.
Date of conviction: July 2, 2020
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: December 29, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker at an auto wrecking facility had retrieved a truck chassis from the yard and brought it to the garage to remove a muffler system. Jack stands were placed underneath the rear of the vehicle chassis in order for the work to be done. During the removal process the chassis shifted and fell off of the jack stands pinning the worker underneath. The worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: Jasper Auto Parts (1965) Ltd. pled guilty to Section (15) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code for failure to ensure that where the OHS Code requires equipment to be approved by a named organization, an employer must use best efforts to ensure that the seal, stamp, logo or similar identifying mark of that organization was on the equipment and legible. They were fined $170,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges against Jasper Auto Parts (1965) Ltd. were withdrawn. All charges were withdrawn against 1733233 Alberta Ltd., 1733233 Alberta Ltd. operating as Jasper Auto Parts, and Jasper Auto Parts (1965) Ltd. operating as Jasper Auto Parts.
Convicted is: BDJ Construction Inc.
Date of conviction: June 23, 2020
Location of offence: Bow Island
Date of offence: April 20, 2018
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A young worker was loading insulation batts into an insulation shredder/blower machine. The worker placed their leg into the machine to push down an insulation batt when their foot was caught by the machine agitating bars. The worker was partially drawn into the machine and suffered a serious injury.
Conviction: BDJ Construction Inc., as an employer, pled guilty to Section (2)(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act for failing to ensure the health and safety of a worker. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $80,000 in favour of Safety in Schools Foundation of Canada to fund the design, development and delivery of an interactive, online course for educators to help them better understand their responsibilities toward the health and safety of students participating in work experience programs.
All other charges were withdrawn against BDJ Construction Inc. All charges were withdrawn against Abram Bergen Peters.
Convicted is: Howell's Excavating Ltd.
Date of conviction: May 5, 2020
Location of offence: Innisfail
Date of offence: March 28, 2018
Type: Serious Incident
A crew was removing trees from a residential property with a chainsaw and an excavator. The tree being felled “bounced” when it hit the ground and struck the chainsaw operator. The chainsaw operator was taken to the Red Deer hospital with serious injuries.
Conviction: Howell's Excavating Ltd. pled guilty to Section 12(d) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure that equipment, an Echo CS-530 chainsaw, was operated in accordance with the specification of a professional engineer or with manufacture’s specifications. They were fined $10,000 inclusive of the 20% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1 year of Enhance Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $35,000 in favour of STARS air ambulance.
Convicted is: Enmax Power Services Corporation
Date of conviction: March 13, 2020
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: April 23, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Two workers were doing an inspection while working from a bucket on a rail truck. The rail truck lost traction causing the bucket to come into contact with the entrance of a tunnel. Both of the workers suffered serious injuries as a result.
Conviction: Enmax Power Services Corporation pled guilty to Section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code for failing to ensure equipment and supplies were erected, installed, assembled, started, operated, handled, stored, serviced, tested, adjusted, calibrated, maintained, repaired and dismantled in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or the specifications certified by a professional engineer. They were fined $5034.75 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $150,000 in favour of the Safety in Schools Foundation of Canada to fund the development and delivery of an online Risk Tolerance Application and Course.
All other charges were withdrawn against Enmax Power Services Corporation.
All charges were withdrawn against Enmax Corporation and Enmax Power Corporation.
Convicted is: Element Technical Services Inc.
Date of conviction: March 12, 2020
Location of offence: Veteran
Date of offence: August 3, 2017
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was completing a pressure test on the coil tube connector. The worker was positioned over the well head and was inadvertently contacted in the face by the test pipe, sustaining fatal injuries.
Conviction: Element Technical Services Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act for failure to protect the health and safety of their worker. They failed to ensure that there was adequate and/or detailed written safe work procedures for pressure testing equipment known as blowout preventers (BOPs). They were fined $5,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $310,000 in favour of the Energy Safety Canada for a pressure hazards awareness program.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: GP Reload Inc.
Date of conviction: March 9, 2020
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: February 1, 2017
Type: Fatality
Description: An operator for Wapiti Carriers Inc., contracting to Pipestone Carriers Inc., was delivering a load of lumber at the GP Reload laydown yard. In the process of offloading the lumber, the load collapsed and struck the operator causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: GP Reload Inc. pled guilty to Section 7(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code for failure to prepare a report of the result of a hazard assessment and the methods used to control or eliminate the hazards identified. They were fined $1,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1.5 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $159,000 in favour of the Grande Prairie Regional College/Continuing Education for the purposes of covering tuition for a variety of short safety courses, such as Forklift Operation, Wheeled Loader Operation and Cargo Securement.
Convicted is: Summit Transport & Hauling Ltd.
Date of conviction: March 5, 2020
Location of offence: Grande Cache
Date of offence: November 6, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A shop worker turned on a grinder causing the ignition of a flammable substance in the sump/floor drain. This led to an explosion that seriously injured workers and damaged the building and equipment.
Conviction: Summit Transport & Hauling Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of workers engaged in the work of that employer. They were fined $1,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $84,000 in favour of the Grande Cache Fire Department for the purpose of enhancing the department’s internal and external safety training programs.
Convicted is: 2032321 Alberta Ltd. operating as (o/a) Lazer Wash
Date of conviction: February 11, 2020
Location of offence: Red Deer
Date of offence: August 18, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: Three workers were in the process of repairing a pump from a barrel of solvent when one worker used a lighter and ignited the solvent creating a flash fire. All three workers received severe burn injuries.
Conviction: 2032321 Alberta Ltd. operating as (o/a) Lazer Wash pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to ensure the health and safety a worker by failing to develop procedures for safely storing, using and/or handling the product named Clear Dressing.
They were fined $40,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1.5 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Horton CBI, Limited.
Date of conviction: January 31, 2020
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: March 21, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker had been welding on a large bitumen storage tank under fabrication when the worker fell from the board and bracket scaffold about 60 feet to the ground below. The worker received fatal injuries as a result of the fall.
Conviction: Horton CBI, Limited pled guilty to Section 139(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure that where a worker could fall a vertical distance of 3 metres or more, the worker was protected from falling at a temporary or permanent work area. They were fined $200,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1.5 years of Enhanced Regulatory Supervision.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted are: APM Construction Services Inc.; Ground Zero Grading Inc.
Date of conviction: January 22, 2020
Location of offence: Canmore
Date of offence: June 26, 2015
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A contractor was excavating for footings and foundations at a new development site and struck a gas main. This resulted in an explosion which destroyed one home and damaged several others. No workers were injured. One worker was taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure.
Ground Zero Grading Inc. pled guilty to Section 447(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure locate marks for buried or concrete-embedded facilities were re-established if activities at the work site moved or destroyed the locate marks. On June 19, 2019, they were fined $28,750 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS). All other charges against Ground Zero were withdrawn.
APM Construction Services Inc. pled guilty to Section 10(1)(a) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure that where emergency action was required to control or eliminate a hazard that was dangerous to the health and safety of workers, only those workers competent in correcting the condition, and the minimum number necessary to correct the condition, could be exposed to the hazard. On January 22, 2020, they were fined $75,000 inclusive of the VFS. All other charges against APM Construction Services Inc. were withdrawn.
The charge against Andrew Paucaud was withdrawn.
The charge against Jerry Arbeau was withdrawn.
Convicted is: D & J Isley & Sons Contracting Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 7, 2020
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: August 7, 2015
Type: Serious Injury
Description: An equipment operator and a second worker were travelling to their work site in an all-terrain vehicle when it stalled on a sloped road. The vehicle began to roll downhill and the brakes did not work so the equipment operator steered the vehicle into a washout ditch. The 2 workers were injured in the accident.
Conviction: D & J Isley & Sons Contracting Ltd. was found guilty of violating Section 12(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations, failing to ensure equipment was maintained in a condition that would not compromise the safety of workers using it; they were fined $97,750 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS). They were also found guilty of violating Section 15(1) of the OHS Regulations, failing to ensure a worker was trained in the safe operation of the equipment the worker was required to operate; they were fined $23,000 inclusive of the VFS. In total they were fined $120,750. D & J Isley & Sons Contracting Ltd. was also placed on one year of enhanced regulatory supervision through Section 75 of the OHS Act which is similar to corporate probation.
All other charges were withdrawn or conditionally stayed.
These court proceedings took place March 11, 2019. On April 8, 2019, D & J Isley & Sons Contracting Ltd. filed an appeal. On December 2, 2019, the Court of Queen’s Bench heard their appeal. The Judge delivered their decision on January 7, 2020, upholding the sentence with amendments to the enhanced regulatory supervision conditions.
Convicted is: Town of Drayton Valley
Date of conviction: December 19, 2019
Location of offence: Drayton Valley
Date of offence: August 3, 2017
Type: Fatality
Description: A summer student was cutting grass with a riding lawn mower around a pond. The lawn mower slid into the pond and flipped over, trapping the worker. The worker was fatally injured.
Conviction: Town of Drayton Valley pled guilty to Section 12(d) of the OHS Code, being an employer, failed to ensure that equipment, a John Deere riding lawnmower, was operated in accordance with the specifications of a professional engineer or with the manufacturer’s specifications, which state: “Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, embankments, or bodies of water”. They were fined $25,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $300,000 in favour of the Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association. The Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association will use the funds to address gaps in current training for workers and supervisors involved in lawn maintenance. All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Dynamic Furniture Corp.
Date of conviction: December 12, 2019
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: August 25, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was in the process of cleaning sawdust and other material accumulated from the processing of press-board through an edge banding machine when the worker’s hand contacted a cutting blade causing serious injury.
Conviction: Dynamic Furniture Corporation pled guilty to Section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure that equipment, in this case the edge bander, was installed, operated, handled, serviced, tested, adjusted, maintained or repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications or the specifications certified by a professional engineer. They were fined $100,000 plus the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge for a total fine of $115,000.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Spar Roofing & Metal Supplies Limited operating as Spar Marathon Roofing Supplies
Date of conviction: November 18, 2019
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: September 29, 2016
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was securing a load on a trailer. The worker stepped onto a pallet that had been raised by a forklift. The pallet broke and the worker fell approximately 3.9 metres (m) to the ground. The worker suffered serious injuries.
Conviction: Spar Roofing & Metal Supplies Limited pled guilty to Section 349(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure a work platform mounted on the forks of powered mobile equipment and intended to support a worker (a) was commercially manufactured or, if not commercially manufactured, was designed and certified by a professional engineer, (b) had guardrails and toe boards, and (c) had a screen or similar barrier that prevented a worker from touching any drive mechanism. They were fined $89,900 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: LaFarge Canada Inc.
Date of conviction: October 23, 2019
Location of offence: La Glace
Date of offence: July 25, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers were operating a recycler machine conducting road resurfacing activities on a secondary highway. The machine was not equipped with a rollover protective structure. The machine rolled over into a ditch adjacent to the road, and the two workers suffered fatal injuries as a result.
Conviction: LaFarge Canada Inc. pled guilty to Section 270(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, where powered mobile equipment was not referred to in Section 270(1) of the OHS Code and where a hazard assessment identified rollover as a potential hazard, failed to either equip the powered mobile equipment with a rollover protective structure as specified or institute written safe work procedures that would eliminate the possibility of rollover. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. Additionally they were ordered, under Section 75 of OHS Act, to pay $449,000 in favour of Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association to update the content and information technology (IT) for the Roadbuilders Safety Training System (RSTS) to increase safety awareness in the roadbuilding industry.
All other charges against LaFarge Canada Inc. were withdrawn.
Convicted is: MX Consulting Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 17, 2019
Location of offence: Brooks
Date of offence: December 3, 2016
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A contractor was removing downhole well tubing and stripping coil from within the tube. Approximately 500 metres of coil was pulled out of the well and laid on the ground. Workers had to reposition equipment closer to the well to pull the remainder of the coil out. When they disconnected from the coil, it unexpectedly retracted down the well and struck a worker. The worker suffered serious injuries.
Conviction: MX Consulting Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(ii) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act for failing to ensure the health and safety of a worker not engaged in the work of that employer but present at the work site by permitting use of unsafe procedures in extracting coil tubing. They were fined $143,750 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
The other charge against MX Consulting Ltd. was withdrawn.
All charges against Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Kevin Mowat and Treeline Well Services Inc. were withdrawn.
Convicted is: A Lassonde Inc.
Date of conviction: October 16, 2019
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: May 22, 2016
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was in a robot palletizing cage when the robot arm activated and pinned the worker against the conveyor, resulting in serious crush injuries.
Conviction: A Lassonde Inc. pled guilty to Section 384(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code for failing to ensure the design, construction, installation, testing, start-up, operation, and maintenance of an industrial robot system complied with CSA Standard Z434-003 (R2008), industrial robots and robot systems general safety requirements. They were fined $70,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against A Lassonde Inc.
All charges were withdrawn against A Lassonde Inc. operating as Lassonde Western Canada Division.
Convicted is: Royop Development Corporation
Date of conviction: September 27, 2019
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: April 30, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A security guard working the night shift at a shopping plaza was reported missing by the spouse when the worker did not arrive home after shift. The worker was found later in the security office having died of carbon monoxide overexposure.
Conviction: Royop Development Corporation pled guilty on September 4, 2019 to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act, failure to protect the health and safety of a worker. On September 27, 2019, they were fined $1000 plus $150 for the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $150,000 in favour of the Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP) to fund the development of an occupational health and safety course for the property management industry.
All other charges against Royop Development Corporation were withdrawn.
All charges against Paladin Security Group Ltd. were stayed on October 31, 2019.
Convicted is: Agrium Inc.
Date of conviction: September 10, 2019
Location of offence: Carseland
Date of offence: January 15, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker was opening the top hatch on a rail car when the lid bumped the turn valve on the overhead hose used to off load anhydrous ammonia. This caused an unplanned release of anhydrous ammonia. To escape the area, the worker jumped off the rail car and sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: Agrium Inc. pled guilty to 368(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure that an operational control on equipment was designed, located or protected to prevent unintentional activation. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, for this incident, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay a total of $102,500 with $51,250 going to Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP) to expand the current lock out, tag out awareness course to an in-depth full-length certificate course for hazardous energy release and $51,250 going to the University of Alberta (U of A) for an endowment fund to benefit ammonia and hazardous gas safety and risk management.
All charges were withdrawn against Agrium Inc.’s associated work site parties.
Convicted is: Agrium Inc.
Date of conviction: September 10, 2019
Location of offence: Carseland
Date of offence: January 30, 2017
Type: Serious Incident
Description:Two workers were reinstalling a thermal relief valve in an anhydrous ammonia piping system. There was a release of ammonia and both workers were exposed. One worker was taken to Strathmore hospital and was released later that day. The other worker was taken to Foothills Medical Center where the worker remained for greater than 48 hours.
Conviction: Agrium Inc. pled guilty to 3(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety OHS Act, failure to ensure the OHS Act, the Regulations and the Adopted Code were complied with at the work site. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, for this incident, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay a total of $125,000 with $62,750 going to Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP) to expand the current lock out, tag out awareness course to an in-depth full-length certificate course for hazardous energy release and $62,750 going to the University of Alberta (U of A) for an endowment fund to benefit ammonia and hazards gas safety and risk management.
All charges were withdrawn against Agrium Inc.’s associated work site parties.
Convicted is: City of Edmonton
Date of conviction: August 14, 2019
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: November 1, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: Workers were operating a tunnel boring machine on a drainage tunnel. The tunnel boring machine conveyor struck the foreman between the machinery and the tunnel wall. The foreman worker suffered fatal injuries as a result.
Conviction: City of Edmonton pled guilty to Section 310(2)(h) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to provide safeguards if a worker could accidentally, or through the work process, come into contact with any hazard of the conveyor system while it was being moved. They were fined $85,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under the OHS Act Section 75 to pay $240,000 in favour of the Alberta Municipal Health & Safety Assn (AMHSA) for the development and augmentation of safety courses in tunneling, boring and trenching operations.
All other charges against the City of Edmonton were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Michel Gagne and Lukus Developments Inc.
Date of conviction: July 31, 2019
Location of offence: Cochrane
Date of offence: January 26, 2017
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker was installing plywood sheathing on the roof of a new residential home. While on the roof, the worker was not protected from falling and fell 6.6 metres (m) to the ground. The worker sustained serious injuries in the fall.
Conviction: Michel Gagne, being an employer, pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act for failing to protect the health and safety of a worker. On July 17, 2019, he was fined $40,000 inclusive of the Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS). He was also placed on 1.5 years of enhanced regulatory supervision, similar to corporate probation, through Section 75 of the OHS Act.
All other charges were withdrawn against Michel Gagne.
All charges were withdrawn against Gagne Master Cabinetry Ltd.
Lukus Developments Inc., being a prime contractor, pled guilty to Section 3(3) of the OHS Act, for failure to establish or maintain a system to ensure Gagne Master Cabinetry Ltd. complied with Section 139(1) of the OHS Code. On July 31, 2019, they were fined $51,750 inclusive of the VFS. Additionally, they were placed on 1.5 years of enhanced regulatory supervision through Section 75 of the OHS Act.
All other charges were withdrawn against Lukus Developments Inc. et al.
All charges were withdrawn against Dominic Urban.
Convicted is: Carey Industrial Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: July 19, 2019
Location of offence: Redwater
Date of offence: June 2, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was clearing blockages from a floor grate in a bulk storage facility when the worker was pulled into the material to the point of being completely immersed. The worker suffered fatal injuries.
Conviction: Carey Industrial Services Ltd. pled guilty to Section 189 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code for failing to ensure, where a worker may be injured if equipment or material was dislodged, moved or spilled, that the material or equipment was contained, restrained or protected to eliminate the potential danger. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge, and they were ordered, under OHS Act Section 75, to pay $334,000 in favour of Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) and Safety in Schools (SIS) for the development and delivery of an incident-based course focused on the Internal Responsibility System.
All other charges were withdrawn against Carey Industrial Services Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against Agrium Inc. et al.
Convicted is: Champion Petfoods LP, a Partnership
Date of conviction: May 30, 2019
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: January 18, 2016
Type: Serious Incident
Description: A worker on foot at a public warehouse was struck from behind by a lift truck (powered mobile equipment). The worker sustained a serious lower leg injury.
Conviction: Champion Petfoods LP, A Partnership pled guilty to Section 7(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 41.1 to pay $85,000, to be divided equally and paid to Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and the Steadward Centre for Personal and Physical Achievement (occupational therapy unit attached to University of Alberta) to fund highly specialized staff and equipment to assist in rehabilitation interventions for injured patients.
All other charges against Champion Petfoods LP, A Partnership were withdrawn. All charges against other Champion Petfoods entities were withdrawn.
All charges against Kelly Services entities, MTE Logistix Management Inc., and 818605 Alberta Ltd. were withdrawn.
MTE Logistix Edmonton Inc. was acquitted of all charges against them on Jan 3, 2020.
Convicted is: Rapicon Inc.; Aaron Thomas
Date of conviction: May 29, 2019
Location of offence: Joffre
Date of offence: April 27, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was struck and crushed by the apex portion of a tower crane structure being lifted from its mountings by a mobile crane. The worker received fatal injuries.
Conviction: Aaron Thomas pled guilty to Section 2(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failing to protect the health and safety of another worker. On March 22, 2019, he was convicted and fined $86,250 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS).
The other charge against Aaron Thomas was withdrawn.
All charges were withdrawn against Summit Crane Works Inc.; Spartan Crane Works Inc. operating as (o/a) Summit Crane Works; and Aaron Thomas o/a Summit Crane Works Inc.
Rapicon Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(5) OHS Act, as a contractor directing the activities of employers involved in work at a work site; failure to ensure the employers complied with Section 189 of the OHS Code, equipment that could be dislodged or moved was not contained, restrained to eliminate danger to workers. They were convicted on May 29, 2019, and fined $300,000 inclusive of the VFS.
All other charges against Rapicon Inc. were withdrawn.
Charges against Bernard Emond were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Western Roofing & Contracting Inc.
Date of conviction: May 29, 2019
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: February 18, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker fell from a flat roof while lowering material manually using a rope. The worker was not using a fall protection system and sustained fatal injuries.
Conviction: Western Roofing & Contracting Inc. pled guilty to Section 208(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to provide appropriate equipment for lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying, or handling heavy or awkward loads. They were fined $325,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Vedas General Contracting Ltd.; Richmond Park Developments Ltd.
Date of conviction: May 24, 2019
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: May 3, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers were installing stucco on the exterior of a new residential multi-family development when one of the workers fell from the lower work platform to the ground. The worker sustained fatal injuries as a result of the fall.
Conviction: Vedas General Contracting Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, being an employer, failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker. On November 14, 2018, they were convicted and fined $160,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS) and placed on 1.5 years of Corporate Probation. In addition, they were ordered to pay $40,000 in favour of Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) to fund a project to revise and update its Scaffolding Awareness Course and to develop a related Best Practice for distribution to members of ACSA and the Building Industry and Land Development Alberta Association (BILD).
All other charges were withdrawn against Vedas General Contracting Ltd.
All charges against Vladimir Sosna were withdrawn.
Richmond Park Developments Ltd. pled guilty to 3(3) of the OHS Act, being a prime contractor, failure to ensure that the OHS Act, the Regulations and the Adopted Code were complied with in respect of the work site. On May 24, 2019, they were convicted and fined $125,000 inclusive of the VFS and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against Richmond Park Developments Ltd.
The charge against Natalya Borosh was withdrawn.
Convicted is: Cessco Fabrication & Engineering Limited
Date of conviction: May 14, 2019
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: January 19, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was using an aerial work platform to access the top of a round vessel to weld on a fixture. When the worker stepped out of the aerial work platform and stood on the top of the vessel to setup, the worker fell to the concrete floor 5.7 metres below and received fatal injuries.
Conviction: Cessco Fabrication & Engineering Limited pled guilty to Section 139(1)(a) of Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure that workers used a fall protection system at a temporary work area where a worker could fall 3 metres or more. They were fined $5000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $170,000 in favour of the Manufacturer’s Health & Safety Association for the development of an enhanced fall protection course for companies that have workers who transition from aerial work platforms or other access points to another work platform.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: CNOOC Petroleum North America ULC (“CPNA”), formerly known as Nexen Energy ULC (Nexen)
Date of conviction: April 18, 2019
Location of offence: Anzac
Date of offence: January 15, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: An explosion occurred in the hydrogen compressor building while two workers were inside the building performing maintenance duties. One worker was declared deceased at the scene and the other worker died in the hospital several days later.
Conviction: CNOOC Petroleum North America ULC pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of its workers. They were fined $450,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 1800375 Alberta Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 22, 2019
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: September 5, 2018
Type: Breach of Probation Conditions
Description: This probation order was the result of a conviction related to a serious incident that took place in Calgary on May 27, 2014. Workers were constructing an exterior wall on the ground of the second floor of a new residential house. The wall extended past the support of the second floor due to a loft design. One worker went to cut a section of the wall when a temporary structure supporting the overhanging wall gave way. The worker fell approximately 10 feet to the first floor sustaining serious injuries.
Conviction: 1800375 Alberta Ltd. pled guilty to Section 733.1(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, between September 5, 2017 and September 5, 2018 and at Calgary, Alberta, did, while bound by a probation order made by Calgary Provincial Court on September 5, 2017, failed or refused without reasonable excuse to comply with such order: Condition 14, namely that the corporate representative, take and undergo three named Alberta Construction Safety Association courses no later than 12 months from the date of the probation order, and supply the OHS designate with the completion certificates from the courses within a month of completion. They were fined $500.
Convicted is: Sulzer Chemtech Canada Inc.
Date of conviction: February 4, 2019
Location of offence: Redwater
Date of offence: April 27, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: Worker was entering a fractionation vessel to prepare for close-up after an inspection of a vessel. The interior of the vessel was under a nitrogen purge, and the worker was using supplied air. Upon entry, the worker went into distress and was fatally injured.
Conviction: Sulzer Chemtech Canada Inc. pled guilty to Section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure that equipment was operated in accordance with professional engineer or manufacturer’s specifications. They were fined $15,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on Enhanced Regulatory Supervision (similar to Corporate Probation). In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 75 to pay $130,000 in favour of Energy Safety Canada (ESC) for the proposal by ESC and the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) for the creation and delivery of a standardized confined space training program designed for frontline workers with an emphasis on hands-on practical exercises. Sulzer Chemtech Canada Inc. were also ordered to pay, under OHS Act Section 75, $30,000 to fund a conference for industry stakeholders in which they will present and be involved as an organizer.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Amana Construction Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 10, 2018
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: April 15, 2016
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was in an open excavation involved in the replacement of a main water line when a rip-out bucket, attached to an excavator, detached from the hydraulic coupler and struck the worker causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Amana Construction Services Ltd. pled guilty to Section 12(d) of Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure equipment, JRB Smartloc Coupler, was operated in accordance with the specifications certified by a professional engineer or with the manufacturer’s specifications. They were fined $230,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1.5 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Winfield Industrial Sales Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 3, 2018
Location of offence: Hinton
Date of offence: November 23, 2015
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was installing guard rails on top of a bleaching tower and became entangled with the coupling on the gear drive. The worker was pulled into the machine and subsequently died due to injuries.
Conviction: Winfield Industrial Sales Ltd. pled guilty to Section 139(1)(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure that workers used a fall protection system at a temporary work area where a worker could fall a vertical distance of less than 3 metres if there was an unusual possibility of injury. They were fined $5000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under the OHS Act Section 75 to pay $295,000 in favour of the Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA) to develop and make available to industry participants, an educational program concerning fall protection, energy isolation and safeguards against harm. The 2019 AFPA annual conference will also hold a spot on the agenda to discuss the circumstances and learnings from this fatal incident.
All other charges against Winfield Industrial Sales Ltd. were withdrawn.
All charges were withdrawn against West Fraser Mills.
Convicted is: Goldec Hamms Manufacturing Ltd.
Date of conviction: November 19, 2018
Location of offence: Red Deer
Date of offence: August 11, 2015
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker was welding a stud onto a hydraulic tank; the tank had been cleaned with a solvent. A flash fire occurred causing serious injuries to the worker.
Conviction: Goldec Hamms Manufacturing Ltd. pled guilty to Section 171.1(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failing to inspect the surrounding area before welding began to ensure all flammable material, gas or vapour was removed or alternative methods of rendering the area safe were implemented.
They were fined $34,500 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1 year of Corporate Probation. All other charges were withdrawn against Goldec Hamms Manufacturing Ltd.
The charge against Roy Schmidt was withdrawn.
Convicted is: CMR Fabricators Ltd.
Date of conviction: November 6, 2018
Location of offence: Penhold
Date of offence: June 30, 2015
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker suffered serious injuries while attempting to manually roll a pipe being supported by 2 pipe stands. The pipe fell from one of the stands and landed on the worker’s leg.
Conviction: CMR Fabricators Ltd., being an employer, was found guilty of Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of their worker; they were fined $90,000 plus the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS). CMR Fabricators Ltd. was also found guilty of 4 additional counts and fined $1000 plus the VFS per count. The 4 counts were as follows:
- Section 15(1) of OHS Regulation, failure to ensure its workers were trained in the safe operation of the equipment (pipe stands) they were required to operate.
- Section 13(1)(a) of OHS Regulation, failure to ensure that where work was done that could endanger a worker, that work was done by a worker who was competent to do that work.
- Section 189 of the OHS Code, failure to ensure equipment to be moved was contained, restrained or protected to eliminate potential danger to workers.
- Section 210(1) of the OHS Code, failure to perform a hazard assessment before a worker manually lifted, pushed, pulled, carried, handled or transported a load that could injure the worker, that considered: (a) the weight of the load; (b) the size of the load; (c) the shape of the load; (d) the number of times the load would be moved; and (e) the manner in which the load would be moved.
- Fines totalled $108,100 with VFS included. All other charges were withdrawn or dismissed.
Convicted is: Mark Dumont
Date of conviction: November 5, 2018
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: October 23, 2015
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers were preparing a concrete manhole cylinder for installation. While operating an excavator, the operator struck one of the workers. The worker was pinned between the counterweight of the excavator and the manhole cylinder and was fatally injured.
Conviction: Mark Dumont pled guilty to Section 2(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as a worker engaged in an occupation, for failing to protect the health and safety of another worker present while that worker was working. He was ordered, under Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 75, to pay $75,000 to fund an Alberta Construction Safety Association program to promote safe work with powered mobile equipment. Mark Dumont was also placed on 1 year of probation like conditions. All other charges were withdrawn against Mr. Dumont.
All charges against Bluebird Contracting Services Ltd. were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Tory Industries Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 16, 2018
Location of offence: Lacombe
Date of offence: December 9, 2015
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker was drilling holes into a timber that was being used to make crane mats. The worker’s hand became entangled in the drill bit and countersink.
Conviction: Tory Industries Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act for failing to ensure the health and safety of a worker engaged in work of that employer. They were fined $100,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: McNabb Construction Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 24, 2018
Location of offence: Forestburg
Date of offence: May 1, 2015
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was positioned under a gravel crushing cone liner that was suspended by an overhead crane when an attachment point gave away, fatally crushing the worker. This was the worker’s third day with this employer.
Conviction: McNabb Construction Ltd. pled guilty to Section 13(1) of the OHS Regulations, failure to ensure that work would be done by a competent worker or a worker working under the direct supervision of a competent worker. They were fined $300,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Tri-Line Contracting Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 24, 2018
Location of offence: Wanham
Date of offence: April 28, 2015
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Two workers, with a construction crew, were standing at the bottom of an excavation replacing a cement manhole base. One worker was crushed by the base when it inadvertently released from the lift assembly it was attached to as it was being lifted out of the excavation. The worker received multiple serious injuries as a result of the incident.
Conviction: Tri-Line Contracting Services Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failing to ensure the health and safety of their worker. They were fined $57,500 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 1.5 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
All charges against Dale Gour were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Alpine Paving and Contracting Ltd. and Chad England
Date of conviction: September 20, 2018
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: July 4, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers were working on a pick-up truck when it fell off of the jacks and fatally injured one of the workers.
Conviction: Alpine Paving and Contracting Ltd. was found guilty of Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failing to ensure the health & safety of their worker; they were fined $241 500, inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS). They were also found guilty of Section 7(1) of the OHS Code, failing to assess a worksite for hazards before work began; they were fined $6900 inclusive of the VFS. These fines totaled $248 400 inclusive of the VFS. Additionally, Alpine Paving and Contracting Ltd. was placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation.
There was a judicial stay on all remaining charges.
Chad England was found guilty of Section 2(2)(a) of the OHS Act, failing as a worker to ensure the safety of another worker. He was fined $31 050, inclusive of the VFS and placed on 1 year of probation type conditions.
There was a judicial stay on all remaining charges.
Convicted is: Raging River Exploration Inc.
Date of conviction: September 14, 2018
Location of offence: Esther
Date of offence: March 3, 2016
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Two workers, employed by Greschner Oilfield Services Ltd., were using a boom truck to move a beam pump (pump jack) owned by Raging River Exploration Inc. The pump jack counterweights, which were not locked out, rotated downwards and struck one of the workers, causing serious injuries.
Conviction: Raging River Exploration Inc., as prime contractor, pled guilty to Section 13(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, failure to establish or maintain a system to ensure that employers and workers on the work site complied with the pump jack lock-out and pump jack operational procedures. They were fined $90,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Technoworx Inc.
Date of conviction: August 20, 2018
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: March 30, 2015
Type: Reportable incident
Description: A worker was using equipment that had the safety interlock system disabled. This allowed the worker to access the lathe and material while the equipment remained in operation. The worker was pulled into the machine, when attempting to sand material, and was seriously injured.
Conviction: Technoworx Inc. pled guilty to Section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure equipment and supplies were assembled, erected, operated, etc. in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. They were fined $90,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn against Technoworx Inc.
The charge against Darko Smolcic was withdrawn.
Convicted is: Jason Scott Wright
Date of conviction: June 22, 2018
Location of offence: Sunnynook
Date of offence: September 12, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker sustained serious injuries when struck by the bucket of an excavator during the installation of piling structures.
Conviction: Jason Scott Wright pled guilty to Section 2(a)(i)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. He was fined $25,000 plus the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $3750 for a total fine of $28, 750.
All other charges were withdrawn against Jason Scott Wright.
All charges were withdrawn against 1067055 Alberta Ltd., Jason Wright operating as (o/a) Gage Energy, 1067055 Alberta Ltd. o/a Gage Energy Services, and Trent Engen Contracting Ltd.
Convicted is: Orion Rentals Ltd.
Date of conviction: June 18, 2018
Location of offence: Lacombe
Date of offence: November 16, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was tasked with operating power mobile equipment which the employer had modified for the purpose of spooling lay-flat irrigation piping. During the process, the spooling mechanism accelerated. This released the hose and steel coupler which smashed through the operator windshield and caused serious injuries to the worker.
Conviction: Orion Rentals Ltd. pled guilty to Section (2)(1)(a)(i) Occupational Health and Safety Act. They were fined $1000 plus the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $150 for a total fine of $1150. In addition, they were ordered under Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 75(1) to pay $100,000 in favour of Energy Safety Canada for the development and delivery of an industry-specific training program.
All other charges were withdrawn against Orion Rentals Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against White Water Management Ltd. and White Water Management Ltd., formerly known as Orion Rentals Ltd.
Convicted is: 1046731 Alberta Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 18, 2018
Location of offence: Red Deer
Date of offence: July 9, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Three workers were throwing roofing material from the top of a commercial roofing project (school) when a worker was struck in the leg with the material. This caused the worker to lose balance and fall to the ground sustaining multiple injuries.
Conviction: 1046731 Alberta Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. They were fined $70,000 inclusive of 15 % Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: The Driving Force Inc.
Date of conviction: March 27, 2018
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: July 11, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: A mechanic was underneath a vehicle removing a faulty transmission switch; the vehicle rolled causing fatal injuries to the mechanic.
Conviction: The Driving Force Inc. pled guilty to Section (2)(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health & safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. They were fined $1150 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 41.1 to pay $172,500 in favour of bursaries for the Heavy Equipment Technician program and refresher training and safety equipment.
The other charge was withdrawn.
Convicted is: 1132734 Alberta Ltd. operating as Alta Injections Molding
Date of conviction: March 21, 2018
Location of offence: Airdrie
Date of offence: September 14, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was attempting to unblock hardening plastic from a processing machine when built up pressure resulted in an explosion of molten plastic covering the workers face, hands and forearms. Worker was transported to hospital with serious injuries.
Conviction: 1132734 Alberta Ltd. operating as Alta Injections Molding pled guilty to Section (2)(1)(a)(i) Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. They were fined $69,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against 1132734 Alberta Ltd., operating as Alta Injections Molding.
All charges were withdrawn against 1132734 Alberta Ltd. operating as Alta Machining & Mold Design, and 1132734 Alberta Ltd. operating as L & L Tool and Injection.
Convicted is: McCoy Global Canada Corp.
Date of conviction: March 12, 2018
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: December 22, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was preparing to remove the drill bit from a radial drill press while it was in a neutral position when the drill inadvertently engaged, catching the front of the worker's coveralls. The worker was pulled into the drill press causing serious injuries to the worker.
Conviction: McCoy Global Canada Corp. pled guilty to Section 310(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code for failing to provide safeguards if a worker may accidentally, or through the work process, come into contact with moving parts of machinery. They were fined $5000 inclusive of Victim Fine Surcharge. Additionally, they were ordered under the Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 41.1 to pay $77,250 in favour of the Alberta Construction Safety Association and the Manufacturing Health & Safety Association to develop educational and training programs concerning guarding and related topics.
All other charges were withdrawn against McCoy Global Canada Corp.
All charges were withdrawn against: McCoy Global Canada Corp. O/A McCoy Global Canada; McCoy Global Canada Corp. O/A McCoy Global; McCoy Global Inc. O/A McCoy Global; and McCoy Global Inc.
Convicted is: City of Edmonton
Date of conviction: March 6, 2018
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: June 6, 2015
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A bin truck driver employed by the City of Edmonton, parked a truck in a designated location inside a waste management facility and walked to the rear of the truck to unlock the bin tail gate. A second City of Edmonton worker operating a front end loader drove into the bin truck. The bin truck driver's arm was pinned between the bin and the front end loader bucket causing a severe crush injury.
Conviction: City of Edmonton pled guilty to Section 194(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, as an employer, failed to ensure vehicle traffic was controlled at a work site that was potentially dangerous to a worker on foot or in a vehicle. They were fined $1000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under the Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 41.1 to pay $114,000 for the purchase of a Myoelectric Prosthesis for the injured worker.
All other charges were withdrawn against the City of Edmonton.
All charges were withdrawn against Bohdan Kachmar.
Convicted is: City of Edmonton
Date of conviction: March 5, 2018
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: April 22, 2015
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was unloading reclaimed street sweepings from a dump truck at the employer's facility. While the worker was at the rear of the truck, the sweepings unexpectedly spilled from the elevated dump box and buried the worker. The worker suffered fatal injuries as a result.
Conviction: City of Edmonton pled guilty to Section 189 of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, being an employer, failed to ensure material that could be dislodged, moved or spilled was contained, restrained or protected to eliminate potential danger to workers. They were fined $85,500 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under the OHS Act Section 41.1 to pay $214,500 in favour of AMTA (Alberta Motor Transportation Association) to develop competencies and safety training for use and operation of aggregate hauling equipment.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: WCS Western Canadian Steel Inc.
Date of conviction: January 29, 2018
Location of offence: Lloydminster
Date of offence: December 15, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was on the roof of a building seaming metal panels when the worker lost footing and slid off of the roof. The worker's fall protection system failed as a direct result of the anchor point failing. The worker fell 5.5 metres to the ground and sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: WCS Western Canadian Steel Inc. pled guilty to Section 189 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure equipment was contained, restrained or protected to eliminate potential danger. They were fined $90,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Rockshore Homes Ltd.; Darren Richard Dyck
Date of conviction: January 26, 2018
Location of offence: Fort Saskatchewan
Date of offence: November 26, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker fell approximately 5 metres from a second storey work platform while installing a window on a new two-storey single family home. The worker was seriously injured.
Conviction: Rockshore Homes Ltd. pled guilty to Section 3(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure, as prime contractor, that the OHS Act, the regulations and the adopted code were complied with in respect of the work site. On January 26, 2018, they were fined $25,000 plus the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS) for a total fine of $28,750; they were also placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Darren Richard Dyck pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act, failure to ensure the safety of a worker. On December 7, 2017, he was fined $6,335.00 inclusive of VFS.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Nelson Lumber Company Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 18, 2018
Location of offence: Morinville
Date of offence: July 14, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was using a pull saw to cut some pieces of lumber when the worker's hand came into contact with the saw blade, causing a serious injury.
Conviction: Nelson Lumber Company Ltd. pled guilty to Section 13(1)(a) of the Alberta Regulation, failure to ensure work was done by a competent worker if the work may endanger a worker. They were fined $95,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: River Valley Crushing Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 8, 2017
Location of offence: Barrhead
Date of offence: October 8, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was in a rock washer fixing the auger when the system energized. The worker was caught in the auger as it rotated and seriously injured.
Conviction: River Valley Crushing Ltd. pled guilty to Section 212 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure that if machinery or equipment was to be serviced, repaired, tested, adjusted or inspected, that no worker performed such work on the machinery or equipment until it had come to a complete stop, and all hazardous energy at the location was isolated by activation of an energy-isolating device and the energy-isolating device was secured in accordance with Section 214, 215 or 215.1 as designated by the employer or the machinery or equipment was otherwise rendered inoperative in a manner that prevented its accidental activation and provided equal or greater protection than the protection afforded under Section 212(1)(a). They were fined $100,000 inclusive of 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Northface Mechanical Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 4, 2017
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: November 10, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was given direction to service a heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) unit on the roof of a 2 story commercial building. The worker was found on the ground next to a fixed ladder that was the only external access to the roof. The worker suffered fatal injuries as a result of the incident.
Conviction: Northface Mechanical Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. They were fined $100,000 plus the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $15,000 and placed on 1.5 years of Corporate Probation. Additionally, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 41.1 to pay $100,000 in favour of the Mechanical Contractors Association of Alberta (MCA) for the purpose of funding the proposal by the MCA to create safety programs targeted at small to mid-sized companies involved in the mechanical trades.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Cedarglen Living Inc.
Date of conviction: November 16, 2017
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: July 23, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker received serious injuries when a load of materials fell on the worker while the material was being unloaded from a trailer.
Conviction: Cedarglen Living Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(ii) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of workers not engaged in the work of the employer that were present at the work site.
Cedarglen Living Inc. was sentenced with a fine of $45,000 plus a 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $6,750 and placed on 1.5 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges against Cedarglen Living Inc. were withdrawn
All charges against S.A.C. Construction Ltd. were withdrawn
Convicted is: Haya Homes Ltd., Sahib Contracting Inc., Sukhwinder Nagra
Date of conviction: November 1, 2017
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: April 28, 2015
Type: Fatality
Description: A labourer was in a trench to connect a new sewer line to a residential home under construction when a trench wall collapsed and fatally injured the worker.
Conviction: Haya Homes Ltd. pled guilty to Section 3(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act; as prime contractor, they failed to ensure the OHS Act, the regulations and the code were complied with at the work site. On May 23, 2017, Haya Homes Ltd. was fined $111,250 inclusive of Victim Fine Surcharge (VFS) and placed on 2 years of corporate probation. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 41.1 to pay $50,000 in favour of the Bissell Centre to support safety training workshops for their employment services clients.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Sahib Contracting Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act, as an employer, failing to protect the health and safety of a worker. On November 1, 2017, Sahib Contracting Inc. was sentenced to a fine of $425,000 plus VFS of $63,750 for a total penalty of $488,750.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Sukhwinder Nagra pled guilty to 2(2)(a) of the OHS Act, as a worker engaged in an occupation, failure to protect the health and safety of another worker. Mr. Nagra was also the director of Sahib Contracting Inc. On November 1, 2017, Sukhwinder Nagra was sentenced to 4 months in jail plus a $100 victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Bird Construction Company, a limited liability partnership, by its general partner Bird Management Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 27, 2017
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: September 25, 2012
Type: Fatality
Description: While working alone, a worker was drilling panels over a holding tank and fell into the tank and drowned. The worker was discovered the following morning.
Conviction: Bird Construction Company pled guilty to Section 139(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure a worker used a fall protection system where the worker could fall into a hazardous substance or through an opening in a work surface. They were fined $300,000 plus 15% Victim Fine Surcharge for a total fine of $345,000.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 1800375 Alberta Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 5, 2017
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: May 27, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Workers were constructing an exterior wall on the ground of the second floor of a new residential house. The wall extended past the support of the second floor due to a loft design. One worker went to cut a section of the wall when a temporary structure supporting the overhanging wall gave way. The worker fell approximately 10 feet to the first floor sustaining serious injuries.
Conviction: 1800375 Alberta Ltd. was convicted of:
- Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker(s)
- Section 139(1)(a) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure worker was wearing fall protection where there was a danger of worker falling 3 metres or more
- Section 181(1) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure there were qualified first aiders on the work site
A conditional stay was granted for the charge of Section 140(1) of the OHS Code, failure to ensure there was a Fall Protection Plan (FPP) developed.
1800375 Alberta Ltd. was fined $80,000 plus the Victim Fine Surcharge for a total fine of $92,000. The company also received 2 years of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against 1800375 Alberta Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against Tuan Luu and 897590 Alberta Ltd., operating as Marciano Contracting.
Convicted is: Worley Parsons Cord Teamco Ltd. (formerly known as Teamco Construction Services Limited)
Date of conviction: August 22, 2017
Location of offence: Red Water
Date of offence: March 10, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Workers were erecting a steel structure and attempting to reposition a column when four tack welds failed that connected the column to the base plate. The column fell and seriously injured the supervisor.
Conviction: Worley Parsons Cord Teamco Ltd. pled guilty to Section 190(2)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure erection drawings and procedures for connecting the structural parts of a skeleton structure ensured that the structure was stable during assembly. They were fined $75,000 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Arctic Air Solutions Inc.
Date of conviction: August 11, 2017
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: July 22, 2015
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A new-hire worker was preparing to begin their first day of work on a 4-storey condominium project. The worker was required to move supplies on the roof when the worker slipped and slid down the roof. The worker, who was using a personal fall arrest system that was incorrectly set up, fell from the roof to the ground.
Conviction: Arctic Air Solutions Inc. pled guilty to Section 141(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, for failure to ensure a worker was trained in the safe use of the fall protection system. They were fined $40,000 inclusive of Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 18 months of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Screamworks Incorporated
Date of conviction: July 25, 2017
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: October 12, 2013
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker sustained permanent blindness while working at a Zombie Paintball event at Screamfest when shot with a paintball gun/marker by a paying customer.
Conviction: Screamworks Incorporated was sentenced on Section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure equipment was handled in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. They were ordered under Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 41.1 to pay $50,000 in favour of Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP) and placed on 18 months of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Tarpon Energy Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: June 30, 2017
Location of offence: Leslieville
Date of offence: December 4, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A gas fitter apprentice and labourer were inside a cargo trailer attempting to light a propane space heater using a hand held ignitor torch. After several failed attempts, while the propane continued to flow, one of the workers again struck the switch on the ignitor torch. A flash fire and explosion occurred resulting in serious injuries to both workers.
Conviction: Tarpon Energy Services Ltd. pled guilty to Section 12(1)(a) Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. They were fined $5000 inclusive of 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered, under Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 41.1, to pay $95,000 in favour of ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Assn) & Safety in Schools to fund training materials for safety working with propane.
All other charges against Tarpon Energy Services Ltd. were withdrawn.
The charge against Penn West Petroleum Ltd. was withdrawn.
Convicted is: Contour Earthmoving Ltd.
Date of conviction: May 31, 2017
Location of Offence: Rocky View
Date of Offence: September 8, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was using a forklift to move a Caterpillar cab from a painting bay to an alternate work bay. Two workers were walking alongside the forklift next to the unsecured cab. The cab shifted and one worker tried unsuccessfully to stop it from falling. The cab fell and pinned the worker on the ground, resulting in fatal injuries to the worker.
Conviction: Contour Earthmoving Ltd. pled guilty to section 258(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to ensure workers remained out of range of powered mobile equipment moving a load that created a danger to the workers. They were fined $175,000 inclusive of the 15% Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 16 months of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Tarpon Energy Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: May 5, 2017
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: August 1, 2014
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker fell from a rolling ladder when it tipped over resulting in serious injuries to the worker.
Conviction: Tarpon Energy Services Ltd. pled guilty to Section 137(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failure to ensure a worker used a personal fall arrest system when on a portable ladder from which the worker could fall 3 metres or more. They were fined $5000 inclusive of 15% Victim Fine Surcharge. In addition, they were ordered under OHS Act Section 41.1 to pay $75,000 in favour of Safety in Schools Foundation of Canada and Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA).
All other charges were withdrawn.
All charges against Tarpon Energy Services (Structures) Ltd. and Warwick Structures Group Ltd. were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Brayford Trucking Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 28, 2017
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: March 14, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: Two mobile equipment operators were operating track hoe excavators on a berm of material that was sitting on a sheet of ice. One of the excavators broke through the ice and sank into the water below with the operator inside. The operator did not survive.
Conviction: Brayford Trucking Ltd. pled guilty to Section 15(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation, failure to ensure its worker was trained in the safe operation of equipment; they also pled guilty to Section 195(2) of the OHS code, failure to test the ice before work was to begin on ice that had water beneath any deeper than 1 metre. They were fined $100,000 inclusive of the 15% victim fine surcharge and 2 years of corporate probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Suncor Energy Inc.
Date of conviction: April 24, 2017
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: January 19, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: An upgrade supervisor saw a trail of water flowing near the road in the area of a tailings sand dump. The upgrade supervisor informed the shift supervisor that he was going to check for the source of the water. An hour later, when there had been no further contact with the upgrade supervisor, a search began. The upgrade supervisor's pick-up truck was located and there were tracks in the snow going from the truck towards the pipeline. A safety vest was located on top of an undercut hole in the tailings sand. The hole was about 10-12 feet deep. The upgrade supervisor was found deceased at the bottom of the hole.
Conviction: Suncor Energy Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failure to protect the health and safety of a worker. They were fined $15,000 inclusive of the 15% victim fine and a creative sentence under the OHS Act Section 41.1 for $285,000 in favour of Lynch School of Engineering Safety (U of AB Engineering faculty) for a 2 year research project into safety hazards related to tailings storage facilities.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Arjon Construction Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 21, 2017
Location of offence: Drumheller
Date of offence: July 19, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: A 15 year old worker was working in close proximity to an operational gravel crushing conveyor system. The worker contacted a moving lower tail pulley conveyor belt and was fatally injured.
Conviction: Arjon Construction Ltd. pled guilty to Section 310(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failure to provide safeguards to prevent workers from coming into contact with moving parts of machinery. They were fined $50,000 inclusive of VFS and placed on 2 years of Corporate Probation. In addition, they were ordered under Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 41.1 to pay $200,000 in favour of Alberta Sand and Gravel Assn (ASGA), Safety in Schools (SIS), Alberta Construction Safety Assn (ACSA), Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Assn (ARHCA) to support the proposal to create best practices, youth campaign and courses for the sand and gravel industry.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 1233025 Alberta Ltd. trading as Great North Roofing and Sunnyside Lane Developments Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 21, 2017
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: November 26, 2013
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was preparing to shingle the roof of a two story home. The roofer walked across the roof to get another roll of paper, lost footing and fell approximately 7.9 m to the ground. The worker did not have a fall protection system connected at the time of the fall. The worker sustained serious injuries and spent more than two days in the hospital.
Conviction: 1233025 Alberta Ltd. trading as Great North Roofing pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to ensure the health and safety of a worker. On April 13, 2017, they were fined $100,000 plus the 15% victim fine surcharge of $15,000.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Sunnyside Lane Developments Ltd. pled guilty to Section 3(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to ensure, as prime contractor, that the OHS Act, regulations and code were complied with in respect to the work site. On April 21, 2017, they were fined $80,000 plus 15% victim fine surcharge of $12,000.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Heritage Commercial Roofing Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 20, 2017
Location of offence: Clairmont
Date of offence: December 4, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: Several workers were on the roof of a commercial building clearing snow in order to prepare for re-roofing activities. While pushing snow off the roof through an unguarded opening, a worker fell from the roof (approximately 8.2 metres (27 feet)) to the ground below and sustained fatal injuries as a result of the fall.
Conviction: Heritage Commercial Roofing Ltd. pled guilty to Section 139(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code for failing to protect a worker from a work area where a worker could fall a vertical distance of 3 metres or more. They were fined $150,000 plus the 15% victim fine surcharge of $22,500 and 2 years of corporate probation.
All other charges were withdrawn against Heritage Commercial Roofing Ltd.
All charges were withdrawn against Heritage Roofing Ltd. and 1431379 AB Ltd.
Convicted is: Rock Hard Excavating Ltd. and Southwood Trucking Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 20, 2017
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: April 9, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Two workers were working together conducting welding repairs inside an underground sewage system manhole. The South Wood Trucking worker received serious burns as a result of a fire that occurred while the worker was welding inside the manhole.
Conviction: Rock Hard Excavating Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to protect the health and safety of a worker. On March 24, 2017, they were fined $115,000 plus the 15% victim fine surcharge of $17,250.
South Wood Trucking Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failure to protect the health and safety of a worker. On April 20, 2017, they were fined $30,000 plus 15% victim fine surcharge of $4500 and a creative sentence, Section 41.1, of $50,000 in favour of 2 new trauma rooms at the QEII Hospital Foundation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Marra Concrete Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 23, 2017
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: September 23, 2013
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Two workers under the direction of Marra Concrete Ltd., one an employee of Marra Concrete Ltd. and the other a temporary worker from a placement company, were preparing a basement in a pre-existing residence for renovation. The work involved cutting out portions of the concrete floor to install new foundations for new support posts. During the work, one worker was overcome by carbon monoxide and the second worker was less severely impacted by carbon monoxide exposure.
Conviction: Marra Concrete Ltd. pled guilty to the following:
- Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, failing to ensure the health and safety of worker 1 and were fined $100,000 plus the 15% victim fine surcharge (VFS) of $15,000
- Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act, failing to ensure the health and safety of worker 2 and were fined $100,000 plus VFS of $15,000
- Section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, failing to ensure equipment was operated or handled according to manufacturer's specifications and were fined $50,000 plus VFS of $7500
- Section 16(2) of the OHS Code, failing to ensure Worker 1 was not exposed to excess carbon monoxide and were fined $50,000 plus VFS of $7500
- Section 16(2) of the OHS Code, failing to ensure Worker 2 was not exposed to excess carbon monoxide and were fined $50,000 plus VFS of $7500 Total fines, including VFS, were $402,500.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Vital Contracting Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 14, 2017
Location of offence: Lacombe
Date of offence: July 22, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A young worker (14 years of age) was removing shingles from a residential construction project when the worker slipped and fell off the roof approximately 3.7 meters. The worker was wearing fall protection, but it was improperly adjusted. The worker received minor injuries and was released from hospital that day.
Conviction: Vital Contracting Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failing to protect the health and safety of a worker. They were fined $65,000 inclusive of the 15% victim fine surcharge (VFS).
All other charges were withdrawn.
Vital Contracting Ltd. also pled guilty to Employment Standards Code Section 65(2) and Section 128(d) and were fined $10,000 per section violation inclusive of VFS. Lee Northrup pled guilty to Section 65(2) of the Employment Standards Code and was fined $4000.00 inclusive of VFS. Kalika Northrup pled guilty to Section 128(d) of the Employment Standards Code and was fined $1000.00 inclusive of VFS. Kalika Northrup was personally ordered to pay $80 to the Director of Employment Standards in favour of the worker for unpaid wages in accordance with Employment Standards Code Section 132(2).
Convicted is: Lignin Industries Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 2, 2017
Location of offence: Grande Cache
Date of offence: February 6, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A chainsaw operator was cutting down one tree when that tree fell and struck another tree. On impact, the second tree broke and fell, striking the operator. The operator’s coworker called for assistance. Due to the remote location, it took approximately five hours to evacuate the worker to hospital. The worker was transported by STARS to University of Alberta hospital with serious injuries.
Conviction: Lignin Industries Ltd. was found guilty on November 29, 2016, to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, failing to ensure the health and safety of a worker and Section 518(4)(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failing to ensure that a worker cutting timber and/or felling a tree made a correct notch at the butt of a tree. On February 2, 2017, Lignin Industries Ltd. was sentenced with a $65,000 fine, inclusive of the 15% victim fine surcharge and 18 months of corporate probation.
The third charge was conditionally stayed.
Convicted is: Vincent Bishop
Date of conviction: January 10, 2017
Location of offence: Dead Man’s Flats
Date of offence: June 21, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: An underground utility crew was installing a water pipeline when a worker entered a portion of the straight cut trench that was approximately 3.9 metres deep. The trench wall caved-in onto the worker. The worker was extracted by the crew, and transported to hospital. The worker sustained permanent life-altering injuries from the incident.
Conviction: Vincent Bishop pled guilty to Section 2(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. He was fined $30,000 plus the 15% victim fine surcharge of $4500.
All other charges were withdrawn against V.J. Bishop Excavating Ltd. & Bremner Engineering and Construction Ltd.
Convicted is: Husky Oil Operations Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 20, 2016
Location of Offence: Athabasca
Date of Offence: June 1, 2013
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker who was using an ATV to check on well sites did not check in as scheduled and was found four days later next to an upside down ATV. The worker was transported to hospital and pronounced deceased.
Conviction: Husky Oil Operations Ltd. pled guilty to Section 394(1) of the Occupational Health & Safety Code. They were fined $200,000 inclusive of the 15% victim fine surcharge.
The other charge was withdrawn.
The charge was withdrawn against Michael Siegmund Sowada.
Convicted is: Roll’n Oilfield Industries, Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 17, 2016
Location of Offence: Edson
Date of Offence: October 18, 2012
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A Kelly hose from a rig released while under pressure resulting in the serious injury of two workers.
Conviction: Roll’n Oilfield Industries, Ltd. pled guilty to Section 12(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and was fined $102,500 plus Victim Fine Surcharge of $15,375.
All other charges were withdrawn.
All charges were withdrawn against Peyto Exploration & Development Corp.
Convicted is: Western Weather Protector Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 1, 2016
Location of Offence: Calgary
Date of Offence: April 24, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Workers were measuring for a chalk line on a commercial flat roof. A 22 year old new worker was walking backwards with the measuring tape, tripped on the gutter edge and fell approximately 6 meters. The worker was transported to hospital by EMS. The worker suffered serious injuries which required more than two days in hospital.
Conviction: Western Weather Protector Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and was fined $80,000 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Stixx Construction o/a Cribb-itt Foundations
Date of conviction: August 31, 2016
Location of Offence: Cold Lake
Date of Offence: July 28, 2013
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Workers were in the process of removing forms from a residential new construction foundation. A cage containing forms was being lowered by a crane into the space between the exterior of the foundation and the edge of the excavation. The cage came into contact with the edge of the foundation and several of the forms fell onto a worker causing serious injuries.
Conviction: Stixx Construction o/a Cribb-itt Foundations pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. They were fined $100,000 plus the 15% victim fine surcharge of $15,000 and 18 months of corporate probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 1702714 Alberta Ltd.: DDR Propane and Equipment Rentals Ltd.
Date of conviction: August 22, 2016
Location of Offence: Edmonton
Date of Offence: December 17, 2013
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Two workers were installing gas fired, infra-red portable construction heaters in the basements of 4-plexes under construction to heat up the cement block walls and the basement floors. When one worker went to light up the heater, an explosion occurred seriously injuring the worker.
Conviction: 1702714 Alberta Ltd., operating as DDR Propane and Equipment Rentals Ltd., pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. They were fined $65,000.00 inclusive of the Victim Fine Surcharge and placed on 6 months Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Kavanaugh Investments Ltd.
Date of conviction: July 4, 2016
Location of Offence: Lloydminster
Date of Offence: August 18, 2013
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker was in the process of inflating a new 16 inch tire on a 16.5 inch rim when the tire exploded. The tire/rim struck the worker in the head causing a serious injury.
Conviction: Kavanaugh Investments Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. They were fined $5000 plus a 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $750, and were ordered under OHS Act Section 41.1 to pay $97,750 to the Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) for a creative sentence to develop a shop safety entry level course.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: MacKay Construction Ltd
Date of conviction: May 11, 2016
Location of offence: Blackfalds
Date of offence: August 15, 2014
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Three workers were in the process of moving a truss to the second floor of a residential construction project when one of the workers fell approximately 6.4 meters and was seriously injured.
Conviction: MacKay Construction Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. They were fined $10,000 plus the 15% victim fine surcharge of $1500, and a Section 41.1 Order prohibiting Mackay Construction Ltd from engaging in residential construction or employing workers for a period of 18 months.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Homeland Oilwell Servicing Ltd
Date of conviction: May 4, 2016
Location of offence: Fishing Lake
Date of offence: July 4, 2013
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was struck by a 36" wrench that was under tension, which caused the worker to fall nearly more than 11 feet to the ground and sustain serious injuries.
Conviction: Homeland Oilwell Servicing Ltd pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. They were fined $45,000 inclusive of victim fine surcharge and $45,000 payable to the William Desjarlais Memorial Bursary pursuant to Section 41.1 of the OHS Act.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: TMK IPSCO Canada, Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 28, 2016
Location of offence: Strathcona County
Date of offence: October 17, 2013
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was hit by a pipe that was coming in from outside via a conveyor system, while the worker was holding a piece of pipe that had been cut by a saw, causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: TMK IPSCO Canada, Ltd. pled guilty to Section 310(2)(h) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and was fined $300,000 inclusive of the Victim Fine Surcharge. One significant mitigating factor was that TMK IPSCO Canada, Ltd. has established a scholarship fund for the deceased worker’s two daughters in the amount of $100,000 to provide each with up to $50,000 to pursue post-secondary education. This was not a Section 41.1 Order but rather something the company proactively did in early 2014, well before charges were laid.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Stony Valley Contracting Ltd.
Date of conviction: March 9, 2016
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: June 6, 2013
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker was in the process of removing a chunk of lodged asphalt from a feeder hopper when the loader operator dumped a bucket load of cold asphalt into the feeder, burying the worker.
Conviction: Stony Valley Contracting Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and was fined $20,000 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge and received 18 months of Corporate Probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: POS Construction Ltd.
Date of conviction: March 4, 2016
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: March 18, 2013
Type: Fatality
Description: A drywall finisher/taper received fatal injuries when the worker was pinched between the Genie articulating boom lift the worker was operating, and a ceiling bulkhead.
Conviction: POS Construction Ltd. pled guilty to Section 15(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and was sentenced to a fine of $150,000, inclusive of victim surcharge, and 2 years Corporate Probation.
All remaining counts were withdrawn against POS Construction Ltd. and Jim Lim Young.
Convicted is: Suncor Energy Inc.
Date of conviction: February 25, 2016
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: April 24, 2012
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker attempting to depressurize an outlet valve was sprayed with hot bitumen. The worker received second degree burns.
Conviction: Suncor Energy Inc. pled guilty to Section 119(4) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and was fined $75,000 inclusive of Victim Fine Surcharge.
All remaining charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 18, 2016
Location of offence: Slave Lake
Date of offence: February 3, 2014
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was conducting saw mill start up duties when the worker was struck and fatally injured by a front end loader in the yard.
Conviction: Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and were fined $25,000, inclusive of Victim Surcharge. Additionally, they were ordered a creative sentence under the Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 41.1 to pay $300,000 to Northern Lakes College to develop a Powered Mobile Equipment Safety Training Program.
All remaining counts were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 1591107 Alberta Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 2, 2016
Location of offence: Conklin
Date of offence: February 10, 2013
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: Two workers were travelling along an access road to reset sections of pipe onto pipe stands. One worker was operating a 977PL Caterpillar pipelayer when the side boom failed, causing it to fall onto the Pipeline Labourer. The Pipeline Labourer sustained serious injuries to their face and torso.
Conviction: 1591107 Alberta Ltd. pled guilty to Section 12(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code. The Court accepted a joint submission for a total penalty of $85,000 which included a $5000 fine inclusive of victim fine surcharge and an $80,000 s. 41.1 Order in favour of STARS.
All other counts were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Precision Drilling Corporation
Date of conviction: January 28, 2016
Location of offence: Edson
Date of offence: March 19, 2013
Type: Other Incident
Description: A rig worker was removing a winch line from the back of the laid-down derrick when the worker lost their footing and fell approximately 6 metres.
Conviction: Precision Drilling Corporation pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and was sentenced on January 28, 2016 with a fine of $115,000 inclusive of the victim surcharge.
All other counts were withdrawn.
Convicted is: 938769 Alberta Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 26, 2016
Location of offence: Priddis
Date of offence: April 11, 2013
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker received fatal injuries when a wall that was being erected at a residential construction site fell on the worker.
Conviction: 938769 Alberta Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and was sentenced on January 26, 2016 with a $100,000 fine (Victim Surcharge was waived) and 18 months Corporate Probation.
All remaining counts were withdrawn.
Convicted is: The Kitchen Centre Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 15, 2016
Location of offence: Lethbridge
Date of offence: February 19, 2013
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Operator received serious injuries when the operator slipped and caught their hand in the CNC automated wood cutting tool. A damaged pressure sensitive mat safeguard had been bypassed to allow operation of the CNC machine.
Conviction: The Kitchen Centre Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and were sentenced on January 15, 2016 with a fine of $75,000 plus a Victim Fine Surcharge.
All remaining counts were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Needoba Construction Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 14, 2016
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: August 21, 2012
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker sustained paralytic injuries from the chest down after falling 6.5 metres through an uncovered opening for a stairwell at a residential construction site.
Conviction: Needoba Construction Ltd. pled guilty to section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. They were fined $11,500 inclusive of Victim Fine Surcharge and 1.5 years of Probation including 200 hours of community service (Hearts & Hammers).
Convicted is: Powerstroke Well Control Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 18, 2015
Location of offence: Grande Prairie area
Date of offence: March 7, 2013
Type: Fatality
Description: A self-employed welder was fatally injured when the tank the worker was welding on exploded.
Conviction: On December 18, 2015 Powerstroke Well Control Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Section 169(2) and (3) and Section 171.1(3)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and were sentenced to a fine of $150,000 plus victim fine surcharge and Corporate Probation for a period of 2 years.
All the remaining counts were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Ensign Drilling Inc. and Daylo Services Inc.
Date of conviction: November 26, 2015
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: October 19, 2012
Type: Fatality
Description: A floorhand was fatally injured when the floorhand was crushed between the forks of an excavator and a stationary post on a portable flare tank.
Conviction: Ensign Drilling Inc. pled guilty to Section 258(3)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and were sentenced to a fine of $5,000 VIS included, and a Creative Sentencing Order of $295,000 payable to the Alberta Construction Safety Association (“ACSA”). ACSA will use the money to create a 1 day course for working around powered mobile equipment, create an online module and a best practices document. If there is any money left over from the $295,000, the ACSA will use the money to subsidize the cost of the course.
All other charges against Ensign Drilling Inc. and its other legal entities were withdrawn.
Daylo Services Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(ii) of the OHS Code and were sentenced to a fine of $150,000 including VIS and 2 years corporate probation.
All other charges were withdrawn.
All charges were withdrawn against Inception Exploration Ltd.
Convicted is: Nabors Drilling Canada Limited
Date of conviction: October 26, 2015
Location of offence: Conklin
Date of offence: October 18, 2012
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was dismantling a catwalk when a pipe elevator fell off the catwalk and struck the worker, causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Nabors Drilling Canada Limited pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of and were sentenced to a fine of $300,000 inclusive of Victim Fine Surcharge. $150,000 of that fine was diverted to the Helicopter Emergency Response Organization (HERO) a non-profit foundation, pursuant to a Section 41.1 creative sentence.
All other charges were withdrawn.Convicted is: Vibrant Construction Group Inc.
Date of conviction: September 23, 2015
Location of offence: Sherwood Park
Date of offence: August 28, 2013
Type: Injury
Description: A worker sustained multiple fractures and a laceration when the worker was struck by a set of wooden stairs that fell during installation.
Conviction: Vibrant Construction Group Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were sentenced to a fine of $25,000, Victim Surcharge of $3750, and 1 year corporate probation.
All remaining charges were dismissed.
Convicted is: Encore Coring and Drilling Inc.
Date of conviction: August 13, 2015
Location of offence: Near Fort McMurray
Date of offence: January 31, 2013
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker fell while rigging down a catwalk on a drilling rig. The worker sustained a head injury.
Conviction: Encore Coring and Drilling Inc. entered a guilty plea to Section 139(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and was sentenced to a fine of $135,000 inclusive of Victim Surcharge.
All remaining counts were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Savanna Drilling Limited Partnership
Date of conviction: July 28, 2015
Location of offence: Drayton Valley
Date of offence: January 31, 2013
Type: Injury
Description: A serious injury occurred to a worker when a drill casing rolled off a pipe rack and struck the worker on the left foot.
Conviction: Savanna Drilling Limited Partnership pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were sentenced to a fine of $100,000 inclusive of Victim Surcharge.
All remaining charges were dismissed.
All charges were withdrawn October 6, 2016 against Dee Three Exploration Limited.
Convicted is: Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
Date of conviction: June 26, 2015
Location of offence: Forestburg
Date of offence: On or between September 4-9, 2012
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker received serious injuries when the worker was struck by a dragline cable that was cut while it was under tension.
Conviction: Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC pled guilty to Section 13(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and were sentenced to a fine of $5,000 inclusive of victim surcharge, and an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act Section 41.1 Creative Sentence Order of $85,000 payable to the Safety in Schools program.
All remaining charges were withdrawn
Convicted is: Ozoroff Consulting Ltd.
Date of conviction: June 22, 2015
Location of offence: Whitecourt
Date of offence: January 11, 2012
Type: Fatality
Description: There was an H2S release on a Sinopec Daylight Energy lease located at 16-20-59-14 W5. A Rezone Well Servicing Rig #6 was on the well. Four people on the site were exposed to a release of H2S and one of those workers passed away as a result of the exposure.
Conviction: Ozoroff Consulting Ltd. pled guilty to Section 16(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and were sentenced to a fine of $275,000 inclusive of Victim Surcharge.
All remaining charges were dismissed.
Convicted is: Island Industries Ltd. – Employer
Date of conviction: May 27, 2015
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: January 28, 2011
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was operating a forklift as the worker and co-workers were erecting a steel structure at a construction site. A joist fell from the beam on which it was resting and struck the worker, causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Island Industries Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were sentenced to a fine of $150,000 inclusive of Victim Surcharge and 1 year of corporate probation.
All remaining counts were dismissed.
Convicted is: Maxi Service Ltd. (O/A Harry’s Auto Wrecking)
Date of conviction: March 19, 2015
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: February 17, 2012
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker employed by Maxi Service Ltd. (O/A Harry’s Auto Wrecking) was dismantling a steel deck from the chassis of a 1.5 ton truck. When the worker removed the last bolt from the chassis attached to the steel deck, the chassis fell on the worker causing fatal injuries.
Conviction: Maxi Service Ltd. (O/A Harry’s Auto Wrecking) pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were sentenced to a fine of $150,000 inclusive of Victim Surcharge and 2 years of corporate probation.
Convicted is: Jacobs Industrial Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 30, 2015
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: June 10, 2010
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Two workers suffered burn injuries when naphtha ignited while maintenance work was being done on an inlet line.
Conviction: Jacobs Industrial Services Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(ii) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were sentenced to an OHS Act Section 41.1 Creative Sentence Order of $149,999 payable to the Safety in Schools program.
Convicted is: Value Drug Mart Associates Ltd.
Date of conviction: November 12, 2014
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: March 16, 2011
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker was seriously injured when the workers hair became entangled in an unguarded rotating shaft on a conveyor.
Conviction: Value Drug Mart Associates Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were sentenced to a fine of $92,000.
Convicted is: Waste Management of Canada Corporation
Date of conviction: October 27, 2014
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: April 8, 2011
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Two workers suffered serious and minor injuries respectively when they both fell from a material separator unit they were trying to unplug.
Conviction: Waste Management of Canada Corporation Guilty pled guilty to Section 140(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and were sentenced to a fine of $90,000.
Convicted is: Syncrude Canada
Date of conviction: October 3, 2014
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: June 10, 2010
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Two workers suffered burn injuries when naphtha ignited while maintenance work was being done on an inlet line.
Conviction: Syncrude Canada pled guilty to Section 169(2)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and were sentenced to an Occupational Health and Safety Section 41.1 Creative Sentence Order of $150,000 payable to the Safety in Schools program.
All remaining charges were dismissed.
Convicted is: Mears Canada Corp.
Date of conviction: September 3, 2014
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: February 2, 2011
Type: Serious Injury
Description: Workers were trying to unplug a hose packed with mud, by blowing air through it. The hose was subject to too much pressure and it came loose from its fittings. The hose whipped around and caused serious injuries to one worker by hitting the worker in the leg, which in turn caused the worker to fall and strike their head.
Conviction: Mears Canada Corp. pled guilty to Section 12(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and were sentenced to a fine of $103,000.
Convicted is: Rokstad Power Corporation formerly known as Galbraith Power (BC) Inc
Date of conviction: September 2, 2014
Location of offence: Blairmore
Date of offence: September 10, 2011
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker received fatal injuries when the power pole the worker was climbing fell over and the worker was crushed.
Conviction: Rokstad Power Corporation pled guilty to section 12(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. On or about September 10, 2011 at or near Blairmore, Alberta, being an employer did fail to ensure that modifications to equipment that may affect it's structural stability are performed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or specifications certified by a professional engineer contrary to section 12(c) of the OHS Code, as adopted by the OHS Code Order, Alberta Regulation 87/2009 pursuant to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.A. 2000n chapter O-2.
Rokstad Power Corporation was fined a total of $325,000 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge, to be paid on or before October 7, 2014.
Convicted is: Belanger, Laurier Joseph
Date of conviction: August 20, 2014
Location of offence: Turner Valley
Date of offence: May 27, 2013
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: While driving into a worksite, the company truck came into contact with an electrical line. The owner directed the worker to detangle the lines from the truck. When attempting to do so, the worker received an electrical shock and sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: Laurier Joseph Belanger, pled guilty as a worker to Section 2(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and was sentenced to a fine of $4000 inclusive of the Victim Fine Surcharge. The fine is to be paid on or before November 28, 2014 with an order that there be fifty days imprisonment in the event of non-payment.
Convicted is: Zubar Holdings Ltd. and Lightstream Resources Ltd. (formerly Petrobakken Energy Ltd.)
Date of conviction: June 25, 2014
Location of offence: Sundre
Date of offence: September 15, 2011
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker received serious burn injuries when a fire ball occurred as a result of a frac water/oil residue spray igniting.
Conviction: Zubar Holdings Ltd. and Lightstream Resources Ltd.pled guilty to Section 2(5) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and Section 12(d) of the OHS Code and were sentenced to a fine of $115,000
Convicted is: Black Stone Framing Ltd.
Date of conviction: June 24, 2014
Location of offence: Chestermere
Date of offence: June 15, 2011
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker fell 2 stories into a basement through an unguarded hole opening and sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: Black Stone Framing Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and was sentenced a fine of $80,000 plus a 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Stony Valley Contracting Ltd.
Date of conviction: May 12, 2014
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: March 2, 2011
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker was removing ice from a conveyor and was seriously injured when the worker's hand became caught between the running conveyor belt and a scraper.
Conviction: Stony Valley Contracting Ltd. entered a guilty plea to section 18(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were fined a total of $90,000, inclusive of the victim fine surcharge.
On September 11, 2013, Jeremy Worden entered a guilty plea to section 2(2)(A) of the OHS Act. On January 9, 2014, Mr. Worden was fined a total of $3,500, inclusive of the victim fine surcharge.
Convicted is: Agristar Inc.
Date of conviction: April 29, 2014
Location of offence: Vauxhall
Date of offence: March 24, 2012
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was cleaning a primary dryer feed screw when the worker fell into the equipment while it was in operation. The worker became entangled in the equipment and sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: Agristar Inc. entered a guilty plea to Section 310(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and was sentenced a fine of $85,000.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: Reliance Industrial Product Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 11, 2014
Location of offence: Edson
Date of offence: October 13, 2011
Type: Reportable Incident
Description: A worker was operating a crimping machine when a wrench fell to the floor onto the pedal that operates the machine. The machine engaged and crushed the worker’s fingers.
Conviction: Reliance Industrial Product Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 368(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and was sentenced to a fine of $80,000.
All other charges were withdrawn.
Convicted is: CINL Roofing 2008 Ltd. and CINL Holdings 2008 Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 27, 2014
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: September 27, 2010
Type: Injury
Description: A worker suffered electrical burns when the crane the worker was operating came close to or contacted an overhead 8,000 volt power line.
Conviction: CINL Roofing 2008 Ltd. and CINL Holdings 2008 Ltd. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and were sentenced to a fine of $50 and 3 years probation.
Convicted is: I.D. Oilfield Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 16, 2014
Location of offence: Sundre
Date of offence: September 20, 2011
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker received fatal injuries when a steel man basket fell on the worker.
Conviction: Oilfield Services entered a guilty plea to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. and were sentenced to a fine of $275,000 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge.
Convicted is: Sureway Construction Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 18, 2013
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: November 17, 2010
Type: Fatality
Description: Workers were installing a vertical portion of a manhole. One worker suffered fatal injuries when the suspended load crushed h worker against the excavation wall.
Conviction: On December 2, 2013, Sureway Construction Ltd. pled guilty to Section 70(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, Tag and hoisting lines, for failing to ensure a tag line is used when it allows worker separation from the load. Christopher Dennis Clelland pled guilty to Section 2(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Obligations of employers, workers, etc., for failing to ensure that every worker shall, while engaged in an occupation take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of the worker and of other workers present while the worker is working.
On December 18, 2013, a penalty of $275,000 (inclusive of victim fine surcharge) was imposed on Sureway Construction Ltd. A penalty of $7,000 (inclusive of victim fine surcharge) was imposed on Christopher Dennis Clelland. All other charges against Sureway Construction Ltd. were withdrawn upon acceptance of their guilty plea.
Convicted is: Ensign Drilling Inc.
Date of conviction: November 25, 2013
Location of offence: Near Lac La Biche
Date of offence: November 9, 2010
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was killed when a suspended iron roughneck assembly released and crushed the worker.
Conviction: On November 25, 2013, Ensign Drilling Inc. pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act for failing to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. The total penalty imposed by the Court was $325,000 divided between a $30,000 fine inclusive of victim fine surcharge and $295,000 as a Section 41.1 order paid to the University of Alberta Risk Management Services to create a post-secondary and school based hazard assessment tool that can be shared amongst all educational organizations.
Convicted is: MacLeod Lighting Wholesale Ltd. operating as Cartwright Lighting
Date of conviction: November 18, 2013
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: November 3, 2010
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A worker suffered serious injuries when the worker fell from a ladder at the employer's warehouse.
Conviction: MacLeod Lighting Wholesale Ltd. pleaded guilty on November 18, 2013 to Section 12(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and was sentenced to pay a fine of $5,000 and ordered to pay $75,000 to the Christian Labour Association of Canada for safety training in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act Section 41.1..
Convicted is: XI Technologies Inc. (XI Tech)
Date of conviction: October 31, 2013
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: July 12, 2007
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was fatally injured when the worker was struck on the head by a steel lever as the worker was assisting with a calf roping machine (CRM) set up by the employer, XI Technologies Inc., in order to entertain clients during a Calgary Stampede party..
Conviction: On October 31, 2013, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta imposed a fine of $275,000 inclusive of the 15% victim fine surcharge on XI Technologies Inc. (XI Tech) apportioned as follows: $100,000 to Count 1: Failing to ensure, as far as it was reasonably practicable to do so, the health and safety of a worker, engaged in the work of that employer, contrary to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, R.S.A. 2000, Chapter 0-2, as amended. $175,000 to Count 2: As an employer, failing to ensure that all equipment used at a work site would safely perform the function for which it was intended or designed contrary to Section 12(1)(b) of Alberta Regulation 62/2003, OHS Regulation Pursuant to the OHS Act, R.S.A. 2000, Chapter 0-2, as amended.
XI Tech was initially acquitted on both charges: 2011 ABPC 313, overturned on appeal: 2012 ABQB 549, 548 AR 203 and the convictions upheld on further appeal: 2013 ABCA 282.
Convicted is: Les Structures De Beauce Inc.
Date of conviction: October 16, 2013
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: October 23, 2010
Type: Serious Injury
Description: A young labourer fell over 9 m from the roof structure of a commercial building under construction and sustained multiple fractures and other serious injuries.
Conviction: On October 16, 2013, Les Structures De Beauce Inc. pleaded guilty to Section 139(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for failing to ensure that a worker is protected from falling at a temporary or permanent work area if a worker may fall a vertical distance of 3 meters or more and a penalty of $90,000 was imposed on Les Structures De Beauce Inc. by the Court. The penalty was comprised of a $5,000 fine inclusive of the victim fine surcharge and a Section 41.1 Order in the amount of $85,000 paid to Pembina Hills Regional Division No. 7 for the creation of an online safety course. The safety course will teach a wide range of basic work site safety practices, particularly core safety skills and knowledge. It will specifically address the work site with respect to fall protection, floor openings, trenches, excavations, ladders and scaffolds. This online safety course will be readily accessible to high school students, adults in general, pre-employment adults and first year apprentices in the construction industry.
Convicted is: City of Camrose
Date of conviction: May 22, 2013
Location of offence: Camrose
Date of offence: August 6, 2009
Type: Reportable Incident Injury
Description: Worker was electrocuted and suffered serious bodily injuries after a survey pole the worker was handling came into contact with an overhead power line.
Conviction: The City of Camrose entered a guilty plea to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code Section 225(1). The Court accepted a joint submission for a total penalty of $92,500 which included a $2,500 fine and a $90,000 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act Section 41.1 Creative Sentence Order payable to Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association to create hazard training.
Convicted is: Eco-Industrial Park Inc. (formerly Worthington Properties) and Canadian Consolidated Salvage Ltd. (operating as Clearway Recycling)
Date of conviction: March 8, 2011 | May 6, 2013
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: August 15, 2008
Type: Injury
Description: A labourer fell from a second storey mezzanine onto a pile of scrap metal and sustained multiple broken bones and body trauma. Workers employed by Eco-Industrial Park Inc. and Canadian Consolidated Salvage Ltd. and Diversified Staffing Services Ltd. were also exposed to an environment that had asbestos containing materials.
Conviction: On March 8, 2011, Eco-Industrial Park Inc. pled guilty to Section 3(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. A total penalty of $35,750 was imposed, which included a $5,000 fine, a 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $750 and an order of $30,000 to the Alberta Worker’s Health Centre.
On May 6, 2013, Canadian Consolidate Salvage Ltd. was found guilty on Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act, Section 7(1), 7(2), Section 115(1), and Section 143 (1) of the OHS Code. The total penalty imposed was $140,000, plus a 15% Victim Fine Surcharge.
Convicted is: Armtec Holdings Limited
Date of conviction: March 4, 2013
Location of offence: Near Spruce Grove
Date of offence: May 16, 2010
Type: Fatality
Description: A labourer was stuck in the head by a launched sheave assembly (that had been under tension by a hoisting mechanism) that became detached from the concrete floor.
Conviction: On March 4, 2013, Armtec Holdings Limited pleaded guilty to Section 12(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for failing to ensure equipment is of sufficient size, strength and design and made of suitable materials to withstand the stresses imposed on it during its operation and to perform the function for which it is intended or was designed.
On September 24, 2013, a penalty of $300,000 was imposed on Armtec Holdings Limited by the Court. The penalty was comprised of a $5,000 fine inclusive of the victim fine surcharge and a Section 41.1 Order in the amount of $295,000 in favour of the Manufacturers’ Health and Safety Association of Alberta (MHSA) in partnership with Cranemaster Overhead Crane Consulting Inc. The MHSA will create an on-line resource center which will provide industry with the tools to assess and understand limitations and uses of rigging products they use. This website program will provide the users with information necessary to guide them in legislative requirements, safe inspections and the application and maintenance of rigging products.
Convicted is: E.B. Exteriors (1041383 Alberta Limited)
Date of conviction: February 25, 2013
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: January 23, 2010
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was fatally injured when the worker fell 6.3 metres from a pump jack scaffold.
Conviction: E.B. Exteriors (1041383) pleaded guilty to Section 2 (1) (a) (i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act for failing to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. The totally penalty imposed by the court was $275,000, payable over five years at $55,000 per year.
Convicted is: Division 6 Contracting Ltd
Date of conviction: February 5, 2013
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: August 13, 2009
Type: Injury
Description: A carpenter and framer were removing a wooden beam when the apprentice carpenter fell approximately seven metres from a scaffold. The apprentice carpenter landed in an open excavation hitting their head on a concrete footing. The apprentice carpenter received serious head injuries.
Conviction: Division 6 Contracting Ltd. pleaded guilty to Section 139(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. The total penalty imposed was $75,000 plus a 15% victim fine surcharge.
Convicted is: SSEC Canada Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 24, 2013
Location of offence: CNRL Horizon Site
Date of offence: April 24, 2007
Type: Fatality
Description: Two workers were fatally injured when a tank roof support structure collapsed at the west tank farm at the CNRL Horizon site. Two Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Company (SSEC) Canada Ltd. workers were seriously injured and three SSEC Canada Ltd. workers received minor injuries.
Conviction: On September 5, 2012 SSEC Canada Ltd. pled guilty to three charges under Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failing to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer.
On January 24, 2013, SSEC Canada Ltd. was sentenced to a $1.5 million penalty. The penalty comprised of a $200,000 fine and $1.3 million payment to the Alberta Law Foundation to be used to support an outreach and education program, to be developed by the Alberta Workers’ Health Centre, the Edmonton Multicultural Health Brokers and the Calgary Workers’ Resource Centre.
Convicted is: North Star Contracting Inc
Date of conviction: October 23, 2012
Location of offence: Fish Creek Provincial Park
Date of offence: November 16, 2009
Type: Injury
Description: A worker received serious injuries to the jaw and right eye when a saw kicked back and struck the worker in the face as the worker was cutting a piece of pipe.
Conviction: North Star Contracting Inc pleaded guilty to section 12(d) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code for failing to ensure that equipment was used, handled or operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. A total penalty of $80,000 was imposed including a $53,000 creative sentence for Quickie Saw Training Program to Olds College. The balance of the penalty is a fine of $27,000 inclusive of surcharge.
Convicted is: Cee Cee Roofing
Date of conviction: October 15, 2012
Location of offence: Fort Assiniboine
Date of offence: November 8, 2009
Type: Injury
Description: A worker was seriously injured when the worker fell from the roof of the fire hall in Fort Assiniboine. The worker was part of a four worker crew that was in the process of applying additional roofing and insulation material to the roof of the fire hall.
Conviction: 1147509 Alberta Ltd., operating as Cee Cee Roofing, pled guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failing to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. Cee Cee Roofing, was sentenced to a total penalty of $85,000 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge.
Convicted is: Taber Truck and Trailer Repair Ltd.
Date of conviction: August 7, 2012
Location of offence: Taber
Date of offence: February 1, 2010
Type: Injury
Description: A worker received serious burn injuries as a result of an explosion that occurred while the worker was cleaning the inside of the tank portion of a tanker trailer unit that had been used to haul hydrocarbons.
Conviction: Taber Truck and Trailer Repair Ltd. pleaded guilty to section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. Taber Truck and Trailer Repair Ltd. was fined $75,000.
Convicted is: Perera Development Corporation, Perera Shawnee Ltd.
Date of conviction: June 4, 2012
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: February 14, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: An excavation wall collapsed, burying a dump truck. The dump truck operator was fatally crushed inside the cab of the truck.
Conviction: Perera Development Corporation was fined a total of $1.25 million plus a 15% victim fine surcharge of $187,500. Perera Shawnee Ltd. was fined a total of $900,000 plus a 15% victim fine surcharge of $120,000.
Convicted is: CCS Contracting Ltd.
Date of conviction: May 30, 2012
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: January 21, 2009
Type: Injury
Description: A worker was seriously injured when the worker fell 12 metres from a roof while helping a co-worker operate a roof cutting machine.
Conviction: A total penalty of $70,000 was imposed, of which $5,000 was a fine inclusive of the victim fine surcharge. The remaining $65,000 is a creative sentence directed to the Bent Arrow program ($25,000) and the Alberta Roofing Construction Safety Association ($40,000).
Convicted is: Clayton Construction Company Ltd
Date of conviction: May 23, 2012
Location of offence: North of Fort McMurray
Date of offence: September 3, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: On the property of Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Horizon Oil Sands Mine site (Tailings Pond) north of Fort McMurray, the operator of a Floatation Excavator drowned when the operator's machine overturned in deep water and the operator was not able to exit the cab of the machine.
Conviction: Clayton Construction Company Ltd. pleaded guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, for failing to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of a worker engaged in the work of that employer. Clayton Construction Company Ltd. was sentenced to a total penalty of $272,500 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge of $5,500. The remaining $267,000 is a creative sentence of which $25,000 will go to Keyano College for the purpose of funding a Memorial Endowment in honour of the deceased worker, and $242,000 for research into heavy equipment safety around waterways, development of program curriculum to be included in current heavy equipment courses offered at Keyano College, and development of mini courses for heavy equipment safety around waterways to be available free of charge to on-line public users.
Convicted is: Finning International Inc. (Finning)
Date of conviction: February 16, 2012
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: July 8, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: A third-year apprentice heavy duty mechanic was run over by a Caterpillar 797F heavy haul truck while attempting to tow the disabled haul truck to the maintenance shop.
Conviction: A total penalty of $275,000 was imposed, of which $2,500 was a fine inclusive of victim fine surcharge. The remaining $272,500 is a creative sentence of which $212,500 is directed to Injury Alberta and $60,000 is directed to the Alberta Worker’s Health Centre.
Convicted is: Settlement Transportation Services Inc.
Date of conviction: January 26, 2012
Location of offence: Fishing Lake Métis Settlement
Date of offence: July 15, 2006
Type: Fatality
Description: A Caterpillar Dozer operator was assisting another Caterpillar Dozer operator to attach two fallen trees to the rear ripper shank of the Caterpillar Dozer. The worker was crushed between the ripper framework and the tree root ball as the Caterpillar Dozer was backing up.
Conviction: Settlement Transportation Services pleaded guilty to section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. A total penalty of $250,000 was imposed, of which $1,000 was a fine inclusive of victim fine surcharge and the remaining $249,000 is a creative sentence for the establishment of a health and safety management system for the Fishing Lake Métis Settlement.
Convicted is: K-Tec Industries (2005) Inc.
Date of conviction: January 16, 2012
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: February 6, 2008
Type: Injury
Description: A worker received serious head injuries when a drilling line was inadvertently rotated while work was being carried out on the equipment.
Conviction: K-Tec Industries (2005) Inc. pleaded guilty to Section 212(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code, for failing to ensure that no worker performs such work on the machinery, equipment or powered mobile equipment until it has come to a complete stop if machinery, equipment or powered mobile equipment is to be serviced, repaired, tested, adjusted or inspected, and was sentenced to a total penalty of $75,000.00 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge.
Convicted is: Dreco Energy Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 15, 2011
Location of offence: Nisku
Date of offence: October 17, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: While welding from an aerial platform, the moving platform struck and severed the rubbing insulating coating of the welding current conductor cable, energizing the platform, and electrocuting the worker.
Conviction: Dreco Energy Services Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 12(D) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and received a total penalty of $365,500, including a $10,500 fine (inclusive of victim fine surcharge). Of that total, $240,000 is payable to NAIT for the development of an aerial platform course and the establishment of a Trades Apprenticeship Endowment in honour of the deceased worker. Also, $115,000 is payable to Norquest College for the development of a safety course on intercultural communications for on-site workers.
Convicted is: Bonterra Energy Corp.
Date of conviction: December 5, 2011
Location of offence: Drayton Valley
Date of offence: May 14, 2009
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker contracted to Bonterra Energy Corp., was struck by a rotating counterweight of an oilwell pumpjack, resulting in fatal injuries.
Conviction: Bonterra Energy Corp. entered a guilty plea to Section 310(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code and received a total penalty of $275,000, including a $2,500 fine. Of that total, $250,000 will be directed to Enform and the Alberta Workers’ Health Centre, and $22,500 will be directed to the Work Plays School Program (a program of the Alberta Workers’ Health Centre).
Convicted is: GLP Instrumentation Inc. and Mr. Sebastien Berube
Date of conviction: November 22, 2011
Location of offence: Aldersyde
Date of offence: April 15, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was welding a fitting on the top of a biodiesel settling tank. While the worker was welding, the biodiesel settling tank exploded.
Conviction: GLP Instrumentation Inc. entered a guilty plea to Section (1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and received a total penalty of $431,250 ($375,000 fine and a victim fine surcharge of $56,250). Sebastian Berube entered a guilty plea to Section 2(2)(a) of the OHS Act and received a total penalty of $17,250 ($15,000 fine and a victim fine surcharge of $2,250).
Convicted is: Roofmart Alberta Inc.
Date of conviction: November 14, 2011
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: May 21, 2009
Type: Fatality
Description: A boom truck operator was fatally injured when an elevated section of an articulating boom crane collapsed and pinned the boom truck operator against another section of the articulating boom crane as the boom truck operator was attempting to repair the crane.
Conviction: Roofmart Alberta Inc. entered a guilty plea to s. 261 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code. A total penalty of $350,000 includes a fine of $10,000 and a victim fine surcharge of $1500. The remaining $338,500 will be directed to the Fort McMurray/Wood Buffalo office of St. John Ambulance to provide first aid education and a training classroom facility in Fort McMurray ($200,000 allocated to the classroom facility, $138,500 to train and certify approximately 1000 high school students from the Fort McMurray area in Standard First Aid).
Convicted is: Clean Harbors Energy and Industrial Services Corp.
Date of conviction: November 9, 2011
Location of offence: Northeast of Fort McMurray
Date of offence: February 4, 2009
Type: Injury
Description: A vacuum truck operator fell approximately five metres off the truck’s beavertail into a sump pit while cleaning out the back of the vacuum truck. The worker sustained a broken clavicle, fractured ribs, a fractured orbital socket, and bruising to the head, as a result of the fall.
Conviction: Clean Harbors Energy and Industrial Services Corp., formerly known as Eveready Energy Services Corp. entered a guilty plea to s. 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. A total penalty of $85,000 includes a fine of $5,000 inclusive of the victim fine surcharge, and payment of $80,000 to the Keyano College Occupational Health and Safety Certificate program for course upgrading and development.
Convicted is: Denel Trucking (335590 Alberta Ltd.) and Keith Hargrave
Date of conviction: October 24, 2011
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: August 8, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: A driver was slowly moving a truck with two attached trailers to a wash in the back yard. A worker was steering the rear trailer from controls located on the side of the trailer. The worker was walking beside the trailer while operating the controls and was run over by the rear wheels of the trailer.
Conviction: Denel Trucking entered a guilty plea to Section 2 (1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and was sentenced to pay a total penalty of $286,500. This includes $144,000 to the Job Safety Skills Society ($109,000 to be allocated for the JobSafe Program and $35,000 to establish a scholarship program in honour of the deceased worker), $131,000 to the Alberta Motor Transport Association for the development of a course for the safe operation of specialized long combination vehicles, a $10,000 fine and a $1500 victim surcharge. Mr. Keith Hargrave, a worker for Denel Trucking, entered a guilty plea to section 2(2) of the OHS Act and was ordered to pay a $10,000 fine.
Convicted is: Westcan Stucco Wire Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 12, 2011
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: September 11, 2007
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker fell from scaffolding and was fatally injured.
Conviction: Westcan Stucco Wire Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 323 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code. Westcan was ordered to pay a fine of $300,000 and $45,000 as a victim fine surcharge, for a total penalty of $345,000.
Convicted is: Telba Oilfield Rentals Ltd.
Date of conviction: September 6, 2011
Location of offence: Rainbow Lake
Date of offence: March 19, 2008
Type: Injury
Description: Maintenance workers were assisting with the shut down of an oil battery facility, when a worker was seriously injured in an explosion and fire.
Conviction: Telba Oilfield Rentals Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 2 (1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and received a total penalty of $100,000. The sentence includes a $5000 fine, and an order under Section 41.1 of the OHS Act to pay $29,525 to Hilltop High School in Whitecourt for facilitation of student safety training and safety equipment enhancements, and $65,475 to the Grande Prairie Composite High School Career, Health and Safety Wellness Centre.
Convicted is: Gordon Buchanan Enterprises Ltd.
Date of conviction: August 22, 2011
Location of offence: High Prairie
Date of offence: December 19, 2008
Type: Injury
Description: A worker employed by Gordon Buchanan Enterprises Ltd. was seriously injured after a fall of approximately 25 metres when the portal crane the worker was operating partially collapsed. The worker sustained serious, life altering injuries.
Conviction: Gordon Buchanan Enterprises Ltd. pleaded guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. The company was ordered to pay a total penalty of $100,000, which includes a fine of $10,000 inclusive of a victim fine surcharge and, under Section 41.1 of the OHS Act, $90,000 in favour of the Alberta Forest Products Association for the development of a training program for the inspection, use, and maintenance of portal cranes.
Convicted is: Agra Foundations Ltd.
Date of conviction: July 19, 2011
Location of offence: Balzac
Date of offence: July 28, 2007
Type: Injury
Description: A crane operator’s left leg was drawn into the rotating drums of the draw works of a crane and the crane operator sustained serious leg injuries. The worker's left leg required amputation.
Conviction: Agra Foundations Ltd. pleaded guilty to Section 7(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Code, failing to assess a worksite and identify existing or potential hazards before work began. The company was ordered to pay a fine of $5000, plus a Victim Fine Surcharge of $750. In addition, under Section 41.1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the company was ordered to pay $85,000 to the Alberta Construction Safety Association to develop two safety courses.
Convicted is: Garda Canada Security Corp.
Date of conviction: July 8, 2011
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: November 1, 2006
Type: Injury
Description: A security guard was sexually assaulted. On September 8, 2008, the intruder was sentenced to serve eight years. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) conducted its investigation with regard to OHS issues.
Conviction: Garda Canada Security Corporation entered a guilty plea to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and was fined $5000 plus a Victim Fine Surcharge of $750. In addition, under Section 41.1 of the OHS Act, the company was ordered to pay $87,000 to the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) for the development of a hazard assessment education program for working alone. The order was paid to SAIT on July 11, 2011.
Convicted is: Steve’s Oilfield Services (Edson) Ltd.
Date of conviction: June 7, 2011
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: October 22, 2003
Type: Injury
Description: A worker received serious injuries when run over by a bobcat the worker was exiting. On February 12, 2007, the company entered into a joint submission under Section 41.1 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act.
Conviction: On June 7, 2011, the company was found guilty of failing to comply with an order made under Section 41.1 of the OHS Act, and received a fine of $100,000.
Convicted is: Watts Projects Inc.
Date of conviction: April 27, 2011
Location of offence: Hinton
Date of offence: June 23, 2007
Type: Injury
Description: A backhoe operator suffered serious injuries including the loss of the operator's right arm while working on a rotating drill pipe.
Conviction: Watts Projects Inc. entered a guilty plea to Section 212(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. Watts Project Inc. was sentenced to a fine of $2,500.00 inclusive of victim fine surcharge and directed to pay an additional $72,500.00 to the University of Alberta’s OHS Certificate Program to facilitate on-line delivery of two courses, one with particular application to the circumstances of this case: Risk Management and Communication.
Convicted is: West Fraser Mills Ltd.
Date of conviction: April 18, 2011
Location of offence: Hinton
Date of offence: April 22, 2007
Type: Injury
Description: An operator was crushed and held against a concrete pillar by a Finger Assembly that had retracted while the operator was under the machine performing a maintenance procedure.
Conviction: West Fraser Mills Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 189 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code resulting in a $75,000 penalty, including a fine of $5,000 inclusive of surcharge, and an order of $70,000 in favour of the Hinton Fire/Rescue Department.
Convicted is: Eco-Industrial Business Park Inc.
Date of conviction: March 8, 2011
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: August 22, 2008
Type: Possible exposure to asbestos
Description: After an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) review of worker records following an unrelated worker injury, it was determined that several workers had potentially been working in the areas of a building where asbestos had been located. It is not possible to determine if any of the workers were exposed to asbestos; however, there were areas of the worksite wherein the hazard of asbestos fibres becoming airborne was present.
Conviction: Eco-Industrial Business Park Inc. entered a guilty plea to Section 3(3) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The penalty imposed was a $5000 fine plus 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $750. Also an order of $30,000 to the Alberta Workers’ Health Centre (total penalty – $35,750).
Convicted is: AT Plastics Inc.
Date of conviction: February 22, 2011 (Sentenced March 2, 2011)
Location of offence: Edmonton
Date of offence: September 20, 2007
Type: Injury
Description: A worker operating a plastics extruder had their hand caught in a feeder resulting in the amputation of three fingers and a thumb.
Conviction: AT Plastics Inc. pleaded guilty to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation, 15(1), and were sentenced to a $5,000 fine plus 15% Victim Fine Surcharge of $750. Also an order of $65,000 in favour of NAIT to be used for an entrance bursary to the OHS program, and to purchase laboratory equipment for the OHS program.
Convicted is: Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 17, 2011
Location of offence: Mildred Lake processing facility near Fort McMurray
Date of offence: December 31, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: A process operator clearing ice from a pipe rack at the Mildred Lake Processing Facility was fatally injured when the operator was struck by a large mass of falling ice.
Conviction: Syncrude Canada Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 189 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. All other charges were withdrawn upon acceptance of the guilty plea. Syncrude Canada Ltd. was fined $10,000 plus a surcharge of $1,500, and ordered to pay an additional $365,000 pursuant to Section 41.1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, in favour of Keyano College for the development and implementation of a safety module for the Process Operators, Power Engineering and OHS programs respecting hazard assessments, awareness and control in relation to winter conditions and the formation of ice. The remaining $100,000 will be allocated to establish bursaries for students of these programs in memory of the worker.
Convicted is: Eugene Hausauer, Director of E.L.H. Enterprises Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 24, 2011
Location of offence: Fox Creek
Date of offence: March 7, 2008
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker was removing an orifice plate inside a group separator building at an Orleans Energy Ltd. sour gas production facility. While attempting to remove the orifice plate, the worker caused a sour gas release from the equipment and was fatally overcome by the toxic gas.
Conviction: Mr. Hausauer pleaded guilty to one count under section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, and received a total penalty of $30,000, which included a fine of $1,000, inclusive of the victim fine surcharge, and $29,000 to Hilltop High School in Fox Creek for an OHS Program in memory of the worker.
Convicted is: Arrow Crane Ltd.
Date of conviction: October 18, 2010*
Location of offence: Red Deer
Date of offence: May 29, 2007
Type: Crane upset
Description: A boom truck operator was lifting a load of roof trusses when the bottom of the trusses came into contact with a roof frame. As it was being pulled off the roof, the load bounced, causing the crane to jerk and tip the boom truck. The load dislodged and landed in the front yard of the home while the boom crashed through the roof of an adjacent occupied house. No workers or members of the public were injured in the incident.
Conviction: Arrow Crane Ltd. pleaded guilty to Section 12(1)(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation. The company was ordered to pay a fine of $80,000. * The fine for Arrow Crane Ltd. will be reflected in the 2011 tally as sentencing occurred on January 24, 2011.
Convicted is: Charlton & Hill Limited
Date of conviction: December 15, 2010*
Location of offence: Lethbridge
Date of offence: March 24, 2008
Type: Injury
Description: A worker was using a wheelbarrow to dump gravel from the roof of a warehouse when the worker fell approximately 8.53 meters. The worker sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: Charlton & Hill Limited entered a guilty plea to Section 139(1)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. The company was ordered to pay a total penalty of $65,750, including a $5,000 fine, $750 victim fine surcharge and $60,000 creative sentence payable to the OHS Program at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). * The total penalty for Charlton & Hill Limited will be reflected in the 2011 tally as sentencing occurred on January 19, 2011.
Convicted is: Beck Drilling and Environmental Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 8, 2010
Location of offence: Fox Creek
Date of offence: April 7, 2008
Type: Injury
Description: A worker was using an oxy-acetylene torch to cut a steel plate. The oxy-acetylene flame punctured a hose and hydraulic fluid sprayed into the flame creating a fire. The worker received serious burn injuries.
Conviction: Beck Drilling and Environmental Services Ltd. entered a guilty plea to Section 7(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. The company was ordered to pay a total penalty of $90,000, including a $5,000 fine and $85,000 creative sentence payable to SAIT's Health and Safety Kiosk Program.
Convicted is: 864899 Alberta Ltd. o/a KCB Excavating and Calgary Tunnelling & Horizontal Augering Ltd.
Date of conviction: December 3, 2010
Location of offence: Medicine Hat
Date of offence: December 12, 2007
Type: Injury
Description: A track hoe operator moved their track hoe boom close to an augering machine. The track hoe boom end struck a worker and pinned the worker against the augering machine. The worker sustained serious injuries.
Conviction: 864899 Alberta Ltd. (operating as KCB Excavating and Calgary Tunnelling & Horizontal Augering Ltd.) entered a guilty plea to Section 2(1)(a)(ii) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. The company was ordered to pay a total penalty of $75,750, including a $5,000 fine, $750 victim fine surcharge and $70,000 creative sentence payable to the Southern Alberta MedicAir Society, Helicopter Air Lift Operation (HALO).
Convicted is: 876434 Alberta Ltd. o/a High Mark Vacuum Services.
Date of conviction: November 15, 2010
Location of offence: Torrington
Date of offence: December 23, 2006
Type: Fatality
Description: A worker received fatal head injuries after being struck by the rear door of the vacuum tank.
Conviction: 876434 Alberta Ltd. (operating as High Mark Vacuum Services) was convicted of violations under Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and Section 7(1) of the OHS Code. The company was ordered to pay $200,000 for each count for a total of $400,000.
Convicted is: Viper Concrete 2000 Limited Partnership
Date of conviction: September 13, 2010
Location of offence: Calgary
Date of offence: March 31, 2007
Type: Injury
Description: A worker was pre-raking the concrete poured on a 12th floor of a construction site. The worker fell through an uncovered floor opening and landed on a partially covered floor opening on the 10th floor. The worker received serious injuries.
Conviction: Viper Concrete 2000 Limited Partnership entered a guilty plea to Section 7(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and received a total penalty of $85,750 including a $5,000.00 fine $750.00 Victim Fine Surcharge, as well as a $80,000 creative sentence payable to the Women Building Futures Society.
Convicted is: M & H Wood Specialties Ltd.
Date of conviction: March 1, 2010
Location of offence: Bragg Creek
Date of offence: December 4, 2006
Type: Injury
Description: A worker was walking on the floor joist, lost their balance and fell approximately 3.10 metres into the basement.
Conviction: M & H Wood Specialties Ltd. entered a guilty plea to a violation of Section 7(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code and was fined $1,000.00 plus a $150.00 victim fine surcharge and ordered to make payment of $98,850 to Professional Medical Associates.
Convicted is: Tesco Corporation
Date of conviction: February 22, 2010
Location of offence: Fort McMurray
Date of offence: September 10, 2006
Type: Injury
Description: A worker employed by Tesco Corporation was seriously injured when the worker was pinned between two sections of oil well casing.
Conviction: Tesco Corporation entered a guilty plea to a charge under section 189 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. Court accepted a joint submission of a total penalty of $125,000.00 comprised of a fine of $5,000.00 inclusive of surcharge, and a section 41.1 Order in favour of Enform for $120,000.00.
Convicted is: Chinook Drilling, a division of Total Energy Services Ltd.
Date of conviction: February 19, 2010
Location of offence: Cold Lake
Date of offence: July 16, 2005
Type: Injury
Description: A worker was injured by a hydraulic lifting arm.
Conviction: Chinook Drilling entered a guilty plea to a charge under Section 212(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. The court accepted a joint submission of a total penalty of $85,000.00 comprised of a fine of $5,000.00 inclusive of surcharge, and a Section 41.1 Order in favour of STARS and Cold Lake Ambulance Society for $80,000.00.
Convicted is: Earl Rockerfeller Rutherford o/a R-K Construction
Date of conviction: February 12, 2010
Location of offence: Hythe
Date of offence: June 28, 2006
Type: Fatality
Description: A sheet metal worker, working for Earl Rockefeller Rutherford (operating as R-K construction), was installing roofing materials on an 18 metre high fabrication shop when the worker fell and was fatally injured.
Conviction: Mr. Rutherford entered a guilty plea to Section 2(2)(a) as a worker. The Judge accepted a joint submission and sentenced Mr. Rutherford to a fine of $10,000.00 inclusive of the surcharge, in default 142 days incarceration.
Convicted is: Alstar Oilfield Contractors Ltd.
Date of conviction: January 11, 2010
Location of offence: Fox Creek
Date of offence: June 30, 2006
Type: Fatality
Description: A contract welder and an Alstar Oilfield Contractors Ltd.'s worker were welding the doors shut on a metal shipping container. When a welding arc was struck on the door of the container, a leaking propane cylinder inside exploded. Both workers suffered fatal injuries.
Conviction: Alstar Oilfield Contractors Ltd. pleaded guilty to section 2(1)(a)(i) under the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act. Alstar Oilfield Contractors Ltd. received a total penalty of $375,000.00. The penalty included a fine of $5,000.00, inclusive of the victim fine surcharge, $250,000.00 to the Fox Creek Fire Department for purchasing equipment for work site fire and other emergency operations, $60,000.00 to the Fox Creek High School division for funding programs for students in areas of workplace health and safety training, and $60,000.00 to NorQuest College for the purpose of funding two memorial bursaries for students in the Occupational Health and Safety portions of the NorQuest College's Business and Industry Careers Program.
Convicted is: Ensign Drilling Inc.
Date of conviction: January 11, 2010
Location of offence: Grande Prairie
Date of offence: August 17, 2006
Type: Injury
Description: A drilling rig vibrated, causing a rig worker to lose their balance and fall into the moving parts of the rig which amputated the worker's arm.
Conviction: Ensign Drilling Inc. pleaded guilty to Section 310(2)(a) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code. The court imposed a total penalty of $90,750.00, including a $5,000.00 fine plus a victim fine surcharge of $750.00 and $85,000.00 to the Alberta Workers' Health Centre.
Convicted is: Garneau Inc.
Date of conviction: December 16, 2009*
Location of offence: Camrose
Date of offence: June 13, 2006
Type: Fatality
Description: An employee of Garneau Inc. died after the employee's head was caught between two large pipes.
Conviction: Garneau Inc.pleaded guilty to Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act for failing to ensure the health and safety of the worker. Garneau Inc. received a total penalty of $300,000 that included a fine of $10,000 inclusive of victim fine surcharge and the remaining amount of $290,000 to the University of Alberta Engineering Program. * The total penalty for Garneau Inc. is reflected in the 2010 tally as sentencing occurred on February 10, 2010.
Convictions before 2010
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