Condition of the environment

Environmental indicators and reporting on the state of Alberta’s air, climate, fish, wildlife, plants, land, wetlands and water.

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Condition of the environment

Condition of the environment reporting

Alberta’s Environmental Science Program provides the public with information indicators that convey trends in the condition of Alberta’s air, climate, fish, wildlife, plants, land, wetlands and water. Condition of the environment reporting in these areas delivers information to the public in a plain-language, easy-to-access online format.

Work is underway to provide indicator results for climate, land and wetlands – these will be added to the indicator sections below when available.

Explore the indicators


Learn about trends in Alberta’s air quality for fine particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ground level ozone, sulphur dioxide and wildfire smoke.

Work is underway to analyze province-wide datasets for indicators that best communicate the condition of Alberta’s climate.

Learn about the status of Alberta’s fish and wildlife, including amphibians, birds, fish, mammals and reptiles.

Learn about the status of Alberta’s vascular plants. Work is underway to identify indicators that communicate the condition of land and wetlands.

Learn about trends and status in Alberta’s water quality and quantity for chloride, lake trophic status and water yield.

Oil sands indicators

The Oil Sands Monitoring Program is a joint provincial-federal working partnership that provides comprehensive environmental monitoring data about Alberta’s oil sands region. Find information on oil sands indicators including air, groundwater, and hydrometric and surface water data.

Environmental monitoring

Data used in condition of the environment reporting is gathered and assessed through ongoing environmental monitoring founded on standardized methods and quality control protocols. To access environmental monitoring reports and datasets, see Environmental monitoring.