Collision reviews

How to request a commercial vehicle collision review.

Before you apply

In accordance with Standard 7 of the National Safety Code (NSC), all collisions reported to us involving a regulated, commercial vehicle appears on the carrier’s profile.

We will consider removing collision points from a Carrier’s Profile by way of a Collision Points Review if the carrier, or carrier’s representative, can show reasonable justification to have those points removed.

Carriers wishing to have a collision reviewed under Alberta’s NSC program must complete an application form and submit to Compliance & Oversight section.

All applicable sections of the application are required to be fully completed in order for the application to be considered.

Should a review support the removal of collision points, the carrier profile will be updated by having these points removed, and the points will not be used as part of the Intervention and Discipline Policy.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Request a collision review

We must receive an application for collision review within 12 months from the date the collision occurred.

To have a collision reviewed under Alberta’s NSC program, complete and submit the following form:

In addition, applications must also include the following minimum supporting documentation:

  • signed witness (driver) statements
  • internal company collision investigation report
  • attach all correspondence with your insurance company in relation to the decision or outcome of your claim (if not available or applicable, provide an explanation)

Send applications and supporting documents to the department by:

  1. carriers
  2. transportation consultants on behalf of carriers
  3. the Alberta Motor Transport Association on behalf of carriers

Note: for any third party submission, the decision regarding the application will only be shared with the carrier or registered owner of the commercial vehicle.

Submit the form and additional required documentation by email to [email protected].

After you apply

Due to the complexity and volume of collision reviews received by Carrier & Vehicle Safety, it may take several months for your application to be reviewed.

For these reasons it is important all required information is included with your initial application and submitted as soon as possible after the collision occurred. This helps decrease processing times and avoid any unnecessary delays.

Applications will be reviewed by Carrier & Vehicle Safety in the order they were received.

Once a determination has been made, you will be notified by email.