Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Alberta Public Service

The Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Public Service of Alberta applies to the conduct of all Alberta Public Service employees.

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  • Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Alberta Public Service


Albertans have the right to expect a public service that is conducted with impartiality and integrity. There should not be, or appear to be, any conflict between the private interests of employees and their duty to the public.

At the same time, employees should be able to enjoy the same rights in their private lives as other citizens, unless a restriction is in the public interest.

The Code of Conduct and Ethics provides guidance to all Alberta Public Service employees. The code can help them recognize when there may be a conflict of interest between their private interests and their duty to the public as a government employee.

Alberta Public Service employees are required to disclose any situation involving them that is a conflict or an apparent conflict of interest.

The Code of Conduct and Ethics addresses specific employee responsibilities related to:

  • dealing with others (relationships that may bring an employees' impartiality into question)
  • outside employment including teaching
  • volunteer activities
  • investment and management of private assets
  • acceptance of gifts
  • political activity
  • public statements
  • trade knowledge and intellectual property
  • dealings in Crown land
  • acquiring permits or licenses for Crown minerals or resources

Given the range and complexity of government activities, each department may also have a supplemental code(s) respecting matters of concern to the department. For questions about the code, supplementary codes, or potential conflicts of interest, please contact the Alberta Public Service Commission for more information.

Additional resources

About the Alberta Public Service

Respectful Workplace Policy for the Government of Alberta