Children’s mental health learning series

Resources to help caregivers, families and professionals provide support for children and youth with mental health concerns.

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Learning series

The children’s mental health learning series, presented in 2014 and 2015, provides caregivers, families and professionals with helpful information to increase knowledge and help support children and youth with mental health concerns. The resources from the learning series are provided below.

  • Part 1 session resources focus on early brain development and environmental impacts in the early years.
  • Part 2 session resources emphasize the adolescent brain and mental health and wellness challenges for youth.
  • No further sessions are planned.

This series was aligned with Creating Connections: Alberta’s Addiction and Mental Health Strategy.

Part 1: Videos and resources

Part 2: Videos and resources

Mental health grants

Recognizing mental health as a contributing root cause that brings children and families to the attention of child intervention services, the Alberta government has dedicated $2 million in funding in 2018/19. The grants help:

  • increase access to mental health specialists for assessment and brief intervention
  • recruit specialists, such as psychiatric nurse and pharmacist, to give child intervention staff access to expert clinical and medical consultation and help staff better understand the psychiatric treatment plans and use of psychotropic medications
  • support a best practice site in Calgary that increases mental health services to children and youth who are receiving child intervention services. The experiences learned from this site are used to enhance services across the province.

Mental health services site

Hull Services, Calgary, provides a program that assists parents in caring for their child with mental health needs and reduces the need for residential care. Their program uses individualized, evidence-based therapies to create a child’s support plan.

The support plan focuses on strategies that are transferable in the home environment. In addition to supporting the child within the program, the children receive support at home and in school.

This site was established to enhance mental health supports for children and families who are receiving child intervention services. This site provides increased mental health services to children and youth.