Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act review committee

The committee will conduct a comprehensive review of the act and submit a final report.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Children and Family Services


The Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act review committee will conduct a comprehensive review of the act to ensure the legislation is meeting the needs of children, youth and families in Alberta. A review of the act is required to occur at least once every 5 years.

The review committee must include one or more representatives of:

  • Indigenous communities
  • guardians and caregivers of children
  • providers of services to children and families
  • each caucus in the legislative assembly

Committee mandate

The review committee has 12 months to conduct their review of the act and submit a final report with any recommendations for amendments to the Minister of Children and Family Services. The minister will table the report in the Legislative Assembly.

Committee members

The review committee includes:

  • Jackie Lovely, MLA for Camrose, Chair
  • Diana Batten, MLA for Calgary-Acadia
  • Danielle Gouchie
  • Erica Jagodzinsky
  • Holly Johnson
  • Kelly Jo Klause
  • Jeannette MacInnis
  • Kirby Many Fingers
  • Tanya Shaw
  • Tonya Simeon