Cannabis legalization – What we heard

Albertans shared their feedback on cannabis legalization in Alberta through extensive public engagement in summer and fall of 2017.


The federal government passed legislation to legalize cannabis in Canada on October 17, 2018. Provinces and territories decided how to adapt the legislation.

The Alberta government held extensive public and stakeholder engagement from June to October 2017, to gather Albertans' input on what a system for legalized cannabis could look like for our province. More than:

  • 60,000 Albertans shared their input through online, telephone and in-person surveys, participation in focus groups and in hundreds of written submissions.
  • 100 organizations attended stakeholder meetings

Input gathered during the first round of engagement in June and July helped inform the draft Alberta Cannabis Framework, which was released October 4, 2017.


  • Open

  • Results under review

  • Completed

    October 2017

Who is listening

Justice and Solicitor General

Alberta Cannabis Framework

The Alberta Cannabis Framework sets the stage for responsible cannabis use in our province and outlines our 4 policy priorities:

  1. Keeping cannabis out of the hands of children and youth.
  2. Protecting safety on roads, in workplaces and in public spaces.
  3. Protecting public health.
  4. Limiting the illegal market for cannabis.

Fact sheet: Cannabis in Alberta

During the second round of engagement, Albertans were invited to read the draft framework and participate in a second online survey. More than three-quarters of online respondents said they believed the framework was reasonable and overwhelmingly supported the policy priorities on which it was based.

After Bill 26: An Act to Control and Regulate Cannabis was released in November 2017, additional stakeholders, municipalities, licensed producers, potential retailers and law enforcement were invited to participate in a third round of engagement.

Input received

Phase 3 stakeholder engagement summary

A number of stakeholder engagement sessions were held to discuss regulatory aspects of the legislation and discuss next steps. Below is a summary of what was heard.

  • Municipalities

    • Municipalities requested that regulations be flexible so that they can be tailored to best suit the needs of each individual community.
    • Some stakeholders expressed a concern about jurisdictional responsibilities, and wanted to receive clarity from the government.
    • All municipalities expressed concerns around timelines and enforcement.
  • Current industry and potential industry stakeholders

    • Stakeholders from various backgrounds were invited to participate in a roundtable on January 4, 2018, to give feedback on proposed ideas for retail regulations.
    • Stakeholders in attendance included those currently in the medical cannabis space, those currently operating in other retail spaces, potential cannabis retailers, associations and municipalities.
    • Topics included who could work in a retail store, where stores could be located and how stores would operate.
    • Stakeholders were supportive of strong security requirements and of background checks of staff, but some potential retailers were concerned with the application process timeframes, and of the AGLC physically warehousing product for distribution.
    • Most stakeholders also supported a flexible buffer regulation that allows municipalities to adjust them to best suits their own communities.
  • Law enforcement

    • Police identified they were concerned about organized crime infiltrating legal retail locations. They particularly highlighted:
      • concerns around illicit cannabis entering the legal system to be sold
      • risks around shipping/transportation as a place for infiltration of organized crime
    • Law enforcement supports a tiered approach to background checks, with those in higher positions requiring more scrutiny.
    • In terms of physical stores, they would like to see security regulations meet or exceed what is currently required for liquor stores or pharmacies.
    • They suggested mandatory photo ID checks of all customers; a minimum of 40-days retention requirement for CCTV footage; enough staff on duty to discourage shoplifting; and robust inventory tracking.
    • There are a number of outstanding questions for them, including how additional court costs will be handled.

Phase 2 engagement summary

A summary of the results from the public and stakeholder engagements are broken down as follows:

  • Policy objectives

    A strong majority of Albertans agreed that the 4 policy priorities government identified as foundational to its decision making are consistent with their personal priorities for cannabis legalization. The policy priorities are:

    1. Keeping cannabis out of the hands of children and youth.
    2. Protecting public health.
    3. Promoting safety on roads, in workplaces and in public spaces.
    4. Limiting the illegal market for cannabis.

    Survey response

    How consistent are these 4 provincial priorities with your personal priorities for cannabis legalization? (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 56% – very consistent
    • 25% – somewhat consistent
    • 6% – neither consistent nor inconsistent
    • 5% – somewhat inconsistent
    • 7% – very inconsistent
  • Minimum age to purchase, possess and use cannabis

    Albertans were asked for feedback on the most appropriate model for setting the minimum age for access to cannabis in Alberta. The majority of Albertans who took part in the surveys supported matching the legal age for cannabis to the legal age for drinking or smoking.

    Survey responses

    Which option is the most appropriate model for setting the minimum age for access to cannabis in Alberta? (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 11% – a national cannabis age would be best
    • 54% – should match our drinking and smoking age (18 years old)
    • 34% – should be higher than our drinking and smoking age
    • 1% – don't know/not sure/no opinion

    Starting in July 2018, the minimum age for legally purchasing and possessing cannabis in Alberta will be 18. (Telephone data, October 2017)

    • 33% – very reasonable
    • 32% – somewhat reasonable
    • 11% – somewhat unreasonable
    • 23% – very unreasonable
    • 1% – don't know/no opinion
  • Using cannabis in public

    Albertans were asked for their thoughts about the public consumption of cannabis. The majority of survey respondents felt people should be allowed to use cannabis products in some public spaces outside of their homes. There was support by participants for similar rules to be in place for smoking or vaping cannabis as there are for tobacco use. Stakeholders also advocated for the need for public education with respect to where cannabis could be consumed.

    Survey responses

    People should be allowed to use cannabis in some spaces outside the home. (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 26% – strongly agree
    • 31% – somewhat agree
    • 3% – neither agree nor disagree
    • 9% – somewhat disagree
    • 30% – strongly disagree

    In an effort to protect children and limit second-hand exposure for all Albertans, public consumption of cannabis in Alberta will be restricted any place where tobacco is restricted, as well as outdoor areas frequented by children, hospital and school properties, and in vehicles. (Telephone data, October 2017)

    • 71% – very reasonable
    • 17% – somewhat reasonable
    • 3% – somewhat unreasonable
    • 7% – very unreasonable
    • 2% – don't know/no opinion
  • Growing cannabis at home

    Federal legislation allows adults to grow up to 4 plants at home for personal use. Of those surveyed, a majority agreed that government should set rules defining where cannabis can be grown on private property.

    Survey responses

    Should Alberta consider defining where cannabis can be grown on private property (for example, in a secured structure versus anywhere on the property, including in the garden or yard)? (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 62% – provincial or local government needs to define if the plants need to be secured or not
    • 37% – owner of the property should decide if the plants need to be secured or not
    • 2% – don't know/not sure/no opinion

    Under federal legislation, adults will be allowed to grow up to 4 cannabis plants per household for personal use. Alberta will not allow these plants to be grown outside the home in a backyard or garden where children and youth would have easy access. (Telephone data, October 2017)

    • 45% – very reasonable
    • 25% – somewhat reasonable
    • 9% – somewhat unreasonable
    • 19% – very unreasonable
    • 2% – don't know/no opinion
  • Purchasing cannabis

    Albertans were asked for their feedback on how cannabis should be distributed in Alberta and sold to consumers. This included asking about who should own and operate regulated retail locations in our province; setting retail rules; and if we should allow online sales and home delivery of cannabis products. The majority of respondents said there should be some form of government oversight of distribution.

    Stakeholders supported rules against co-location of cannabis with alcohol, pharmaceuticals and tobacco. A strong majority supported restricting access to minors and requiring mandatory training for staff who work in cannabis stores. There was also majority support for regulating where stores can be located, the number of stores in any given area, and co-location of other products in cannabis stores. As well, there was overwhelming support for restricting consumption of cannabis in retail stores.

    Survey responses

    Who should own and operate retail cannabis outlets in Alberta? (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 59% – private retailers run the stores with government setting the rules and providing licences
    • 37% – government owns and operates the stores
    • 5% – don't know/not sure/no opinion

    Which type of cannabis store do you lean towards? (Telephone data, October 2017)

    • 58% – privately operated stores with government oversight and distribution
    • 42% – government-owned stores
  • Public safety

    Albertans were asked if they thought Alberta should establish additional rules and restrictions that go beyond federal legislation in relation to drug-impaired driving and drug impairment in the workplace. Almost all participants supported zero tolerance for any drugs for new drivers and drivers under 18, just like there is now for alcohol. A majority of survey participants also believed that government should introduce new legislation to keep Alberta’s roads safe from drug-impaired driving, including banning cannabis in vehicles, immediate roadside licence suspension and temporarily seizing an impaired driver’s vehicle if the driver is found to be under the influence of drugs.

    Survey responses

    Should the province consider additional rules to discourage drug-impaired driving, in addition to what the federal government has proposed? (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 93% – zero tolerance
    • 74% – driver's licence suspension
    • 71% – vehicle impoundment

    Does the introduction of legal cannabis require more to be done to keep workers and workplaces safe? (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 50% – definitely
    • 27% – probably
    • 14% – probably not
    • 7% – definitely not
    • 1% – don't know/not sure/no opinion
  • Economic implications

    In the online survey conducted between June and July 2017, Albertans shared their input on the potential implications cannabis may hold for economic development across various industries. Stakeholders were also asked about the potential for economic diversification the legalization of cannabis presents.

    Most stakeholders agreed that legalized cannabis could bring economic development opportunities, including in agriculture, as Alberta has a climate conducive to producing cannabis.

    Many stakeholders also talked about opportunities to work with partners (like the hemp industry, post-secondary institutions and indigenous communities) to not only develop cannabis for consumption but also for other products.

  • Albertan’s use of cannabis

    Albertans were asked to anonymously disclose their cannabis use in a telephone survey. Results from June showed that more than half of Albertans 17 and older have used cannabis in their lifetime. One in 5 Albertans have used recreational cannabis in the last 12 months.

    Survey responses

    In the past 12 months, have you used cannabis for...? (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 12% – recreational purposes only
    • 5% – medical purposes only
    • 8% – both recreational and medical purposes
    • 75% – haven't used cannabis in the past 12 months

    In the past 12 months, have you used cannabis? (Telephone data, October 2017)

    • 24% – yes
    • 75% – no
    • 1% – prefer not to answer
  • Support for legalization and social acceptability

    Albertans were asked how they felt about the proposed federal legislation to legalize cannabis, and how their support (or opposition) of legalized cannabis compares of their support (or opposition) for other substances. The majority of said they either support or do not oppose legalization.

    In both the summer surveys and the October surveys, a clear majority thought using cannabis is socially acceptable. A strong majority of both online and telephone survey respondents also said it was socially acceptable to consume alcohol.

    Survey responses

    To what degree do you support or oppose the federal government’s decision to legalize cannabis?

    (Telephone data, June 2017)

    • 36% – strongly support
    • 21% – somewhat support
    • 10% – neither support or oppose
    • 10% – somewhat oppose
    • 23% – strongly oppose

    (Telephone data, October 2017)

    • 33% – strongly support
    • 28% – somewhat support
    • 4% – neither support nor oppose
    • 11% – somewhat oppose
    • 25% – strongly oppose

For detailed results, see Alberta Cannabis Legislation: Detailed Engagement Report

