Canada-Alberta Job Grant

Eligible employers can get government funding to help employees and unemployed Albertans access training opportunities.

Grant closed

The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is closed and no longer accepting applications.

This closure is due to the federal government's decision to cut funding delivered under the Canada-Alberta Labour Market Transfer Agreement. You can read more about the reasons for this closure in the Minister’s Statement.

Applications submitted prior to the closure will continue to be processed.

We are working to ensure a new grant program meets both the current and future needs of Alberta’s economy. Stay tuned for an announcement in the coming months.

Subscribe for updates

Sign up to receive timely updates on the new program.

Email us your name, your preferred email address, and let us know who you are. Are you either:

  • Employer – and what size:
    • micro-business (1 to 4 employees)
    • small business (5 to 50 employees)
    • medium business (51 to 499 employees)
    • large business (500+ employees)
  • Industry association
  • Training provider
  • Other – let us know.

Email this information to us at


The Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG) is a training program where an employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees.

Funding provided by the Government of Canada through the Workforce Development Agreement.

Canada-Alberta Job Grant Portal

Receiving payment

If your training was completed early, email the CAJG program with the new training dates to activate the Training Completion form.

To receive payment for approved training and travel costs, fill out the Training Completion Application form:

  • Go to the Canada-Alberta Job Grant Portal to complete the Training Completion Application form. (Use the "Create/Resume Training Completion Application" button on the top left of the approved file.)

The Training Completion form must be submitted within 30 days of the approved training end date. Employer applicants should inform the CAJG of any date changes to ensure training is still eligible for funding.

Providing payment information

The Government of Alberta's preferred method of payment is electronic funds transfer (EFT). It is a faster and more secure way to reimburse you.

For security purposes only upload documents using the CAJG portal.

To receive an EFT payment, upload 2 documents to a grant file:

For security and privacy reasons, select "Company Banking Documents" as the document type, ensuring the files will not display back in the portal once successfully uploaded.


Connect with the Canada-Alberta Job Grant processing centre:

Phone: 780-638-9424 (in Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-855-638-9424