Part of Building

Building codes – Accessibility and Part 10 renovations

Find accessibility standards and green labels for existing Part 10 renovations.

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Accessibility and Part 10 renovations


The accessibility standards set out the requirements for the safe design of accessible and barrier-free environments regulated under the Safety Codes Act. We work in partnership with the Safety Codes Council to coordinate and encourage accessibility and ease of access for any thing, process or activity regulated under the act.

The fee to apply for barrier-free relaxation is $100 plus GST. If you wish to pay by cheque, email us at To pay by credit card, follow the link below.

Accessibility Design Guide

The Accessibility Design Guide provides further interpretation and understanding of accessibility requirements under Section 3.8 of the current Alberta Building Code.

Increasing accessibility

Part 10 renovations

The following permit application is for Alberta green labels for existing Part 10 units undergoing renovations.

Renovations to certified structures in situ require applicable permits from the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), as the structure is no longer under the original certification due to any modifications from the original construction. The contractor is to request green labels from Municipal Affairs, the labels will be provided to the AHJ for placing during final inspection.

Alberta green label will continue because there is no current program that covers renovations to certified structures within the factory. Factories certified under CSA A277 will be recognized for in factory renovations.


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