Brief Conflict Intervention program

Eligible parents in a high conflict parenting dispute meet with a clinician to help focus solutions on their children’s best interests.


Brief Conflict Intervention is a free program that can help parents who are referred by a family law professional or ordered by the court:

  • increase understanding of the needs of their children during separation, divorce and co-parenting
  • get information and education surrounding the impacts of conflict on their children
  • get help identifying what is causing parental conflict and focusing on solutions that are in the best interests of their children
  • create a parenting plan
  • improve communication between both parents


You may access this program if:

  • you were referred by a family law professional or ordered by the court to attend
  • one parent earns a gross income of $60,000 or less per year
  • there is at least one dependent child under the age of 18, or older than 18 and eligible for continued child support

How it works

  • The program is free.
  • Participants will meet with a clinician, such as a psychologist or social worker, who specializes in working with parents in conflict.
  • The clinician cannot give legal advice.
  • Sessions with the clinician may be one-on-one, include both parents and, if appropriate and both parents agree, may include children.
  • The clinician will complete a safety assessment to ensure the intervention is safe for everyone involved.
  • If a participant is ordered by the court to attend, a summary of the intervention will be provided to the court.

The clinician will not make decisions for participants, or make recommendations to the court related to parenting time, where the child should live, or decision making.

Before you register

Both parents must:

  • agree to take part in the program unless ordered by the court
  • have attempted mediation or agree to attempt mediation before registering

If there is a court order to prevent contact between parents:

  • check if the court order allows meeting in an Alternative Dispute Resolution Program, or
  • have the court order changed to allow this

The Brief Conflict Intervention program will need a copy of the court order before scheduling an appointment.


Your information
How did you hear about this program?

One of the parties must have a gross income of $60,000 or less per year.

Other parent’s information


To connect with the Brief Conflict Intervention program:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-0815
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]