Alberta Vital Statistics may amend the sex indicator on a person’s birth record when the person was born in Alberta.
Disclaimer: The Government of Alberta cannot guarantee that a birth certificate with the non-binary marker “X” will be accepted by authorities in other organizations.
There is a $20 government fee to amend a birth record.
The amendment fee may be paid by cheque or money order made out to the Government of Alberta. Do not send cash through the mail.
The fee can be waived on a case-by-case basis if it poses a financial barrier. After an amendment request is made through Vital Statistics or through a registry agent office, applicants can request that the Registrar waive the $20 government fee.
If you request the amendment through a registry agent, they may charge an additional service fee. Service fees vary.
How to apply
Amending your own birth record
You can amend your own Alberta birth record if you are:
- 18 years of age or older, or
- younger than 18 years of age and one of the following:
- married
- divorced
- widowed
- in an adult interdependent relationship (term that carries legal meanings similar to common law, but not the same)
- the parent of a child
- the guardian of another person
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Step 1. Complete the request for amendment form
Request to Amend a Vital Statistics Registration
Step 2. Complete the affidavit form
Guide to Completing an Affidavit
Affidavit: Sex Amendment for an Adult
The affidavit must be completed by the person whose sex indicator is being amended.
Do not sign the affidavit at this time.
Step 3. Go to a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths
Take the completed affidavit to a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.
The person whose sex indicator is being amended must sign the affidavit with the Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.
Step 4. Find any existing birth certificates
All Alberta birth certificates issued before the amendment must be surrendered to Vital Statistics.
Surrendered birth certificates will be cancelled and replaced free of charge with new birth certificates reflecting the amended sex indicator.
Step 5. Mail your application
Mail the original completed request, affidavit and existing Alberta birth certificates to Vital Statistics at:
Vital Statistics
Box 2023
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W7
Photocopies and faxes are not accepted.
You can also drop off your application documents at a registry agent and ask them to send it to Vital Statistics on your behalf. The registry agent may charge an additional fee for this service.
Amending the birth record of a minor (age 12 to 17)
The minor (whose sex indicator is being amended) must be 12 to 17 years old.
A parent or guardian must apply to amend the Alberta birth record of their child or ward. When the applicant is a guardian, a copy of their guardianship order is required.
Step 1. Complete the request for amendment form
Request to Amend a Vital Statistics Registration
Step 2. Complete the affidavit form
Guide to Completing an Affidavit
Affidavit: Sex Amendment for a Minor
The affidavit must be completed by a parent or guardian of the minor. When the applicant is a guardian, a copy of their guardianship order is required.
Do not sign the affidavit at this time.
Step 3. Go to a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths
Take the completed affidavit to a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.
The parent or guardian must sign the affidavit with the Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.
Step 4. Complete the consent forms
Each of the following must consent to amending the minor’s sex indicator by signing a consent form:
- all parents of the minor
- all guardians of the minor (if any); when a guardian’s consent is being provided, a copy of their guardianship order is required
- the minor whose sex indicator is being amended
Each person’s consent must be witnessed.
Step 5. Find any existing birth certificates
All Alberta birth certificates issued before the amendment must be surrendered to Vital Statistics.
Surrendered birth certificates will be cancelled and replaced free of charge with new birth certificates reflecting the amended sex indicator.
Step 6. Mail your application
Mail the original completed request, affidavit, consents and existing Alberta birth certificates to Vital Statistics at:
Vital Statistics
Box 2023
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W7
Photocopies and faxes are not accepted.
You can also drop off your application documents at a registry agent and ask them to send it to Vital Statistics on your behalf. The registry agent may charge an additional fee for this service.
Amending the birth record of a minor (age 11 or younger)
The minor (whose sex indicator is being amended) must be 11 years old or younger.
A parent or guardian must apply to amend the Alberta birth record of their child or ward. When the applicant is a guardian, a copy of their guardianship order is required.
Step 1. Complete the request for amendment form
Request to Amend a Vital Statistics Registration
Step 2. Complete the affidavit form
Guide to Completing an Affidavit
Affidavit: Sex Amendment for a Minor
The affidavit must be completed by a parent or guardian of the minor. When the applicant is a guardian, a copy of the guardianship order is required.
Do not sign the affidavit at this time.
Step 3. Go to a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths
Take the completed affidavit to a Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.
The parent or guardian must sign the affidavit with the Notary Public or Commissioner for Oaths.
Step 4. Complete the consent forms
Each of the following must consent to amending the minor’s sex indicator by signing a consent form:
- all parents of the minor
- all guardians of the minor (if any); when a guardian’s consent is being provided, a copy of their guardianship order is required
Each person’s consent must be witnessed.
Step 5. Have a professional complete the professional statement form
Professional Statement for a Minor Under 12
The professional statement form must be completed by one of the following professionals:
- a regulated member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
- a regulated member of the College of Alberta Psychologists
- a regulated member of the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
- a regulated member of the Alberta College of Social Workers
The professional must hold a valid practice permit for one of the above professions.
When the professional is not from Alberta, the person must hold a valid practice permit for a profession equivalent to one of the above from Alberta.
Step 6. Find any existing birth certificates
All Alberta birth certificates issued before the amendment must be surrendered to Vital Statistics.
Surrendered birth certificates will be cancelled and replaced free of charge with new birth certificates reflecting the amended sex indicator.
Step 7. Mail your application
Mail the original completed request, affidavit, consents, professional statement and existing Alberta birth certificates to Vital Statistics at:
Vital Statistics
Box 2023
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W7
Photocopies and faxes are not accepted.
You can also drop off your application documents at a registry agent and ask them to send it to Vital Statistics on your behalf. The registry agent may charge an additional fee for this service.
After you apply
On receipt of your application, Vital Statistics will examine the documents and if all requirements are met, the Alberta birth record will be amended.
If information is missing or there are any discrepancies in information, your application may be delayed.
Documents and certificates are sent to you by regular mail.
For special arrangements or rush service options, speak with Vital Statistics.
Connect with the Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction Contact Centre:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-7013 (Edmonton and area)
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-422-4225
Email: vs@gov.ab.ca
Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 2023
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W7
Vital Statistics
Document Reception
John E. Brownlee Building
10365 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5C5