Attendance Board

The Attendance Board hears matters about student absenteeism referred to them by local school authorities.

For families affected by strike action, contact your local school authority to learn more about impacts to students.


A school authority may refer a student with a pattern of chronic absenteeism to the Attendance Board if their efforts to improve attendance and re-engage the student in learning have been unsuccessful.

Where chronic absenteeism cannot be resolved locally, public school authorities may refer the matter to the Attendance Board. Private school authorities are required to make a referral. An Attendance Board panel is then convened to hear the matter.


Search the list of public agencies for the Board's:

  • mandate and roles
  • code of conduct


Attendance Board members are appointed by the Minister of Education.

View current membership

The Education Act

The Education Act provides direction about school attendance and the Attendance Board.

The Education Act requires:

  • children and youth between the ages of 6 and 16 to attend school
  • school authorities to make reasonable efforts to ensure that a student enrolled in one of their schools attends school
  • private school authorities to make a referral to the Attendance Board when a student is not attending

A public school board may make a referral to the Attendance Board when a student is not attending.

The Education Act (sections 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50) sets out all matters related to the duties, powers and establishment of an Attendance Board panel.

Attendance Board hearings

Attendance Board hearings include:

  • the student
  • the students’ parents or guardians
  • any other witnesses that the panel identifies who can contribute relevant information

Once all witnesses contribute to the story about the student’s absenteeism and questions are answered, panel members explore options to assist with getting the student to attend school and re-engage in learning.

The panel may give direction to the student and/or the parent/guardian that it considers appropriate and enforce the ruling by registering it as an order of the Court of King’s Bench.

Compensation disclosure

Public sector bodies are required to post online the names and compensation paid to:

This is a requirement under the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act. The postings are required by June 30 each year and will be maintained for 5 years.

Compensation disclosure file

Download the Attendance Board's compensation disclosure (disclosures for 2018 to 2023).

To access support from the Office of Student Attendance and Re-engagement (OSAR), or for more information, contact Sheri Finner, OSAR Coordinator at 780-422-6538 or by email at [email protected].
