Alberta’s government is committed to supporting and strengthening the vital communities across the province’s north with strategic investments that ensure long-term prosperity. In the province’s latest budget, $4.4 billion is being allocated in operating expenses and $475 million for capital expenses to Alberta’s north region.
Alberta’s northern communities are vital to the province’s identity, prosperity and success. There is no question, Alberta’s northern communities face unique opportunities and challenges that must be addressed today. Budget 2025, if passed, is meeting the challenges faced by Alberta with continued investments in economic development, education, health, transportation and more.
Jobs, Economy and Trade:
If passed, Budget 2025 strengthens northern Alberta’s workforce and regional economies through strategic supports and investments, including $9 million over the next three years through the Northern and Regional Economic Development Program (NRED) and $1.5 million allocated over three years for the Northern Alberta Development Bursary, to attract and retain skilled professionals to grow and diversify northern economies. Alberta’s government is also investing $111 million in affordability and wage-top-up grants to child care operators in northern Alberta so northern families can access quality child care.
Regarding regional supports, $45 million is being allocated over three years to the Investment and Growth Fund to increase Alberta’s competitiveness and attract investment across the province, including in the north. Budget 2025 invests $3 million in the Alberta Export Expansion Program over three years to enhance access for Alberta-based businesses to international markets for export-ready organizations. Alberta’s government is also investing $235 million in the Alberta Film and Television Tax Credit over the next three years to grow the film and television sector in Alberta, with 30 per cent tax credits available for qualifying northern and rural productions.
"By driving strategic economic development, attracting investment with a business-friendly environment and empowering our northern workforce, our government is ensuring Alberta’s north remains an economic engine, fueling growth and industry diversification for years to come."
Northern Development:
Alberta’s government has engaged with business owners, municipalities and economic development organizations from communities across northern Alberta who shared their specific barriers to economic growth, such as workforce retention and attraction, transportation, infrastructure and affordable housing. If passed, Budget 2025 makes important investments to address those challenges and create more opportunities for Albertan workers and business owners based in the north.
“Northern Alberta has limitless opportunity. Investing in much-needed supports today, like the Northern and Regional Economic Development Program and Northern Alberta Development Bursary, will empower communities to succeed, setting the foundation for northern communities to thrive for generations to come.”
Last fall, Alberta’s government announced a program to accelerate school construction and build new classroom spaces. If passed, Budget 2025 would invest $225 million over three years for school projects across Alberta, including for planning and design of five new school projects in the north. Alberta’s government is investing in Cold Lake, Fairview, Grand Prairie and two schools in Fort McMurray. In Cold Lake, a new school will replace the Art Smith Aviation Academy, North Star Elementary School and Cold Lake Junior High. An addition to the Grande Prairie Composite High School will make room for more students in the community, while families in Fairview can look forward to new schools to replace existing and aging ones. In Fort McMurray, families can look forward to an addition to Holy Trinity Catholic High School and a modernization of École Dickinsfield School which will accommodate growing student populations.
“Budget 2025, if passed, will provide five new schools and the teachers and staff needed to support them to northern Alberta communities. Alberta’s government remains committed to providing a world-class education to students in every corner of the province.”
If passed, Budget 2025 includes $15 million in planning funds for eight new urgent care centres, including in Cold Lake and Fort McMurray. It also includes an increase of $12 million for the existing Rural Remote Northern Program and $12 million annually for physician support programs. Alberta’s government is also upgrading hospitals and facilities across the province and is investing in innovation to make Alberta an in-demand destination for researchers. Capital projects include $80 million over three years for the La Crete Maternity and Community Health Centre, and $18 million over two years to fund furnishings, equipment and IT infrastructure for the new Mountview Health Complex in the town of Beaverlodge, as well as a $170-million capital lease to operate the new facility. Additionally, Budget 2025 includes funding to complete the expansion of the town of Slave Lake’s EMS station.
“Budget 2025 prioritizes the health of people in northern Alberta with investments in urgent care centres and vital infrastructure upgrades. These initiatives will help strengthen communities, improve access to care and support sustainable growth across the region.”
Transportation and Economic Corridors:
If passed, Budget 2025 also includes funding for multiple highways and bridges, with funding already announced earlier this month. Alberta’s northern communities are vital to our province’s identity and success, and that is why Budget 2025 invests $1.25 billion in the north to expand emergency routes in northern Alberta – because when disaster strikes, every second counts.
“Alberta’s rapid growth demands bold action. That’s why we are making historic investments in transportation and water infrastructure to keep our communities thriving, businesses competitive and families supported. These projects will create jobs, boost trade and ensure Alberta remains the best place to live, work and build a future.”
Advanced Education:
If passed, Budget 2025 also invests $2 million in 2025-26 for the expansion and upgrades of Keyano College in Fort McMurray to provide an enhanced learning environment for in-demand programs like nursing and paramedicine to help address labour needs in Alberta’s health care system. Budget 2025 also invests $1 million towards planning for the skilled trades expansion at Northwestern Polytechnic in Grande Prairie, which will help meet demand for skilled tradespeople to build Alberta’s growing economy. Further, Budget 2025 allocates a total of almost $9 million for capital maintenance and renewal projects at the following northern Alberta post-secondary institutions:
- Athabasca University
- Keyano College
- Lakeland College
- Northern Lakes College
- Portage College
- Northwestern Polytechnic
“Alberta’s government is ensuring students in northern Alberta and across the province have access to high-quality post-secondary education. That is why we are making significant investments in northern Alberta through Budget 2025 that will upgrade facilities and create more seats in high-demand programs.”
Other Supports:
As extra support for the 2024-2025 Northern and Regional Economic Development (NRED) program, Alberta’s government is pleased to announce an additional $7 million will be allocated towards last year’s grant intake. For 2024-25, NRED will provide over 80 grants worth approximately $10 million.
“The Northern and Regional Economic Development grant supports business growth in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo. More than 100 local businesses have benefited from programs funded through this grant so far – and we’re very excited to continue the success in 2025.”
“The 2025 Alberta provincial budget provides continuing support for the work of regional economic development and continues to support the growth of rural Alberta. Investments in infrastructure are key to ensure our commodities move to market and our rural economy continues to grow and provide for the needs of all Albertans today and into the future.”
“The province’s investment in northern Alberta is good news for supporting the region’s continued economic growth and acknowledging the unique difficulties of maintaining infrastructure and delivering services in the rural north. Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) is hopeful that government will work with the region’s rural municipalities to ensure the investments are targeted for maximum community and regional benefit.”
Through strategic investments in the north, Alberta’s government is tackling challenges head-on, laying the foundation for long-term prosperity and success.
Budget 2025 is meeting the challenge faced by Alberta communities with continued investments in education and health, lower taxes for families and a focus on the economy.
Quick facts:
If passed, Budget 2025 invests:
- $264 million in new funding for highway projects across northern Alberta, including:
- Paving Highway 58 to improve mobility for more than 5,500 local residents, boost economic activity and allow unimpeded access for emergency vehicles.
- Paving Highway 686 between Peerless Lake and Trout Lake and commencing design work to extend the highway from Fort McMurray to Peerless Lake.
- Detailed design work to improve safety on Highway 28, a critical transportation route serving the Cold Lake oil sands deposits and the Cold Lake 4th Wing Air Base.
- $225 million over three years for school projects across Alberta, including for planning and design of five new school projects in the north
- $189 million over three years for the Beaverlodge Health Centre replacement
- $111 million is being provided for affordability and wage-top-up grants to child care operators in northern Alberta.
- $101 million over three years to twin Highway 63 North of Fort McMurray
- $87 million over three years for the La Crete bridge
- $80 million over three years for the La Crete Maternity and Community Health Centre
- $2 million in 2025-26 for the expansion and upgrades of Keyano College in Fort McMurray to provide an enhanced learning environment for in-demand programs like nursing and paramedicine to help address labour needs in Alberta’s health care system.
Related information
Related news
- Enhancing safety and economic growth in the north (March 4, 2025)
- Cultivating economic growth in rural Alberta (May 3, 2024)
Media inquiries
Marisa Breeze
Press Secretary, Jobs, Economy and Trade
Garrett Koehler
Press Secretary, Education
Jessi Rampton
Press Secretary, Health
Husam Khalo
Press Secretary, Transportation and Economic Corridors
Varun Chandrasekar
780 427-5777
Press Secretary, Advanced Education