“No child should ever have to experience abuse. Whether at school or in the home, online or out in the community, abuse of any kind is always unacceptable. Child Abuse Prevention Month serves as an important reminder that everyone has a responsibility to know the warning signs and speak up to keep young people safe.

“Our government remains committed to protecting all children and youth and ensuring they have a safe place to turn, as well as the resources they need when abuse does happen. This includes supporting the invaluable work of Alberta’s child and youth advocacy centres, which foster welcoming environments where young survivors are empowered to tell their stories and seek justice, as well as Little Warriors, for those who need longer-term support to recover from child sexual abuse trauma.

“If you believe a child’s safety is at risk, don’t wait. Call the confidential, 24/7 Child Intervention line at 1-800-638-0715 or contact the nearest Children and Family Services office, Delegated First Nations Agency or local police.

“To every Albertan who has taken action to protect a child’s safety and well-being, or prevent abuse from happening in their community, thank you. To every child and youth who has experienced abuse: we believe you, you are not alone and help is available.”

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