Jasper holds a special place in the hearts of many Albertans and visitors from around the world. Alberta’s government is committed to a swift recovery to ensure the town continues to be a strong tourist destination. The government has approved disaster recovery funding to help the Municipality of Jasper with costs related to wildfire response and to support the long process of recovery and rebuilding.

“We are committed to providing the necessary support for recovery in Jasper and all Alberta communities affected by wildfire this year. This funding will cover critical areas of need, from uninsurable infrastructure damage to emergency operations costs, ensuring communities can recover swiftly and safely.”

Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services

This funding is being provided through the province’s Disaster Recovery Program, which provides financial assistance for uninsurable losses or damages resulting from a disaster. Eligible expenses that may be covered could include volunteer firefighter wages, local authority firefighter and municipal staff overtime costs, mutual aid costs for reception centre accommodation, food and transportation, structural protection costs and infrastructure damaged as a result of the wildfire response. Funding through the program is not intended to replace appropriate fire insurance coverage.

“Jasper is more than a location; it is a cherished part of Alberta’s identity, and while the fire may have brought destruction, it will not extinguish the heart of Jasper. Our provincial government is dedicated to investing in the community’s recovery, ensuring that this iconic town not only rebuilds but thrives, and continues to inspire visitors and residents alike. Jasper will surely emerge stronger than ever.”

Martin Long, MLA for West Yellowhead

“We are incredibly grateful to the Government of Alberta for this financial support through the Disaster Recovery Program. This critical funding is one piece in helping Jasper recover and rebuild and we know we can count on our provincial partners for continued support in this area. Our community has shown incredible strength and resilience, and with this support, we can help ensure a bright future for Jasper and its residents.”

Richard Ireland, mayor, Municipality of Jasper

As fire insurance is considered readily and reasonably available in Alberta, Disaster Recovery Program financial assistance for wildfires is not available to homeowners, residential tenants, small business owners, landlords, agricultural operations, condominium associations and not-for-profit organizations.

Historically, Alberta has used the Disaster Recovery Program to help communities recover from extraordinary natural disasters, including the 2023 wildfires, June 2023 flooding in north-central Alberta, 2020 northern Alberta floods, 2016 Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo wildfires and 2013 southern Alberta floods.

Quick facts

  • Eligible expenses are cost-shared where the provincial share is 90 per cent of total costs, and the municipal share of 10 per cent is deducted from their payment (no out-of-pocket cost).
  • Provincial costs may be eligible for reimbursement under the federal Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements.

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