“Every day, members of Alberta’s law enforcement work diligently to protect Albertans, exemplifying strength, commitment and courage in the name of keeping our province safe. While we appreciate their work all year round, National Police Week offers a particularly opportune time to recognize the men and women who risk their own well-being to protect ours – and to say thank you.

“As the demands around public safety increase and become more complex, the need for stable, reliable law enforcement becomes even more imperative. Members of Alberta’s law enforcement agencies rise to this challenge on a daily basis, demonstrating the highest order of professionalism and integrity in carrying out their duties.

“In Alberta, we recognize these individuals not just as laudable professionals, but as members of our communities. They are our friends, our neighbours and our loved ones. They are the frontline protectors of Albertans’ safety and well-being, and they have my utmost respect and admiration – and my sincerest appreciation – this Police Week and all year long.

“Unfortunately, despite the unwavering commitment we see on the frontlines every single day, the already challenging role of law enforcement is being made even more difficult. Constrained RCMP resources and dangerous federal bail policies are putting police officers and the public at risk.

“We recognize the extent and seriousness of crime in rural communities, which is why we committed to reinvest money collected from municipalities back into frontline law enforcement. 

“To help alleviate some of these pressures and support the important work of police services, Alberta’s government is increasing policing capacity and promoting further community involvement in policing. We are doing this through a paradigm shift, where police are no longer seen as an arm of the state, but rather an extension and reflection of the community they serve.

“The theme of this year’s National Police Week is Committed to Serve Together, and I commend and thank the members of Alberta’s many law enforcement agencies for always doing just that. I want to assure our law enforcement partners that we remain committed to service with you. Our province is much safer and more prosperous because of your hard work.”