Air Monitoring Directive – Overview

Alberta’s Air Monitoring Directive (AMD) sets out the requirements for monitoring and reporting air quality in the province.

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AMD revision

The Air Monitoring Directive (AMD) was revised in 2016 to bring the directive in line with current practices, technology, legislation and approval requirements. The 2016 AMD amends and takes the place of all sections of the 1989 AMD and 2006 amendments.

The AMD 2016 is made up of 8 chapters which are available in the Open Government Portal:

Note: AMD Chapter 2 Ambient Monitoring Program Planning was repealed on December 10, 2019.

AMD chapters will be reviewed and revised as needed. Amendments or new draft chapters will be posted for public review.

AMD requirements

The requirements of the revised AMD, unless otherwise specified, apply to:

  • the owner of a facility that is the subject of an approval or other authorization under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA)
  • the holder of an approval or other authorization under EPEA
  • the Alberta airshed
  • any other person specified in any other part of the AMD

Approval holders that are currently required to follow the AMD 1989 are now required to follow the 2016 AMD.

Chapter 1 (Introduction) contains definitions and general requirements that pertain to the AMD as a whole as well as a correlation table that compares the old and new requirements.

Industrial operations should consult their approval conditions when interpreting how AMD requirements apply to them. Regulations and approvals supersede the AMD if there is a direct conflict.

If you have questions on how to interpret a clause, contact your approvals coordinator (or airshed representative) or for general inquiries email

For further details, read the Guidance on Common AMD Questions.


The AMD is enforceable under EPEA approvals, contracts and grants with airsheds, and through proposed revisions to the Substance Release Regulation. There is no grandfathering. All approval holders, airsheds or other parties that monitor air quality and report to the Regulator must comply with the 2016 AMD.

Approval contraventions and immediate notifications are provided as per A Guide To Release Reporting and the Reporting Spills and Releases fact sheet.


The requirements of the AMD apply to all air monitoring and reporting in the province (required by an approval or conducted by an airshed or other party) which is submitted to the Regulator.

Approval holders and airsheds

The approval holder is required to follow the AMD for all air monitoring and reporting conducted by the facility and ensure that approval requirements are met. Airsheds are responsible for following AMD requirements and reporting for any monitoring conducted by the airshed.

If an approval holder’s monitoring requirements are fulfilled by an airshed, the airshed would monitor and report on behalf of the facility and must adhere to AMD requirements. The facility is accountable for ensuring that approval and AMD requirements are met by the airshed.

Third-party contractors

Third-party contractors can carry out monitoring and prepare and submit reports, data and forms on behalf of the person responsible. Facilities and airsheds remain responsible for what is submitted and for meeting AMD requirements.

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