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Organizational Units

Legislative Branch
Organizational Units

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Legislative Branch
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Legislative Assembly Office
Office of the Speaker
Office of the Clerk
House Services
Office of Parliamentary Counsel
Parliamentary Services
Ceremonial and Security Services
Library Services
Human Resource Services
Corporate Services
Communications Services
Information Technology and Broadcast Services
IT Administration and Telecommunications
Application Services
Audio / Video and Broadcast Operations
IT Operations / Network Operations
Client Support
Digital Transform and Special Projects
Financial Management
Facilities and Logistics
Constituency Offices
Auditor General
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
Information and Privacy Commissioner
Case Management
Compliance Support
Case Resolution
Strategic Initiatives and Information Management
HR and Finance
Legal Services
Office of the Public Interest Commissioner (PIC)
Alberta Ombudsman
Application Services
Organizational Unit
Name Phone Title
Ohki, Makoto
587 414-2125 Supervisor of Application Services
Ali, Qamar
587 686-8077 Application Specialist
Michaud, Alison
587 414-2124 Acting Supervisor of Application Services
Shubert, Kaden
587 686-3022 Application Specialist
Zuk, Blaine
587 689-5488 Project Manager
Qin, Simon
587 414-2126 Software Developer
Qu, Tony
587 414-2127 Software Developer

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