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Organizational Units

Organizational Units

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Office of the Minister
Office of the Deputy Minister, Justice
Alberta Crown Prosecution Service Division (ACPS)
Court and Justice Services Division (CJS)
Financial Services Division (FSD)
Strategy, Support and Integrated Initiatives Division
Legal Services Division (LSD)
Trades, Innovation, Post Secondary Legal Team
Central Services
People and Communities Legal Team
Constitutional and Aboriginal Law
Divisional Support Office
Energy Law
Environmental Law Team
Family and Surrogate Court Litigation
Family and Surrogate Court Litigation - Calgary
Health Law
Infrastructure and Transportation Legal Team
Infrastructure and Transportation Legal Team - SafeRoad Team
Justice and Public Safety and Emergency Services Legal Team
Jobs and Immigration Legal Team
Labour Employment Law Team
Legislative Counsel Office
Edmonton Office
Calgary Office
Municipal, Education and Service Alberta (MESA) Legal Team
Organizational Learning Office
Strategy, Support and Integrated Initiatives Division (SSII)
Agency Governance and Oversight
Business Intelligence
Business Transformation
Alberta Chief Firearms Office
Justice Supports
Strategic Policy and Legislation
Alberta Human Rights Commission
Edmonton Office
Organizational Unit
Name Phone Title
Information 780 427-1295
Akst, Lesley
780 427-8673 Barrister and Solicitor
Bowes, Stephanie
780 427-0641 Barrister and Solicitor
Buijs, Peter
780 638-3765 Barrister and Solicitor
Chiu, Frances
780 638-1308 Barrister and Solicitor
Dooley, Tim
587 336-0245 Barrister and Solicitor
Dube, John-Marc
780 427-3966 Barrister and Solicitor
England, Mandy
780 422-9252 Barrister and Solicitor
Flaherty, Hillary
780 638-3760 Barrister and Solicitor
Flanders, Jessica
780 427-2374 Barrister and Solicitor
Friesenhan, Lisa
780 644-4905 Barrister and Solicitor
Hallan, Tyson
780 422-9252 Barrister and Solicitor
MacDonald, Shelley
780 415-2983 Barrister and Solicitor
McDonough, Sean
780 427-1257 Barrister and Solicitor
Meenai, Shaheer
780 422-9200 Barrister and Solicitor
Mueller, Doreen
780 644-5785 Barrister and Solicitor
Nattras, Brad
780 422-4089 Barrister and Solicitor
Seniuk, Emma
780 638-3761 Barrister and Solicitor
Simmonds, Andrea
780 422-8787 Barrister and Solicitor
Stengel, Jennifer
780 415-1223 Barrister and Solicitor
Sutherland, Natasha
780 644-7504 Barrister and Solicitor
Yamamoto, Hana Laura
780 644-7808 Barrister and Solicitor
Mavani, Abid
780 422-4249 Fatality Inquiry Coordinator
Uram, Syma
780 422-4943 Fatality Inquiry Evidence Administrator
Jingling, Elizabeth
780 427-1295 Office Supervisor
Anderson, Christine
780 427-0716 Paralegal
Goyda, D'Elaine
780 427-1295 Paralegal
Harding, Teal
780 422-3063 Paralegal
Lorieau, Danielle
780 644-5658 Paralegal
Martyniuk, Christie
780 422-9479 Paralegal
Azizi, Nazila
780 422-9587 Legal Assistant
Eberle-Morris, Deirian
780 638-3761 Legal Assistant
Fode, Shelly
780 644-7177 Legal Assistant
Imbrogno, Alessandra
780 644-7177 Legal Assistant
Karstens-Smith, Taryn
780 644-3949 Legal Assistant
Linke, Debbie
780 422-3081 Legal Assistant
Miller, Laura L.
780 644-0044 Legal Assistant
Shi, Yuehong
780 644-7177 Legal Assistant
Stage, Diana
780 427-1295 Legal Assistant
Tomusiak, Adrienne
780 427-1295 Legal Assistant
Uchegbu-Okoroh, Ugo
780 422-1128 Legal Assistant
Wilde, Christina
780 422-9587 Legal Assistant
Ruark, Kelly
780 644-4765 Paralegal

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