Tourism in Alberta
Tourism in Alberta 2019 statistics were updated on March 10, 2022. Some key tourism figures showed an increase in value. This change is a result of improvements to regional data in the National Travel Survey, which now includes expenditures at the origin of the trip as well as those for air commercial transportation in Canada.
Statistics about tourism in Alberta provide valuable information to understand where visitors are coming from, and how much they spend while visiting the province.
View the latest tourism expenditures and visitation in Alberta by market (Travel Alberta).
Visitor profiles by region
Visitor profiles provide information on visitor origin, purpose of trip, accommodation, length of stay, seasonality and spending in Alberta and tourism regions.
- Total Alberta (Travel Alberta)
Tourism region
- Alberta central region
- Alberta north region
- Alberta south region
- Calgary and area region
- Canadian Rockies region
- Edmonton and area region
You can find archived visitor profiles at Open Government.
The raw data for total Alberta tourism, domestic tourism, and tourism by region is also available in Excel format.
International visits and spending
Statistics on overnight person-visits and expenditures from specific countries:
- Real-time from 2020 onwards (Travel Alberta)
- International from 2002 to 2019
Economic impact of tourism in Alberta
Economic impact studies provide a snapshot of an entire existing economy at a specific point in time.
It follows spending associated with tourism activity to identify changes on employment, income and government tax revenue at regional and provincial levels.
- Economic impact statistics (Travel Alberta)
You can find archived economic impact studies at Open Government.
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