
The Alberta Technology and Innovation Strategy will help position Alberta as an internationally recognized technology and innovation hub that attracts talent, business and job-creating investment from across Canada and around the world. This will diversify Alberta’s economy as the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, increase productivity and create a more resilient economic future for all Albertans.

It fulfils an Alberta Investment and Growth Strategy commitment to finalize strategies for key economic sectors and supports Alberta’s Recovery Plan to put us back on course for long-term financial sustainability.

The Alberta Technology and Innovation Strategy sets 5 key goals to establish Alberta as a global technology leader. Each goal identifies a variety of initiatives to advance the sector, some of which are already in place.

Our vision

Alberta is an internationally recognized technology and innovation hub that develops and attracts talent, business and investment to grow the technology sector and diversify Alberta’s economy.

Numbers at a glance

Creating jobs

The Alberta Technology and Innovation Strategy seeks to create 20,000 new jobs for Albertans by 2030.

Generating revenue

Alberta’s technology companies could generate $5 billion more in annual revenue by 2030.

Goal 1

Increase the depth of Alberta’s technology and innovation talent pool

Building a strong workforce is critical to growing Alberta's technology and innovation ecosystem.

With bold steps to transform the post-secondary system through the Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs initiative as well as the Alberta at Work initiative, we are helping attract, develop, grow and retain the province’s talent pool.

By making quality employment and skill-building opportunities available, we will ensure Alberta has a future-ready workforce with skills to support economic diversification and growth.

Goal 2

Increase access to private capital and public investments in Alberta’s technology and innovation sector

It’s critical that we enable improved access to early-stage and start-up capital to establish Alberta as a place to innovate and grow a business.

We must support experienced investors, such as angel and venture capital investors, as well as attract and leverage public investment to grow the technology sector.

By attracting investment to Alberta’s technology and innovation sector, we are creating the conditions to further attract and retain talent in the province while creating quality opportunities and diversifying our economy.

Goal 3

Advance a system of supports that facilitate commercialization of Alberta research and innovations

Research advances in technology and innovation ensure Alberta’s priority sectors remain competitive. By commercializing research, we generate economic value from knowledge and ideas as businesses, entrepreneurs and spin-off companies from post-secondary institutions all help turn knowledge into products and services.

Goal 3 of the Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs initiative identifies the need for innovation and commercialization support for post-secondary research.

Goal 4

Optimize Alberta’s technology and innovation ecosystem

An effective and cohesive technology and innovation ecosystem is essential to attracting and retaining talent and helping entrepreneurs grow their companies.

While many organizations are providing these supports, some entrepreneurs struggle to navigate the system and still report gaps.

Goal 5

Enhance Alberta’s reputation as a leader in technology and innovation

Alberta is open for business and has a strong foundation for technology and innovation companies to thrive.

The advancement of the Alberta Technology and Innovation Strategy’s goals will be a key part of building our reputation as an attractive location for innovators and entrepreneurs to invest, do business, work and live.

Next steps

The Alberta Technology and Innovation Strategy will guide targeted initiatives to grow the province’s technology and innovation sector, driving economic recovery and creating a new future for Alberta.

We will continue to consult with industry, investors, other governments, entrepreneurs, post-secondary institutions, innovation system agencies and others to build a future-focused and sustainable Alberta economy driven by technology and innovation.