Online services
Select a quick, easy and secure way to complete your Seniors Financial Assistance application online.
Submit documents online: this is the easiest way to send your applications, forms and updated information to the Alberta Seniors Benefit program.
To be eligible for the Alberta Seniors Benefit you must:
- be 65 years of age or older (benefits may start the month of your 65th birthday)
- have lived in Alberta for at least 3 months immediately before applying
- be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- receive the Old Age Security pension from the Government of Canada
- meet financial eligibility criteria
Note: If you or your spouse or partner have chosen to defer or delay receipt of Old Age Security (OAS), you are not eligible for seniors financial assistance programs.
Use the Seniors Benefit Estimator to help determine your eligibility for seniors financial assistance programs. You do not need to share any personal information to use the calculator.
New Alberta residents
If you are a new Alberta resident, you are eligible to begin receiving benefits on the later of the following dates:
- the month of your 65th birthday
- the month following 3 months of permanent residency in Alberta (for example, if you moved to Alberta on July 15, you are eligible to receive benefits on October 1 of the same year)
How your benefit is determined
In general, a single senior with an annual income of $33,410 or less, and senior couples with a combined annual income of $54,640 or less, may be eligible for a benefit. These income levels are guidelines only, and are for seniors whose income includes full Old Age Security pension.
The amount of benefit you may be eligible to receive is determined by:
- your income, combined with your spouse/partner's income, regardless of age
- whether you receive the federal Old Age Security pension (you have lived in Canada for 10 years)
- your accommodation category
- your marital/cohabitation status
Income factors
Benefits are paid based on your previous calendar year’s total income, from January to December.
Your income information is needed each year to accurately calculate your benefits.
Your application to the Alberta Seniors Benefit program asks you to authorize the Canada Revenue Agency to release limited income information to the Alberta government. Only the lines relevant to verifying your eligibility and determining your benefits are collected.
To calculate your benefit amount, the Alberta Seniors Benefit starts with your total income as identified on line 15000 of your income tax return (combined with your spouse/partner’s total income) and then subtracts the following income deductions:
- Line 11300 – Old Age Security pension
- Line 12500 – Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) income
- Line 14500 – Social Assistance payments
- Line 14600 – Net federal supplements (Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowance)
- Line 20700 – Registered Pension Plan deduction
- Line 20800 – Registered Retirement Savings Plan deduction
- Line 21000 – Deduction for elected split – pension amount (Applicable for senior couples only. The program will also collect line 11600 from your spouse’s/partner’s income tax return.)
- Line 10100 / Line 22900 – Employment Income / Other employment expenses (Up to $3,600 of your employment income or the amount on line 22900, whichever is higher, will be deducted from your total income.)
- Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit (T4 slip must be provided)
- A lump-sum payment under the Heroes’ Compensation Act
Your total income minus these allowable deductions results in the income used to calculate your eligibility or your ‘non-deductible’ income. You may be eligible for an Alberta Seniors Benefit if your non-deductible income is within the program thresholds.
The minimum income used to calculate the Alberta Seniors Benefit is zero dollars. For a couple, individual incomes are combined to determine eligibility. If one member of the couple has a negative income (for example, from a business loss, etc.) that income is considered to be zero dollars when combined with their spouse’s income.
Maximum benefit amount
If your non-deductible income is $0 you will receive the maximum benefit available according to your accommodation type and marital status.
If your non-deductible income is greater than $0, the maximum benefit you may receive is reduced for each dollar of non-deductible income reported.
For a single senior
Type of residence | Maximum annual benefit (where income for calculating benefit is $0) | Phase out rate (for income greater than $0)* |
Homeowner, renter, lodge resident | $3,868 | 0.1589 |
Continuing care home | $12,388 | See the Supplementary Accommodation Benefit section below |
Other Residence Categories | $2,695 | 0.1108 |
For a senior couple
Type of residence | Maximum annual benefit (where income for calculating benefits is $0) | Phase out rate (for income greater than $0)* |
Homeowner, renter, lodge resident | $5,801 | 0.1592 |
Continuing care home (with one partner living at home) | $16,256 | See the Supplementary Accommodation Benefit section below |
Other Residence Categories | $5,388 | 0.1480 |
Use the Seniors’ Benefits Estimator to see if you are eligible for benefits.
First time exception
The Alberta Seniors Benefit program bases your benefit on your income from the previous calendar year. However, an exception is made for seniors applying to the program or receiving benefits for the first time.
For seniors applying to the program for the first time, or those who have previously applied but have never received benefits, an estimate of income is allowed to determine benefit eligibility for the current calendar year.
Fill out the Income estimate form and attach it to your application.
When an estimate is used, the estimated income is compared to the actual income reported to the Canada Revenue Agency at the end of the benefit year. If the estimated income was too high, benefits are paid to you retroactively. If an estimated income was too low, and you received benefits for which you were not eligible, you will have to repay the overpayment.
Accommodation benefit
The Supplementary Accommodation Benefit supports eligible seniors who reside in a continuing care home with monthly accommodation charges. The amount received is determined by:
- your personal income from all sources (line 15000 of the previous year’s income tax return) combined with your spouse/partner’s income (regardless of age)
- the maximum monthly accommodation charge for a private room in a continuing care home as set by Alberta Health
- the monthly disposable income amount of at least $365 to assist with personal costs not included in the monthly accommodation charge which covers rooms, meals, housekeeping, and routine building maintenance
The Supplementary Accommodation Benefit is combined with the Alberta Seniors Benefit. You will receive one combined payment each month.
When a couple must live apart for health reasons, a review of eligibility is completed to consider the couple as 2 single seniors living in separate dwellings. Normally this is done by dividing the couple’s total combined income equally (50:50 split) and calculating benefits using the single senior income threshold. Seniors whose monthly income from all sources is less than the current private room rate may receive a benefit.
Seniors with low income not eligible for the federal Old Age Security pension, who are residents of a continuing care home, are considered for the Supplementary Accommodation Benefit.
How to apply
Step 1: Read the information booklet
Seniors Financial Assistance information booklet
Step 2: Select an application option
Complete the Seniors Financial Assistance application using one of the following options:
- Apply online
- Download and print the Seniors Financial Assistance application form
- Request an application by mail by calling the Alberta Supports Contact Centre at 1-877-644-9992; Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Optional income forms are available to help you complete your application:
- Income estimate form – the use of this form is limited to the Alberta Seniors Benefit program. Complete the form if you have experienced a decrease in income compared to your most recent tax return and are applying to the program for the first time or have previously applied but have never received benefits. For more information, see How Your Benefit is Determined – First time exception section above).
- Income information form – complete this form if you have not filed your income tax return for the previous calendar year.
Optional forms are available to help you complete your application:
Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.
Step 3: Include supporting documents
If you are applying online using your verified account, you may skip step 3.
If you are age 65 or older and receive the Old Age Security pension, you do not need to provide one of the following documents.
Otherwise, date of birth validation for you and your spouse/partner (if applicable) must be provided. Upload or attach a photocopy of one of the following documents:
- Canadian birth certificate
- A valid Alberta driver's license
- A valid Alberta identification card
- Passport
- Canada Entry Documents
- Canadian Citizenship Document
- Permanent Resident Card (front and back)
You are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit. Attach a pre-printed cheque from your bank/financial institution with your:
- name
- current address
- bank account number
Make sure to write ‘VOID’ across the cheque
You may also complete a direct deposit form
Step 4: Send in your documents
For printed applications and supporting documents, use one of the following options:
Fax to 780-422-5954
Mail to:
Seniors Financial Assistance
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3
If you need help completing an application, call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre toll-free at 1-877-644-9992.
After you apply
We will send you a letter explaining your benefit eligibility once your application is reviewed.
Update your information
Keeping your information up-to-date helps ensure you receive your benefits.
If any of the following information changes, contact the Alberta Supports Contact Centre at 1-877-644-9992 (have your Personal Health Care card available when calling):
- you move to a new address
- your marital status changes
- your annual income changes
- your eligibility for the Government of Canada Old Age Security pension changes
Alberta Seniors Benefit recipients with a MyAlberta Seniors account may view and update personal information including mailing and home address, residence type, telephone number and banking information. To create your account visit Seniors Financial Assistance online services.
You may also notify the department in writing. Ensure your full name (print), address, telephone number and Personal Health Care number are clearly marked on your document. Select one of the following options to provide your documents:
Fax to 780-422-5954
Mail to the address below:
Seniors Financial Assistance
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3
When benefits end
Benefits stop:
- the month after you leave Alberta to live permanently in another province or country
- the month following a recipient’s death
Retroactive payments
You may receive benefit payments retroactively for up to 11 months before the date Alberta Seniors Benefit receives your completed application form.
Retroactive payments will not be available before your 65th birthday or before 3 months of permanent residency in Alberta.
Payment schedule
The Alberta Seniors Benefit year begins July 1 of each year and ends June 30 of the following year.
To request an explanation or review of the information used to determine your eligibility for the Alberta Seniors Benefit program call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre:
Toll free: 1-877-644-9992
You may appeal a decision regarding your Alberta Seniors Benefit file or benefit amount.
Step 1: Write a letter of appeal
Send information and supporting documentation that will assist in the review of your file to:
Seniors Financial Assistance
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3
Or send by fax to: 780-422-5954
Step 2: Request a final review
If your concern is not resolved, request a final review by writing to:
Assistant Deputy Minister
Seniors Division
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3
Or send fax to: 780-422-5954
Step 3: Complete a Notice of Appeal form
Once Step 2 is complete, a Notice of Appeal form will be mailed to you. Follow the instructions provided with the form.
Connect with the Alberta Supports Contact Centre:
Hours: 7:30 am to 8:00 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 1-877-644-9992
Fax: 780-422-5954
Seniors Financial Assistance
PO Box 3100
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4W3