Alberta Royalty Framework (ARF) Oil Calculator

The ARF Oil Calculator can be used as a tool to assist industry in estimating oil royalties on ARF wells spud prior to 2017.

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This calculator is for estimation only and is not intended to be a substitute for formal royalty calculations by Alberta Energy and Minerals.

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Part 1 - Royalty Price Component (rp)
a. Par Price ≤ $250   $
  ((Par Price - $190.00) * 0.0006) * 100 rp = %
b. Par Price > $250 but ≤ $400   $
  (((Par Price - $250.00) * 0.0010) + 0.0360) * 100 rp = %
c. Par Price > $400 but ≤ $535   $
  (((Par Price - $400.00) * 0.0005) + 0.1860) * 100 rp = %
d. Par Price > $535   $
  (((Par Price - $535.00) * 0.0003) + 0.2535) * 100 rp = %
Part 2 - Royalty Quantity Component (rq)
a. Quantity ≤106.4 m3   m3
  ((Quantity - 106.4 m3 ) * 0.0026) * 100 rq = %
b. Quantity > 106.4 m3 but ≤ 197.6 m3   m3
  ((Quantity - 106.4 m3 ) * 0.0010) * 100 rq = %
c. Quantity > 197.6 m3 but ≤ 304.0 m3   m3
  (((Quantity - 197.6 m3 ) * 0.0007) + 0.0912) * 100 rq = %
d. Quantity > 304.0 m3   m3
  (((Quantity - 304.0 m3 ) * 0.0003) + 0.1657) * 100 rq = %
Part 3 - Royalty Rate ( rp + rq)
  Price Component (rp) Max 35%   %
+ Quantity Component (rq) Max 30%   %
= Royalty Rate Min 0% & Max 40%   %
Part 4 - Royalty Payable
  Quantity   m3
x Royalty Rate   %
= Subtotal   m3
x Crown   %
= Royalty Payable   m3
  Rounded to one decimal   m3


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