Location: Edmonton, Alberta
When a group of 9 Edmonton kids recognized the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic was having on their fellow students, they decided to do something about it. In that moment, iCare Youth was created.
This dedicated band of tech-savvy teens took their talent for tutoring online, contributing more than 550 hours to assist 36 students across the province. With classrooms shuttered by COVID, the shift to online learning has created challenges. But with a little help from their friends at iCare Youth, kitchen table academics have been able to tackle not only the core subjects, but art and Chinese language as well. Because Phys Ed is always one of the most popular classes, iCare produced a series of fitness videos to keep the colleagues active and engaged.
While iCare Youth was created with young people in mind, these caring kids also stepped up for Alberta’s seniors, sending letters to the AgeCare Pen-Pal program to help brighten the lives of seniors isolated by the pandemic.
The compassion shown by young Albertans demonstrates the kind of community spirit that can give us all confidence in better times ahead.
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