Alberta Northern Lights – All recipients

The outstanding Albertans who have been recognized by this volunteer recognition program.

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Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program

Our thanks

The Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program is honoured to recognize the volunteers listed here – and grateful for the contributions they’ve made in their communities.

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192 results
On July 21, Carolyn Steeves was recognized for commitment to the arts in Strathmore.
On May 14, he was recognized for making ear protectors/ear savers for first responders and essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On June 4, they were recognized for providing transportation services to seniors, especially those with critical needs.
On March 10, they were recognized for repairing and restoring donated bicycles and distributing them to those in need.
On October 5, they were recognized for making and donating masks to help protect vulnerable youth and frontline workers during COVID-19.
On April 30, they were recognized for collecting food donations and delivering them to post-secondary students.
On May 23, they were recognized for coordinating the grass-roots effort to support members of their community.
On October 21, they were recognized for their fundraising efforts as well as educating the public about dental health.
On February 18, they were recognized for supporting the health and well-being of Edmontonians and for helping strengthen the community.
On September 8, he was recognized for helping to deliver groceries to over 200 households in the Filipino community during COVID-19.
On February 9, Farah Rahmani was recognized for her efforts to alleviate food security concerns in the community.
On September 24, she was recognized for helping to provide free meals during the pandemic through her student-run non-profit organization.

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