Alberta Methane Emissions Program

This program supports the development of methane emissions reduction technology to boost provincial emissions management efforts.


The Alberta Methane Emissions Program (AMEP) is a $17-million program funded by the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) system. AMEP supports Alberta’s methane emissions reduction efforts by enabling methane emissions reductions in Alberta’s oil and gas industry, while supporting government regulatory revisions, cutting industry costs, and assuring best practices regarding methane detection and management.

The AMEP is a multi-year funding program that focuses on 3 components: Alternative Fugitive Emissions Program (Alt-FEMP) Proposals, Data Management and Analytics and Technology Development Trials.

The Government of Alberta sought proposals for a qualified third-party program delivery agent to implement the AMEP and through a competitive process awarded the delivery agent grant to Carbon Management Canada (CMC), in partnership with the Sundre Petroleum Operators Group (SPOG), referred to jointly as the Delivery Agent Partnership.

Visit Alberta Methane Emissions Program for program details and the initial round of Requests for Expressions of Interest for Alt-FEMP Proposals and Technology Development Trials.


Connect with the Alberta Methane Emissions Program (AMEP):
Email: [email protected]