Alberta Land Trust Grant Program

Alberta-based land trusts can apply for funding to conserve ecologically important areas to prevent habitat fragmentation, maintain biodiversity and preserve native landscapes.

Important dates

Program applications are now closed for 2024-25.


In Alberta, the conservation of private land supports natural landscapes that sustain healthy fish and wildlife populations, conserves ecological services that benefit the economy and human health, and enhances recreational opportunities for Albertans.

The Alberta Land Trust Grant Program helps provide funding to establish, administer, and steward new conservation easements on private land and administer and steward new conservation land acquired by land trusts. Project streams are conservation easements and fee simple projects.

Any registered Alberta-based land trust organization with the stated mission of land conservation can apply for funding from the program.

About the program

The Alberta Land Trust Grant program aligns with the Government of Alberta’s conversation priorities:

  • maintaining large areas of native landscape
  • conserving connecting corridors
  • sustaining disconnected pockets of native habitat within fragmented landscapes, and
  • support watershed functions for healthy aquatic ecosystems and water quality.

Funding for the program is from the Land Stewardship Fund and is generated from the proceeds of public land sales.

Conservation easements are legally binding voluntary agreements between a landowner and a land trust. When placed on the land title, an easement may restrict some future surface development but maintains an agricultural working landscape and allows current activities, such as farming and ranching, to continue. The landowner retains title of the property.

There are no limits on the number of projects or locations a land trust can apply for. Each project will require an individual application and will be evaluated independently.


  • Eligible funding categories

    Funding can be used for:

    • Securement of a conservation easement that is registered on the land title for perpetuity.
    • Land assessment and planning involved with a new conservation easement or fee simple land acquired by the land trust, such as undertaking a baseline survey.
    • Administrative costs involved in obtaining or maintaining the conservation easement or fee simple land acquired by the land trust. Costs must be directly related to the project such as legal fees, accounting, and bookkeeping.
    • Extension directly related to the project (for example, educational signage).
      • Grant funding cannot be used to raise funds or increase membership.
    • Stewardship Endowment to ensure the continued conservation and maintenance of the property.
    • When funding is available, project development funding for the development of new projects.
  • Ineligible funding categories

    Funding cannot be used for the following:

    • Land purchases.
    • Existing conservation projects – Grants from this program are intended to enable new conservation projects only.
    • Conservation easements or fee simple land acquired by the land trust more than a year prior to the application closing date (at the discretion of the Department).
    • Expenses not directly related to the costs of this project.
  • Who can apply

    • A land trust is a not-for-profit, non-government organization established to promote the conservation of biodiversity on private land.
    • Eligible applicants are land trusts based in Alberta that operate and deliver conservation programs exclusively in Alberta.
    • Eligible applicants must provide other leveraged funding and demonstrate that their application aligns with the Department’s overall conservation objectives and requirements of the program.

    The Alberta Land Stewardship Fund was established following changes in 2010 to the Public Lands Act, resulting from the Alberta Land Stewardship Act.

How to apply

Eligible land trusts can connect with the Department to receive an application form and to discuss potential projects.

Completed application forms can be submitted by email: [email protected].

Program applications are currently closed.

  • After you apply

    All Alberta Land Trust Grant applications will be reviewed for completion and eligibility. An internal review committee will verify that the proposed project aligns with the Department’s conservation objectives and that the appropriate amount of leveraged funding is available.

    Recommendations from the review committee will then be submitted to the Deputy Minister for final approval.

  • Internal review committee

    The internal review committee comprises representatives from:

    • Lands Policy and Programs
    • Rangeland and Resource Stewardship
    • Fish and Wildlife
    • Regional Planning
    • Finance

    If needed, the internal review committee will consult with regional field staff located near the project areas for expert opinion.

  • Evaluation criteria

    Project proposals will be evaluated on the following:

    1. Alignment with Government of Alberta conservation priorities.
    • maintaining large areas of native landscape
    • conserving connecting corridors
    • sustaining disconnected pockets of native habitat within fragmented landscapes
    • supporting watershed functions for healthy aquatic ecosystems and water quality
    1. Contribution to secondary targets and objectives for conservation priorities include:
    • maintain working landscapes
    • increase biodiversity values
    • support the conservation for species at risk
    • support carbon sequestration
    • support recreation opportunities
    • support ecosystem goods and services
    1. Ability to leverage funds.
      Leveraging categories include:
    • cash
    • the value of the donated land or conservation easement
    • in kind services such as manpower and equipment donations directly related to the project
    • other committed grants
  • Reporting

    Land trusts must submit reporting as directed by the program area to the Department that outlines the land trust’s achievements and funding used to date. Land trusts must also submit a final report at the conclusion of their project that describes the conservation outcomes achieved by the grant.


Connect with the Land Policy and Programs Branch:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 310-3773 (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]