The crime and justice statistics dashboards show crime rates for:
- the last 10 years
- all the provinces and territories
- Alberta compared to the rest of Canada
Use the dashboard to see Alberta compared to Canada for:
- Criminal Code violations – excluding traffic
- Crime Severity Indexes
The court statistics dashboard reports court activity in Alberta.
Crime and justice statistics dashboards
When you look at the dashboards, keep in mind:
- crime rates change
- there isn’t a simple answer why crime rates go up and down
Court statistics dashboards
The dashboard shows visualizations for court activities:
- clearance rate
- criminal lead time
- charges commenced
- serious and violent crime lead time
Data and details
Traffic violations are excluded from the dashboards because they skew regions’ crime rates.
The dashboards use data from the below Statistics Canada websites. Visit them for:
- source data
- data collection methods
- detailed definitions and rationale
Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (Statistics Canada)
Table 35-10-0177-01 Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations, Canada, provinces, territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Canadian Forces Military Police (Statistics Canada)
Table 35-10-0026-01 Crime severity index and weighted clearance rates, Canada, provinces, territories and Census Metropolitan Areas (Statistics Canada)