Part of Immigration

Alberta Immigrant Mentorship Innovation Grant

Apply for funding for projects that support the development of career mentorship opportunities for immigrants.

Important dates

Applicants’ Information Call: 10:30 am, January 12, 2022

Application deadline: Noon, 12 pm (MT) February 14, 2022

Funding decision notification: March 2022


This grant funding provides career mentorship opportunities for new Albertans to support their full economic inclusion and grow the economy.

Call for proposals

Apply to have your project funded under one or more of the 4 grant priorities:

  1. Support employers to provide mentorship opportunities that will enhance the labour market attachment of immigrants.
  2. Support the development and delivery of mentorship programming in small and rural communities that will attract and retain newcomers to support rural economic growth.
  3. Develop mentorship programming to meet the needs of under-served immigrant groups.
  4. Develop and deliver innovative mentorship programming to improve the economic integration of Alberta newcomers.


To apply for a grant, applicant organizations and projects must meet these guidelines.

Eligible applicants

Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to:

  • immigrant-serving organizations
  • professional regulatory organizations and professional associations
  • non-profit organizations
  • industry associations
  • post-secondary institutions
  • community organizations
  • employers

Applicants must:

  • be a legal and registered entity in Alberta
  • have the ability, including financial management, to implement a grant agreement
  • demonstrate, or partner with an organization that demonstrates, relevant experience in related activities to those being proposed in the application

For projects with partnerships, the principal applicant must be:

  • an eligible applicant as listed above
  • responsible for the fiscal management of the project
  • the lead role in planning the project scope, timeline and outputs
  • the lead in the project coordination
  • accountable for all project deliverables and reporting requirements

Eligible proposals

To be eligible, proposals must:

  • be time-limited, up to a maximum of 36 months
  • address at least one of the grant priorities listed above
  • provide career mentorship to eligible immigrants, including naturalized Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or protected persons under the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act who are legally allowed to work in Canada

How to apply

Step 1. Read the terms and conditions

Read the sample Grant Agreement Template. It covers the terms and conditions of this grant program.

Step 2. Review the Application Guidelines

Before applying, review the Application Guidelines. It contains detailed information that you need to know before you decide to apply.

Step 3. Participate in the Applicants’ Information Call

Meeting link:

Step 4. Download the application templates

Step 5. Complete the application

A complete application consists of all 5 documents listed in Step 4, along with documentation listed under ‘Application Requirements’ in the Application Guidelines.

Read the Application Guidelines carefully for the details to ensure you have included all necessary information.

Step 6. Submit the application

  • Submit your completed application documents in one email to  by 12 pm (noon) (MT), February 14, 2022.
  • Title the subject line of your email as:
    [Organization Name]: Mentorship Innovation Grant CFP 2021-2022 Application
  • If there are server restrictions that prevent you from sending large email attachments, send an email to indicating you will need to send multiple emails to fulfil all the submission requirements, and proceed to do so.

After you apply

After you apply, the following steps occur:

1. Initial screening

We screen the applications to make sure they are complete and meet the eligibility criteria.

2. Committee review

A committee reviews and scores applications that pass the initial screening. Scoring is based on the overall application package and how it addresses the following criteria:

  • need for the project
  • project deliverables and design
  • ability of organization(s) to deliver project
  • risk identification and management
  • implementation plan
  • outcome measurement plan
  • budget

3. Internal review

We will consider all applications recommended by the application review committees and award grants based on:

  • application scores
  • provincial needs
  • priorities
  • available funding

We will notify all applicants in March 2022 to share the results of their applications.


Connect with the Foreign Qualification Recognition program: