Alberta ferry schedules

Hours of operation, specifications and contact information for ferries across the province.


Alberta operates 6 ferries as part of Alberta’s highway network.

Bleriot Ferry

Visit 511 Alberta for the most recent information about ferry operations.

Bleriot Ferry

Table 1. Bleriot Ferry information

LocationHighway 838 over the Red Deer River
Operating informationOperates: 8 am to 11 pm daily from mid-spring to the September long weekend. 8 am to 7 pm daily from the September long weekend to October 30.
Length of crossing (m)105
Load capacity (kg)62,500
Ferry Length (m)27.6
Ferry breadth (m)10.36
Ferry hull depth (m)1.37
Capacity1 crew member, 45 passengers, 13 mid-size cars
Year built1997
ContactPhone: 1-800-390-2242 (Emcon Services Inc.)
Phone: 403-823-1788 (Carson Elliot)

Crowfoot Ferry

Visit 511 Alberta for the most recent information about ferry operations.

Crowfoot Ferry

Table 2. Crowfoot Ferry information

LocationRange Road 201, 5 km south of the junction of Highways 1 and 56
Operating informationOperates: 7 am to midnight daily from May 1 to noon of September 30
Length of crossing (m)150
Load capacity (kg)62,500
Ferry Length (m)27.6
Ferry breadth (m)10.36
Ferry hull depth (m)1.37
Capacity1 crew member, 45 passengers, 9 mid-size cars
Year built1992
ContactPhone: 1-888-877-6237 (Volker Stevin Highways Ltd.)
Phone: 403-803-4032 (Justin Corbiell)

Finnegan Ferry

Visit 511 Alberta for the most recent information about ferry operations.

Finnegan Ferry

Table 3. Finnegan Ferry information

LocationHighway 862 over the Red Deer River
Operating informationOperates: 7 am to midnight daily from April 20 to July 31.
7 am to 10 pm from August 1 to 31.
7 am to 8 pm September 1 to end of season.
Length of crossing (m)105
Load capacity (kg)62,500
Ferry Length (m)22.5
Ferry breadth (m)10.36
Ferry hull depth (m)1.37
Capacity1 crew, 19 passengers, 13 mid-size cars
Year built2001
ContactPhone: 1-888-877-6237 (Volker Stevin Highways Ltd.)
Phone: 403-529-3644 (Doug Scheeler)

Klondyke Ferry

Visit 511 Alberta for the most recent information about ferry operations.

Klondyke Ferry

Table 4. Klondyke Ferry information

LocationHighway 661 over the Athabasca River
Operating informationOperates: 6:30 am to 11:30 pm daily from May 3 to mid-November
Length of crossing (m)230
Load capacity (kg)50,000
Ferry Length (m)20.42
Ferry breadth (m)9.96
Ferry hull depth (m)1.3
Capacity1 crew member, 50 passengers, 13 mid-size cars
Year built1983
ContactPhone: 1-800-828-3908 (LaPrairie Group)
Phone: 780-674-8228 (Brent Churla)

La Crete Ferry

Visit 511 Alberta for the most recent information about ferry operations.

LaCrete Ferry

Table 5. La Crete Ferry information

LocationHighway 697 over the Peace River
Operating informationOperates: 24 hours a day from mid-spring until mid-November
Length of crossing (m)680
Load capacity (kg)95,000
Ferry Length (m)33.4
Ferry breadth (m)32
Ferry hull depth (m)1.52
Capacity2 crew members, 60 passengers, 14 mid-size cars
Year built1987
ContactPhone: 1-800-828-3908 (La Prairie Group)
Phone: 780-926-2241 (Paul Catt)

Shaftesbury Ferry

Visit 511 Alberta for the most recent information about ferry operations.

Shaftesbury Ferry

Table 6. Shaftesbury Ferry information

LocationHighway 740 over the Peace River
Operating informationOperates: 7 am to 11:30 pm from mid-spring until mid-November
Length of crossing (m)325
Load capacity (kg)38,000
PropulsionHull, tug push
Ferry Length (m)22.56
Ferry breadth (m)12.12
Ferry hull depth (m)1.22
Capacity2 crew members, 46 passengers, 8 mid-size cars
Year built1962
ContactPhone: 1-800-828-3908 (La Prairie Group)
Phone: 780-624-6132 (Erwin Kurz)


For more information about Alberta ferries:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-415-1030
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors
2nd Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta  T6B 2X3