Emission offsets are generated by projects that have voluntarily reduced their greenhouse gas emissions. Emission offsets are quantified using Alberta-approved methodologies called quantification protocols, and are verified by a third party in accordance with the Standard for Validation, Verification and Audit.
Emission offset projects must meet the requirements in the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) regulation, the Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Project Developers, and a relevant Alberta-approved quantification protocol.
Alberta emission offsets are registered and publicly listed on the Alberta Emission Offset Registry currently operated by CSA Group.
- For more overview information, see the TIER Alberta Emission Offset Fact Sheet.
Standards and guidance
- Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Project Developers (version 3.2) was published April 28, 2023.
- The Alberta Offset Project Plan form and Alberta Offset Project Report form provided as Appendix A and Appendix B version 3.1 will be required for all submissions starting June 1, 2023.
- Standard for Validation, Verification and Audit (version 5.2) This document outlines the requirements for validation, verification and audit under the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction Regulation. Version 5.2 must be relied on for submissions to the Alberta Emission Offset Registry after January 31, 2023.
- Offset Verification Report Template (version 4.0) Starting January 1, 2025, the Alberta Emissions Offset Registry will only accept verification reports completed using the Offset Verification Report Template (Version 4.0).
- {Replaced with Version 4.0} Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook (version 3.0) Offset projects initiated on or after January 1, 2020 and prior to January 1, 2023 must use version 2.0 of the Handbook. Refer to the Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Project Developers for further guidance.
- Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook (version 3.0) Offset projects initiated on or after January 1, 2023 and prior to January 1, 2024 must use either version 3.0 or version 3.1 of the Handbook. Refer to the Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Project Developers for further guidance.
- Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook (version 3.1) Offset projects initiated on or after January 1, 2024 must use version 3.1 of the Handbook. Refer to the Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Project Developers for further guidance.
- Methodology for the Electricity Grid Displacement Factor
- Technical Guidance for Offset Protocol Development and Revision (Version 2.0 2018)
- Technical Guidance for the Assessment of Additionality (Version 1.0 2018)
Quantification protocols
Approved protocols
- Aerobic Composting
- Aerobic Landfill Bioreactor
- Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Emission Reductions (Version 2.1)
- Biofuel Production and Usage
- Biogas Production and Combustion
- Carbon Dioxide Capture and Permanent Geologic Sequestration (Version 2.0)
- Distributed Renewable Energy Generation
- Energy Efficiency Projects
- Energy Generation from the Combustion of Biomass Waste
- Enhanced Oil Recovery (Version 2.0)
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Pneumatic Devices (Version 3.0) This protocol is effective January 1, 2023 and must be used to quantify emission offsets generated in the 2023 vintage going forward.
- Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion
- Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fed Cattle
- Selection for Low Residual Feed Intake Markers in Beef Cattle
- Solar Electricity Generation
- Vent Gas Reduction
- Waste Heat Recovery
- Wind-Powered Electricity Generation
Flagged protocols
The following protocols are flagged, which means that a project developer cannot initiate or implement an emission offset project without written authorization from the director.
For more information on applying to the director to use a flagged protocol, please see the Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Project Developers.
Withdrawn protocols
The following protocols are withdrawn, which means that no new projects can be initiated using these protocols. For information on withdrawn protocols, see the Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emission Offset Project Developers.
- Acid Gas Injection (Version 1)
- Aerobic Composting (Version 2.0)
The Quantification Protocol for Aerobic Composting Version 2.0 has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Aerobic Composting Version 3.0. - Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Emission Reductions (Version 2.0)
The quantification protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Agricultural Nitrous Oxide Emission Reductions (Version 2.1). - Anaerobic Decomposition of Agricultural Materials (Version 1)
The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Biogas Production and Combustion (Version 1.0) - Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater Projects (Version 1.0)
The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Biogas Production and Combustion (Version 1.0) - Conservation Cropping Protocol (Version 1.0) See Clarification memorandum under Notices and updates.
- Conversion of Drilling Rigs from Diesel-Electric to High Line Electricity Source (Version 1.0)
- CO2 Capture and Permanent Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers (Version 1.0)
The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Permanent Geologic Sequestration (Version 2.0) - Direct Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Arising from Changes in Forest Harvest Practices (Version 1.0)
- Emissions Reductions from Dairy Cattle (Version 1.0)
- Energy Efficiency for Commercial and Institutional Buildings (Version 1.0)
The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Energy Efficiency Projects (Version 2.0). - Energy Efficiency Projects (Version 1) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Energy Efficiency Projects (Version 2.0).
- Energy Generation From the Combustion of Biomass Waste (Version 2.0) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Energy Generation from the Combustion of Biomass Waste Quantification Protocol (Version 2.2).
- Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture (Version 1.0) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture (Version 2.0).
- Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture (Version 2.0) The Quantification Protocol for Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture (Version 2.0) has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Vent Gas Reduction.
- Enhanced Oil Recovery (Version 1)
- Enhanced Oil Recovery – Streamlined (Version 1)
- Fuel Switching in Mobile Equipment (Version 1.0)
- Gravel and Lightly Surfaced Road Rehabilitation Projects (Version 1)
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Pneumatic Devices (Version 2.0) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Pneumatic Devices (Version 2.1).
- Errata for the Quantification Protocol for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Pneumatic Devices (Version 2.1) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Pneumatic Devices (Version 3.0).
- Including Edible Oils in Cattle Feeding Regimes
- Innovative Feeding of Swine and Storing and Spreading of Swine Manure
- Instrument Gas to Instrument Air Conversion in Process Control Systems (Version 1.0) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Pneumatic Devices.
- The Quantification Protocol for Instrument Gas to Instrument Air Conversion in Process Control Systems has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Pneumatic Devices effective January 25, 2017.
- Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (Version 2.0) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (Version 3.0).
- Low-Retention, Water-Powered Electricity Generation as Run-of-the-River or an Existing Reservoir (Version 1.0)
- Modal Freight Shifting
- Nitrous Oxide Abatement from Nitric Acid Production (Version 1.0)
- Non-Incineration of Thermal Waste Conversion (Version 1.0)
- Reduced Age at Harvest of Beef Cattle (Version 2.0)
- Reducing Days on Feed of Beef Cattle (Version 2.0)
The Quantification Protocol Reducing Days on Feed of Beef Cattle has been replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fed Cattle. (Version 3.0) - Solution Gas Conservation (Version 1.0) The Quantification Protocol for Solution Gas Conservation has been withdrawn and replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Vent Gas Reduction.
- Substitution of Bitumen Binder in Hot Mix Asphalt Production and Usage (Version 1.0)
- Tillage System Management
The Quantification Protocol for Tillage System Management (February 2009) has been replaced with the Quantification Protocol for Conservation Cropping (March 2012) effective January 1, 2012 for offset credits generated in 2012 and forward. - Waste Heat Recovery Projects (Version 1) The Quantification Protocol has been withdrawn and replaced with Waste Heat Recovery (Version 2.0).
- Waste Heat Recovery – Streamlined (Version 1)
Documents for comment
Alberta's protocol development process is outlined in the Technical Guidance for Offset Protocol Development and Revision. As part of the development and revision process, draft protocols are posted for a 30-day public comment period.
Read about the collection of your personal information
The personal information collected through the Alberta Emission Offset System protocol development process may be used for the purpose of developing and revising draft offset protocol documents. Any personal information you provide through the public comment process may be used by the government to determine if changes to the draft document(s) are required.
This personal information collection is authorized under Section 8 (1)(2) of the Government Organization Act and Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.
If you have any questions about this collection of personal information, please contact the Climate Regulation and Carbon Markets Branch by email at epa.ghg@gov.ab.ca.
Notices and updates
Errata and clarifications
- Errata for the Quantification Protocol for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Pneumatic Devices (Version 2.1) – October 26, 2022
- Quantification Protocol for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Pneumatic Devices v 3.0 - Clarification and Guidance – February 27, 2025
- Flagging of the Quantification Protocol for CO2 Capture and Permanent Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers (Version 1.0) – September 9, 2024
- Avoidance of Double Registration in Alberta Emission Offset System and Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System – April 22, 2024
- Clarification on Withdrawal of the Quantification Protocol for Conservation Cropping – July 8, 2022
- Project Eligibility Quantification Protocol for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Pneumatic Devices – November 25, 2021
- Withdrawal of the Quantification Protocol for Conservation Cropping (Version 1.0 April 2012) – December 14, 2020
- Additionality Assessment of the Quantification Protocol for Conservation Cropping November 2019
- Flagging of the Quantification Protocol for Engine Fuel Management and Vent Gas Capture (Version 2.0)
- Alberta Emissions Offset System Protocol Revision and Withdrawal
- Interaction of Emission Offsets and Rebates from Energy Efficiency Alberta
- Flagging Solution Gas Protocol
- Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook
- Notice of Change of Registry Service Provider for the Alberta Emission Offset Registry
- Notice of Change for Global Warming Potentials
- Ownership Requirements for First Nations Projects
- Clarification on Eligibility Requirements for Aggregated Tillage Projects on First Nations Lands
- Notice of Final Deadlines for Claiming Historic Offset Credits
- Reminder on Third Party Verification and Audits Requirements
- Notice of Eligibility Requirements for First Nations Tillage Management Projects
- Ownership Requirements for Aggregated Tillage Management Projects
- Notice to Aggregators Regarding Aggregation of Offset Credits Generated on First Nations and Metis
- TIER Amendments – Stakeholder Information Webinar
- TIER Amendments – Webinar Common Q and A – January 2023
- 2019 CCIR Compliance Workshop Emission Offset presentation
- 2019 TIER Emission Offsets Webinar presentation
- 2018 CCIR Compliance Workshop presentation
- 2018 CCIR Compliance Workshop presentation
- 2017 SGER Compliance Workshop presentation
- 2016 Specified Gas Emitters and Reporting Workshop presentation
Connect with the Climate Regulation and Carbon Markets Branch, Alberta Environment and Protected Areas:
Email: epa.ghg@gov.ab.ca
Submit a query: TIER System contact form
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