Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines

Ambient Air Quality Objectives are developed to protect human health and the environment.


Alberta's Ambient Air Quality Objectives (AAAQOs) and Guidelines (AAAQGs) are developed under section 12 of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA). Objectives and guidelines may be developed under EPEA for all of parts of Alberta and are a component of Alberta’s air quality management system.

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives

AAAQOs are developed to protect human health and the environment and address the concerns of Albertans. AAAQOs are used in a variety of contexts, including:

  • as part of regulatory applications
  • to establish approval conditions
  • to assess beyond project boundary impacts
  • to inform Albertans about ambient air quality
  • to guide air quality surveys and focused studies
  • to augment reporting of the national Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)
  • to report on the condition of the environment in Alberta

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Guidelines

Unlike AAAQOs, AAAQGs are used for more specific environmental protection goals, including as an indicator for some types of odour. They are a tool for planning and air quality management, such as:

  • as a general performance indicator of ambient air quality
  • to assess air quality trends over time
  • to assess local air quality concerns (for example, nuisance dust, etc.)

AAAQGs for odour management

AAAQGs for odour management (odour guidelines) are a subset of AAAQGs and are used as an indicator for the need to manage of some types of odour. Odour guidelines may be used for:

  • identifying and characterizing an odour issue
  • identifying the source(s) of an odour
  • providing a quantitative, evidence-based validation of odour-based complaints
  • where applicable, to manage emissions that impact local ambient air quality through regulatory air quality modelling and management plans for odour

Regulatory application of AAAQOs and AAAQGs

AAAQOs and AAAQGs are the principal regulatory tool for the management of ambient air quality in the province.

AAAQOs and AAAQGs apply to anyone who releases a substance into the atmosphere, including those specified in Chapter 1 of Alberta’s Air Monitoring Directive (AMD). Ambient air concentrations above AAAQOs and AAAQGs must be reported as outlined in the AMD using specific reporting protocols.

Anyone responsible for activities that emit substances into the atmosphere requiring an EPEA approval, operating under a Code of Practice, or as required by other regulatory agencies in Alberta must undertake air quality modelling (see the Air Quality Model Guideline [2021]) to demonstrate impact relative to:

  • AAAQOs
  • AAAQGs where it is reasonable to expect a local concern

Development of AAAQOs and AAAQGs

AAAQOs and AAAQGs are based on scientific information about the impacts of substances released to the atmosphere on human health and the environment. They may be updated as new scientific information becomes available. Many considerations are made, and may include:

  • monitoring technology
  • natural ranges and fluctuations in concentrations
  • types of sensitive receptors
  • the behaviour of the substance in the atmosphere and environment
  • technological and economic feasibility of controlling or monitoring the substance
  • comparison to other jurisdictions

Public consultation is required, including the opportunity for feedback on which substances AAAQOs and AAAQGs are developed for. The following steps are taken in the public consultation process:

  • materials developed for public review are posted for consideration for at least 60 days (those subscribed to the mailing list (see below) will be notified)
  • feedback received from the review period is consolidated and analyzed with revisions as needed
  • final documents are posted online with an effective date at least 60 days following (those subscribed to the mailing list (see below) will be notified)
  • ambient air quality monitoring stakeholders have 90 days from the effective date to update or implement monitoring protocols and report according to the new or amended AAAQO or AAAQG

Mailing list

The department has an automatic emailing system to distribute information on ambient air quality objectives to subscribers. This list is open to department staff, industry, non-government organizations, consultants and members of the public.

Check that your email address is correct before you subscribe. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your subscription was not successful.

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

Industrial air management

The following document provides guidance for the implementation of Ambient Air Quality Objectives in air dispersion modelling and ambient air monitoring:

This document is currently under revision and an updated version will be posted after revisions are complete.

Supporting documents

Substance descriptions, effects and information about AAAQO or AAAQG concentration levels are provided in supporting documents.


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: 2-Ethylhexanol


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Acetone


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Acrolein

Acrylic Acid

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Acrylic Acid


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Acrylonitrile


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Ammonia


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Arsenic


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Benzene


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Benzo(a)pyrene

Carbon Disulphide

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Carbon Disulphide


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Cumene


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Ethylbenzene


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Ethylene

Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Formaldehyde


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Hexane

Hydrogen Fluoride

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Hydrogen Fluoride


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Isopropanol


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Manganese


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Naphthalene


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Nickel

Nitrogen Dioxide

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Nitrogen Dioxide


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Ozone


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Pentachlorophenol

Propylene Oxide

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Propylene Oxide

Sulphur Dioxide

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Sulphur Dioxide


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Toluene

Total Reduced Sulphur

Alberta Ambient Air Quality Guideline for Total Reduced Sulphur


Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives: Xylenes


Connect with us if you have questions or feedback on the ambient air quality objectives:
