Air Quality Health Index – Resources

Applications, videos and other education and media resources related to the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI).

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Smartphone application

Download the WeatherCAN App.

The WeatherCAN app from Environment and Climate Change Canada provides current weather conditions and forecasts for over 10,000 locations in Canada. Receive push notifications on weather alerts issued by Environment and Climate Change Canada, including special air quality statements, for your location and saved locations anywhere in Canada.

Custom AQHI notifications can be set in-app to be notified of AQHI information in accordance to user-defined AQHI thresholds.

Wildfire resources

Smoke events as a result of wildfires are a common occurrence in the summertime, but can also occur in the spring and fall. Smoke during these events can be very thick, and persist for several days. Information about wildfire smoke and air quality in Alberta can be found at:

The current status of Alberta wildfires can be found at:

Wildfire smoke forecasts are available from FireSmoke Canada which shows the predicted movement and concentrations of smoke over the next three days.

Health Canada Wildfire Smoke fact sheets:

Education resources

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