Access air data
Review Alberta ambient air and industrial emissions data provided by the Government of Alberta as well as from other provincial and national sources.

Learn about the air quality datasets currently included in the Alberta Air Data Warehouse and how to navigate data downloads.

Explore the Air section of the Environmental monitoring web page to discover how ambient air quality data in Alberta is collected.

Review information on Alberta’s Air Emissions Inventory Reporting (AEIR) program and collection of air pollutant emissions data from select industrial facilities throughout the province.
Alberta Air Data Warehouse information
The Alberta Air Data Warehouse is a central repository for air quality and continuous emissions monitoring data collected in Alberta, and associated metadata (information about the data).
For more information relating to:
- Ambient air data or general air data inquiries | Email: air.data@gov.ab.ca
- CEMS data | Email: cem.usercoord@gov.ab.ca
- Emissions inventory | Email: emissions.inventory@gov.ab.ca
- Industrial data | Email: air.reporting@gov.ab.ca