Agricultural awards programs

Recognition for Alberta farm families, producers and agricultural societies that have shown exemplary leadership and accomplishment.

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Agricultural awards programs


These awards were created to recognize individuals, families and societies that have been instrumental in showing leadership within Alberta’s agricultural community. Find out how to nominate someone for our awards programs, and read about the honoured recipients.

Recognizing exemplary agricultural leadership and accomplishment in the province since 1951.

Recognizing farm families who have owned and actively operated the same land for at least 100 or 125 years.

Celebrating new initiatives and innovations ag societies have undertaken that positively impact their communities.

Donald Bergen family standing outside of original homestead

Recipients dashboard

In 2021, the Alberta government recognized the Donald/Bergen Family of Oyen, Alberta for owning and operating their farm for 100 years. This original homestead house remains on the property today. View details of all Century Farm and Ranch Award recipients.

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